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Around A Great State

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Tui C'anaiIIan Pacltle nillway COmpatiy's I steamcr Alom:i which lef t Uwen Sound on Tuursdav, the 5th. went ashore ou lile Roy al Ín Lake uperlor at 4 o doek the fcdlowirifi Saturdaj mornlng durl: g a Winding uo i storm. About elgbt passengen uil turatv' five of the crew are supposed to bc lost. A moni j tbose saved tlius far are Capt. John Moore, I Urst mate Jos. llsistiniís ind second mate ' Richard Simpson, Henry I.ewls. a watchman; : John McNal), watehtnan; Ureman II. MeCall! ger; deck hands, Iï. Stephen, James Bolton und Daniel Langton : wanen, Jobn McLean. ; üeorge MeCall nd John McKenzie, and among the passengen VV. J. Huil aud W. B. McArtUur. The Algoma was comiDK iuto Port Arthur ; when the wreek oceurred. Sha left Owen i , Souud Thnrsday the rth. The tirst kuown ói i the disaster was wbeu the stenmer Alhabasea of the same line arrived at I'ort Arthur late on : the evening of the 9th, with the crew of the i)l-fated Alsoma, eonslsting of thlrteen and two of the pessenger who were the only ones saved. Tlic Athabaska, whieh left Owen fckiuud two days after the Alpoma came upon the wreek at lsle Koyal, and found the ciew i aud two passeugers" In a perishiiiir condition on the lsland. The wreek had been dashed ' agalnst tbc rocks and was fliially bcated against the sbore of the lsland. The crew and ; two of the passengers saved themselves by i taking to tne Ufe-boat, battling wlth the I wnves until the shorewas reached. The boat ! was washed over several times fay the waves, but rlghted aji&ia while the men olong to the sldes. Thev siiccccdeil in reaching tbö land j aluiost üeaá from exposure aud ezhaustion, The torm coutlnued to rage furlonslv al[ i ij!Vht long. The rescued inen remaineil on thé beach watc! us the wreek beat against the ïock bound lsland and eeeing the dead bodies dusUed aalnst tbe shorts. Tbe Atua! baska came along about noon, an 1 as ! the channel Is narrow could uot avoid Bgelug j the wreek and the distress of those on the i lsland. A boat wa9 sent. asbore and bvuqghi the restued to the Atbabaska, whkh set sail tor Port Arthur, where she arrived about 7 In tbe 'evening. lije .'llOUlH WU5U LUUJ UUillIJt UU11L UliU tplendldly equipped Clyde steef steatner ligiaed bv electricity. The eioss tonnagu Is 17SÜ, lengtta 250 f eet, breailth 38 feet. It was complete in everv detall. The furnlshlDg as 9 luxurioun as the liuest ocean itéámen. The vessel i-üst ?450.000 and Ís understoo;! tu liuve been lnsured for $jOü,000. It Ís oue of tliree steamers. .' lbert, Athabaska and Alguina, purcLased two yeors ago bv the ('anadian l?a ltic ruilroad ti'affic since ivhich tirac It has beeu plving steadily between Üweu ijo'ind nd l'ort Áithur, doing big tjuínes3. T'he Bteamcri gavo the greaièst satlsfactlou Gold Mines in Michigan. The correspondent In Ontonngon of the New York Suu hi sent llie followliig letter to that Journal : George Brouiv.ell, chlef of a party of men who are locatlng the lines of the Milwaukee, Lake Suore iV: Western railway between this point :md Eagle rlvcr. and between Iïhinelund er and Ashland, reachéu this city to-day alter three uiontbs oí wanderiog thronvu the wllderness on both tides of the Penokee range. The Penokee range consiste of a mats of rock i unuing across the northern portion of Wiaei n sin lnto the uorthern península of Michigan. Without appurentrt a break iu thcir coutinuity, these embryo mountams seemed to preclude the building of rallroads from Chicago to the greatest F the iresh water seas. But the Wisconsin OntraTs explorers fdund the gap made by the Bad river, and tbat atter bridging Uiat stream seven times within a few nnles.and' building the