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The campalgn in Tonquln cost tüe FrencU $98,000,000. The American humroing ;bird can whip th English sparrow. Water ponds ia Chili were covcred with thin Ice on August 5. The mouth of the Mlssleelppl Rlver -ai dlacovered by LaSalle in 168-3. Tht' tin mines in Vlruíniu. Aro reported to bericher than those of Cormvall. A Frenchman has made bis suicide remarkable by dropping from the towvr of Notre Duillr." Queen Victoria worc the lamoua Kon-i-noor among her diamond at Princesa Ueatrice' wedding. There are between 5,000 and 0,000 Icelanders :n this country. They live in üakota and Montana. Ida Lewis, the Nenport htroine, liaslostjthe Newfoundland do tliat wns her companiou swirumer. Lord Wolseley resumes the position of Adjtant General, which he held iirior to the lat Soudan campaian. Ogontz, the famoua palace built by Jay Cookc, has become a young ladies' seminary. It cost $1,000,000. The plan for a75-acre botanlcal garden ín Mount Kuyal park at Montreal is being pushed forward to realizatiun. Swearing is wholly unkuown in Japan. The worst word a Japancse ever applies to a man he dislikcs ia "beaat" The legal business in London is almost entircly in the hands of une-fourth of the meuibera of the profcssion. Ex-Governor Anthony once B&id: "The average Kansas town wul vote bonds lo buy a can tú Ue to a dog' tuil." Professor Maria MiU-bcll of Vassar lias just been celebratlng her sixty-seventh birthday Huivoisuiv atLynn, Mass. circumstances arid "io llvé'on nuch' stray com patriota as he íliuis about Madrid." The ex-Empress of Mexico la 45. The doctors note im extraordlnary Improvement in her, and anticípate a npli-t ■ rccovery. A Baltlmore editor lias litted up hls cellar as a summer reeort and will spend liis vacatloo there instead of at Long Branch or S-iratoga. The consuraation of Btarch for all imrposes m the United States Ís 160,000,000 pounds peí annum, or an average of three pounds tor eacb pcrson. Sydney Bartlett, one of Bostons ab'.cst lawyert is said to have amassed a fortune OÍ $12,00,000, principally from fortúnate railroad speculatious. Base ball is now pïayed in Sibcria, tbc having been Introduced by the militar; authorltC3 as a recreative reward for meritorious convicta off duty. A man in Livingstone, N. Y., tr'ed to fire off abunth of red bananas, to wblc-b he applicd lucifers, nnder the impression tbut Ihey wcre cannon crackers. Theroyal English CommUsiOD on tb housiug of the poor snys that. itli all thj poverty and overcrowding, the Standard of morality is high. The promoters oi the Manchester ship canal are empowered to raise 625,000,000 for the prlm:ir 1 urposes of the construction of about thirty-five miles. So inany of the boys sent to West Polnt prove uimble to pass the exaniinatimi for iidinissiou that aboutflíty Congressioual districts are unrepreeented. Pat Sheedy, the Chlcaeo tartman, oeedtobe a bootblaek and stable boy, and tonowwortb two bundred thousand of the dollars that were then so scarce with him. The eirculation of the l'nris I'ctit Journal is now put at 800,000, lcss than half of' whlcb is In Paris. Figaro sells 50,00: 1, Temps, 83.0C0, Debats, !,0:K), and Siècle, WMOf the 10 tornadoes which ocenrred laat year within the boundaries of the Union only iiftv vislted Uw Western States and tcrrltorles, whlle the Southern Status hart 103. Copying letters in the Treasnry at Washington is now done by ealigraph on Beparaie sheets of paper tor binding In roiumas. The new procesa saves time audmoney. The Sels-I-Kwai, a Japancsc medical montbly publication, says that Wc-st -ni medlcini ia gaining a permanent bold In Japan, and withïn a few years the old style of nativo practlcí will cease. An ingenious burglary ladder is made of eords, attachcd at one end to a teléscoplcj ole, which eau be carried under a eoat or extc nded to a second-story window sill. to be there hookcd f af t. Monarch, England'è champion bulldog, for whlcbL400 hart boen refosed naï ju.-! dlea. lic had taken an immense nuruber of prlzes, and trai considered by experts to ! t li ■ best hulldog slnce ('rib. The Crown Frineess Stephanie of Austria contributed somc original drawings for a picture book and acceptcd pay at the rate elven to other artists, though sbe present money to a eharlty. An Oakland (Cal.) judge dcllned the appll catión of a C'anadian recently tor naturaliza tou. because the latter so Uttleol i!iis c (nmtry's affairs thnt he Btatedhis beliel rukl tbc United States. Floas having invaded a church r.ear Qult man, Ga., in 'argo numbers. an attempt to banish them by kinillng a tire of plne n e Ui s was made. The insects qu'cklv dfsappeared - together with the hurch. The deepest soa soundings known ï ere made in the PaciBc, wturre the line reacbed down 4,575 fathom?, an 1 off the east coïs' of Japan 4,W0 fathoms. Thus it seems that thegreatest heights of mountalns an : the greatett d?pths of the ocean correspond vry ncaily,


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