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Eroory A. Storrs of Chicago, thedlstinguishec! lawyèr and speaker, died Midilcnly at Ottawa, 111., ou the 12th, of paralysis of the heart. He had been argning a case before the supreine court, and was taken ill only the day Lafore hls deatta. FATAL I1AII.WAY ACCIDENT. A terrible accident occurred on the Eric & Plttsburgh roa'l near West Middlesex, Pcnn. Twd n:issfimcr t.rains - one au excursión train - collided, and Engineers Bates and Dougherty aml Fircntan Kyder were killed. No passengers wm: lujured, 1 i OXGER LEASE OP LIFE. A dlepatch Regina, N. W. T., says that Riel ha; been resp'ted pending tbe decisión of tbe piivy councll i f Great Britain. The authorities bad airead v givcn orders for the erectlon of a scaffold lor Kiel'sexecution when the report of h repite was received. A VAI.VAIll.i: CABQO. The l.'nited Statee Bteamar Swatara left New prleans the other morain:; having on board Ï10, 400,000 in silver, doubtlcss the most valuable cargo ever taken from that port. At tlie quarantlne nt.ition she tranaferred $,000,000 to theYantic. Whcn this transfer is eompleted the vesseis will sail fortheir destinatlon. RIEL KUST MANO. Therc is every probability that Kiel will hang on the lSth inst., notwithstandim; the reXrt sent from Ottawa that Sheriff Chapleau had been wlred by tl; governineut not to make rcady for the execution. Klel's eise has been considered by tlic cibinet aud Sir John Mac Donald naid the law must take its course. INDIAN8 VS. CHINB8B. A mob of Indlans, led by whltes, attacked a party of (;hinese hop-plckerg 13 miles east of Seattle, Washington ïerritory, with clubs and stones, killinattwo and woundinu four Chinese. In former years Indians exclusively have been hlred to piek hops. This year one firm hircd Chinamen. The lattcr were warned to lcave, but refused. ai.oohoi.k: statistscs. ports t!i;t thr aiiiounl of distillcd spirits gone into consu:nption in the Unituil States during the uscal year endedJuneSO, 1885, 18 69,156,903 gallons, and the auiount of malt liquor on which tax was paid during the same perlod is 1U,185,953 barrels. Theamountof wine eonsumcd iu this country during the year 18Í4 is cstlmatcd at 20,503,85 gallons. THE NEW YORK LADOH PAKTY'S TICKET. The New York state conrentloo oi the öreenbaek labor party met in convention in New York city a few days sincc, and placed in uomination the following tieket: Governor, Geo. O. .Iones, Albany; Lieufenant öovernor, Lyman W. Gage; Secretary of State, Geo. V. rHnn oí Orange county; C'oinptrjller, Nel&on S. Shaler, Cireene county; Treasurer. Alian Wood, Steuben county; Attorncy-Gencral, Wm. B. Guernzy, Chenango county. A PROHiniTION TICKET. Prohibitionists of New York in eonvention at Syraeuse, nominated the following state ticket: For Governor, H. Clay Baseom of Troy; I.ifutcniint-Governor, W. Jennings Demorest, New York ; Secretary of statï, Edward Evans, Tonawanda; State treasiircr, Iliram Vanderburgh, Kultou inuntv. Comptroller, Frederick aheldon, lfornellsville; Att irney (eneral, W.Martin Jones, Rochester; State Engineer, Geo. A. üudley, Ellenville. BIED ON DUTY. Thfi Ma"""-1 -r-i-i, i .l-& of Oonduc tor Freeman Curbin, strook a rock which bad fallen from a sida bilí upon the track otie mile north of C'omstock's landing, New York. The eogine. in ihargeof Frank Browu, was tlirown from the track and turncd bottom side up, two baggage cars and the smoklug car werc also turued over, but a passenger coach and two eleeping cars remained on the track. Engineer Brown was found under bis engine dcad, with bis hand on the throttle. BAY STATE PROHIBITIOXISTS. The prohibition state convention of MassaeliHM tts met in Worcester on the lOth inst. After adopting a