hlghest trestle in use ou a railroad,' they erossed the divide. Vhile in tbc woods one day last month the clialu Dearer calk'd attontion to what seemed to be au opening in the iorest uhead of tbem. Pressiufr iorward. Bromwell and bis coiuüau-Ion soou came to the edge of the openini_r. It was about a mile to tbe other limit of tbs cutting, but they were unable to cross. SlgnalHue to tbc others to come up to thom, tbe twe men sat down on a log and awaited the arrlval of the Indtan axmeu. expecting them to cut througb the brush that seenilngly was all (bat blocked tbeir path. The Indiaus" sent one of their number up a tall pine tree to take a survey ol tbe proposc-d route. When he bad rcaehed a suHickut hight be shaded bis mwith bis band nud lookcd out over the scène. i Ile at first se med startlcd and then reallyj frighteaed. ulekly descendlng, be at once ilivcstédhii.i')f of Lis trappiiigs,and, poiutlwj out over tbc opening, sala tu bis tribal cotu;i:Hiiuus 'Jlanitou '." and ''Nanlsh!" aaC. started on r. run to retrace bis steps to their last camp. The other Indiana were at ouir thrown into a state of treat excitouient, and It was evident that they too, would bolt. Brouuwell fired a ballet, over tbe bead of the retreating Indian, who feil to the ground when he heard the wbistllng of th piecc of lead.' When oommauded to rtturu hc hesliateü, but Bromwell tbreatened to shoot blm, and the order was obcyed. The Indian said it was evident tbat Manltou, tbc great goil, was dlspleased with the white ïnan's lotiusion into the country, and to stop bim bad sent Nanish, tbe god of the winds, to mow down the trees and lay them aeróos tbe path. The other Iudians confirmed the stalen.ent that death waited any one wbo went forword. The white meu laughed at the fears of the Iudians, and cliiubed luto he trees to see wbat had esdt:,d them. As Xar as the ticlil rlass could reachlothe 3outhwe3t or uorthwest not a tree eouM ut Ken stauding Most of tbe trees had teen simplv blowri over, and their roots were atick infj uiit high above the ground, whUe RTeat bo'.es. half full of water, marked their forme} reitiiig pjace. Tbe llmits of the storm's iltBtruction were as sharply Uefined aslf wronght by a gigantie seythe. W'bcn the tornado went up Into the air agaln a ui llie range, coiüfipsed chlefly of sand, jutted out at rigbt augk-s tu thu iuaiii lillls. There a most singular phenomenou was discovered A furest flre i-.-.-.d swept tbrough tbe tlmber, and uil the ]uk trees luid been killed and their tops were, of course, as pointed as a plUe. Tbe wlml had torn these trees of tlnpround, and. as 1! caniud ttiem along, It drovc Diesharpenda lntu thg spir bill. Some of tbe trees were driven in to a depth of 15 eet The sldc of the bilí k'Oked like a bolled ham on a fiee lunch table tilled wlth cloves, or a loman's pin cushloo, ud Bromwell remalned there a day to make InvesUgatlon. Trees with koughs bad beer taken bun into the air and drcppc-ü ou the lurther slde of tbe eminence. NVarly 1.100 of the pines were found in the titanic pin cnlii' n. Bromwell determlned to bum bla way bctom tbe made by the wlnds. Waiting uutil tbe wind was blowing strongly from tbe outh he started severa) lires about noon one day, 'I w aa nothlng to do but wait. That nigtit hen all were aslecp but one of tbe ludían?, nhosc turn il as to be the sentincl, the wind pradually cbanged around to the norhward. ï he tirst few puli's biuuulit back tbc pecnllar aromatic odor of turhlng plne, and theu smoke Ijcean tu drift aloug. Tbe Indian awoke Brumwell and told blm they were in ilanL'tr Ironi thefirewhich they bad rtarted. ICverybody was awakened and tbc camp equipaje placed iu foi instant removal. Thewiud iiegan to bowl, and the great i-louAa ol smoke neady stilled the Itttle hand. i 1 of flre as. largé as a man's neacl were blowii over thcir hcáds, and numerou llttlc hcaps (jf brusb began to bum brigbtly. As the Dames became botter wind Increased in vdociti', aud seemed to be blpwlng in every dlrcctiön. The flre spread latcrallv. and :-ni ttew dantxer 1:(.'