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.,.■■., - , .. . . __. COOK HOUSE, EH. HUDSON, Proprietor, Npwly Furulshed. The leiding hoof o In Ana Arbor. UNION HOTEL. T?IBST-CLASS In all respects. Everythlng Ju new; flne rooms, well furnished. Terms, fl per day and upwarda. Special rates to week It boardera. Meals 25 eton. John Schneider Jr., Proprioter. Corner of Washington and 8eO' ond strocU, Ann Arbor, Mich. NICIIOLS BROS., Vy W. & A. C. NIOHOLS, D. D. S.Dtnta v" ' Office Masonic Tempe Block, over bivinjr Bank, Aon Arbor, Mu Ii. WILLIAMt CASPARY, DAKEEY AND COMÏECTIONEKY, Cor. Fourtb ana AnnBtreetí. EDVVARD PATE, MACHINIST, and repairer of Surglcal Instru meots, LocKs. Vmbrellas and Parnsols Fine Uaclilnc and Bicycle Worlc a Specialty. Ko MNr.rth Vln-t . Alm Al'bOr. Mich. RUBÉN KEMPF rpEACHER of Piano, Organ and Theory ol X Musjc. N'o. ü, Eaat Wablngton-et., over Rln eer & Sabolt's. Leave orders for Piano tunlng JOSEPH CLINTON, MerobantTailor. hop over Wpi. Allaby' bool and hoe store. All work tuaranteed or nc OMrf. JOHN F. LAWÈÊNCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Nos. 3 Bill 's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. B. NORRIS, A TTORNIY AT LAW. Does a general law, rV oollection and convovance busiaess. A moderate patronage is raspectively bolieited. Office in the court house, Ann Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SUKGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street, opposite the rirt National Bank isn Arbor, Mich. anton"eisele, DBALER IN MONUMiSTSaud GraTestones manufactured from '1 naeuee aqd ituJian tfarble and Scotch and Atnrncan Óranite Shop yr. Detroit acd Cathoflu sts., Ann Arbor., tfich. WILLIAM HERZ, HOUSE, SIGM, Ornamental and Fresco Pain ter. QildioL, Calcimining, Qlazing&nd l'aper üanglng AU work don in the best atyle and rarranted to resal sfuctlon. Shop, No. 4 Wesl A'aaliiugtcu slrtet. Aon Arbor, Michigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Inittruotion Books, Viulins, Guitars, Flutes, &o. , thl) at TViisey '9 Muda Rouunt. cast ide I'ubllo iquare, Ann Arbor, Michigan. The largeftt aud )#gt Stock of Musical üoóds ever broutht into IVaslitenaw County. Violin and Quitar Strliigs ft rpeclalty. N. B.- It wlll be to your interest to tali beior purchaslng aaythlng In the Musía ta. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte. [HAVE a completo eompilation of the Official Records of "Vanhtunaw _'ounty to date. inahiüat all Tax Titlrs, Kx:eutions, any incumbronce ' in Real Estáte, that i o( Record in the Registert ifflce. is shewn by my book. Office, in the Boa &f the secretary of the Washteuaw mutual uiurince company, in tiie basement of the :ourt louse. C. H. MANLY. Ann Arbor. Mlch. 3VJ_a:r?l5ie1j. C. W, VOGEL, Proprietok, Late of C-lielsea, at THOMAS MA'XTHEWö' OLiV STANL? On Ann Street. rUKSn AND SALT MEATS KIPT OU HAND The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Orranizpd J809, under the General Banking Luw f tïiis state has now, mcluding capital Stocfc, te., etc., OTEH $500,000 A8SJBT3. Eueiness men. Guardián Trustees, Ladiea and tuier persona willflnd this Bank a SAFE AND C0NVENI1NT Place at whlch to make Deposita and do businrsr. 'riterest is AJlowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and upward, according to the ruim ol vhe bank. and interest cotnpounded aemi annu lUy. Money to Loan In Surns of $25 to $5,OOO, iecured by Unlncumbered Real Eetato and otr.or lood aecurltie. DIREOTOBS- Thristln Mck. W. W. Wlne V. I). Harriman, VflUlUB Denble, David Hiiiscy, Oanll lllscock and SV. I. Sn.iili OFFICiSHS- ChrlBtlan Mek. President; W. W Wlnes. VicelTBnidPul: C. E. Illsciirk, Cashler D. KIERSTEAD'S ITISDOW BliADG FACTORY, 35 Norlh Fiftft V street. The Favorlt of every Hougekpr. The attentiou of public is most resppctfuUjr alled to my manufactura of Superior Wooden ijhades, known aa the Kngtic windov Shds. lpor Durabilily, Curapneea, CoAvonlenue and Beauty, they oan not be excelh tl. Mv ain is ïo 8upply a line of goods of genuino nierit. put up Inelegant stvle. und at fair rotes. I am DOW manufacturiug a Buparíor Sliade, the best of the kind ever offcred in tliis m&rket. WeaÜïol Btripsof r".fry variety, for doors and windowa, at my establishment. Get Your Property InsuredBy C. H. (VULLEN, INSURANCE AGJRIVr, No. 4 South Main street, Ann Arbor. The oldest acncy in the city. Established a quartor of a century ago. Kepresenling the followlnc flrstclaas companies, with over $30,000,0ü'J amts. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Continental Ins. Co., cf N. ï.; Niágara lus. Co., o N. Yj Girard Ins. Co., of Plnla.; Onea Ins. Co., of Hartford; CortriEercial Union of Londo 1; Liverpool and London aud Globe. 6FRates low. Loases hbnly adiustei tai rmMy patd. :. n. MiLLtK.


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Ann Arbor Democrat