platform and transacting other routine business a full ticket was nominated, made up ;is follows : Thomas J. I.athrop of Taunton, for (overnor, by acclamation; Chas. i. Knight of Worcester, for Licutcnant-Governor; Seeretary of State - (ico. Kempton. Sharon; Treasufcr - Chas. B. Travers, Natick; Attorney-Ueneral - Samuel M. Kairüeld, Malden : Auditor- Wm.Sherman. Lowea; WOULD SEE HIS SISTEH. A little danghter of David Norf of Duboisi Fa., dled a few weeks ago. Willle, her liveyears old brother, repeatcdly deelarcd that he wantod die so that he mlght go to beaven and 8'e her. The otlier day he asKed hls mother If he was good enough to go to ht-aven if hedied. His mother tuM bun she belleved lie was. Not ojig .aiïei; w, ard sbe heard a plstol sliot in a Willie lying dead. lu hls right hauJ he held a revolver ivith which he had shot hlmself tlirough the heart. WU.I. FIODT FIRST. Over 1,000 of Rlel's sympathizrrd, embraclng the half-breeds and Freneh-Cauadians for twenty miles around, held a nuiss meeting at Regina, the other night. Speeches were made hy Rlel's council and prominent Freneh resldints. During the addresses there was intense excltement among the listenen, a number of whom shouted that tliey woukl tight before thcy would see Riel bauged. The speakers declared the name of Riel, if he wi-re executed, would be handed down in hlstory as that of a martyr while the naiucs of hls accusers would rot in oulivion. The imitv ol the Freneh In Canada was strougly urged In order that such preisure mlght be brought to bear at Ottawa as would secure a rcjirievc for Riel. Lemleuz, Rlel'a counsel, Oeacrlbedtbe scène In Riel's ccll. two little chiltlren and n aged mother clinging to the prisoner, and he ■Ijv ball and chain prevented from moving (i'rcat indignatlon followed. John Carey, a lawyer, sai'd If Riel was haugel the confedera tion is at end. Canada wanted no more of it Other meetings will probably soon be held. THE WIIE.VT SU1TI.Y. The condition of spring wheat bas been im paired since the flrst of August in the north west, the district of principal production Heavy rjins were followed by extreme hca between the first aud mlddle of Angoet, jus bcfore harvest, shrivelinii tho grain and caus Ingrust. Heavy wind norms prostrated an( injured large arcas. In Xci raska there is some complaint of smut. and a little in Dako ta. Chnch!)ug8 have done some damage ii Wisconsin and Minnesota. The injury wa greater in Augusi man m ouiy. me ii veranos are: Kor Wisconsin, 77, a loss of 8 pointe; Minnesota, 78, a lossof 5; Dakota, 9fi, a loss of 4 ; Iowa, s8, a loss of 7 pointe. Northern New England, Colorado and the terri tories are nearly or quite up to 100. The general averaifp tbr all spring wheat is 86X, against 95 In August. The erop of last year was;i5 i,O09,0OJ bushels. The returns of winter wheat are almost idéntica) in results witli thoseofjuly. Therc is :i sliirtit aiivanee in Michigan. Texas, Maryland and some other states, and a point or two of decrease in several. The general average Is E5.8, a!;ainst (5 in July. Except as the resut of threshing may changc present expectation the winter wheat area may be placed at 317,0J0,(K0 Imshels. and the remaining area about 134,(.'00.0U0. If injuries reportad in the stack shoulci prove to be fpcetA or than at present apparent a few millious of a reduction might still accrue. The condition of corn still continnes high. ranging trom M to 1(X) in state averages. The general average is 96, aaainst 90 in August. It was !)i last year in September. Frosts hav wrought very "little injury, and ïvill be capabl of little if deferretl 10 days. The prospect i still favorable for a irop slightly above th average'


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