-;jiiic appïirent. All thé tíc&t andolhur wild 1 casta and reptiles licúan to hurry to tbe llttlo streatn that run by the camp. Krum all directious they camc, and the savatic brutos, in thcir terror, fought as tlicv ran for tbc advantage in the pajbway. Bromwell gave tbc un'.cr to BlOve, and toldtfie men Uj be cspccially carcful of thcir arnuu:uiUon.andto place It at the uprootihg of the trees. Thev mox'd about a quarter of mik;, and found í spot quite íree from debris. Tbc air now again began to get Ftffling,a.s tl e wind once more ebauged about and ibesuivcyors umv themsolvee compelled U iuinp iuto tbe excavalion oo the borders of wnlcb tbey had placed tartrfdge. Here they b il t. stay f-ir a' OU! 10 hours. They tijen found tbat the flre bad cleared tbe wa lö the mountains and was bwecpIris tbrougb tbe lorests on tbe precipitious s.idci. Thev dragged thcmsclvcs along iu the hope of find"iDg ?omc rece? s aruong the rfxks brie tbf.y c.uld sleep. Wbcn the tnountaiu sido -.tas ü-ached tbey folio-wed it atbortdlstanco to a doft iu tbe side of a great cllff, and entering found a roómy cavern, on the saady fli or of hicb they at otee tatak to sleep. About ii o'dock next day tbey awoke. It was raiuing hard. and ci6 it contiijued all day and tbrougb the nlght the forest Cres were. extineuiübed. Tbc Indian hunters soon brought io a deer which tbey had íbot, and tbe party feasted oo tÜ6 mcat and roasted nuts. . Tbe mineral wealth of tbe country tbrougb which BromweJl'11 party traveled, is almost beyond computation. Tbe uorthern extrenaHie.ot 'i--conoin and Michigan are well rearked with the pits that ave been suak in tbe ming oí copper and iron. But Bromwell enthusiastically asjerts that hls di&ccrcries in the rVcokee ranee will astonish tbe country. Tbe railroad as lócated passes a mass, of bematite iron ore that towers 200 feet atove tbc lved of tbc line. It seems to Be a eolia mass of mineral, brom welf also says U íoupd a pctwork of -j-p ui ;nartr voic6 well charlea wiUi gold aia dllver. lie says thev are of igncous orlgln.and iviueutlv lid upto a luóthr-r vi'iu not f ar uvav. Just where tuis last dlseovery Is located Broüiwell refuses to diyulge, as he wishes to in me si-i-i-i-t for his (.il benefit He avs, howereiv that he fonnd with the tjru tive rocks seJiiiHiitary iM'ils of ilolomite and talcose aul ehloritlc Fcbilts toiietber witli erup live diorite ainl ii:irtzile. Talcose seliist Is tbe i?old repositorv in all the richiist old 'Iclils n the world. " The beds of sehist in the ïold Held fuund tiy Bromwell stand at a. very blh apgle, the talco9e. in whlch the DetwrK 51 veins refcrred to oceur, being mueh braken :ip on' the surtkcfl. The rocks outcropping in ilie vlcinity are llorite, fcldspathie grauite (pyritlférous), sehistose limestone, p_vr!tiferjus tálense and (]uartz, and messive dólomlte. Bromwell saya lree gold and silver in the .(íiaitz are ofien visible. Verdict in the Noted Lodington ArsonCase. Tbe jury in tbe case of tbc Tradirs' 1 1 surloce ('ompany vs. Miss Mary A. Melcudy uud VIr. !ar:il] E. Westcotc (sisters;, in the l'nltcd States court in Milwaukee returned a rerdlct for the defendanta ultbin ten minutes rum the time tlie case was submittcd to tbem. The trial had been ín progress ncarlv two treeka and uttraeted espeoial notlee for two icasons, vlz. : The prominence of the aecused, lie nature of tbe ctia ge (arson) and the fact ;bat ttio chief witnes ■ for complainant isa Ijrother of the defendants. Brlelly told, the hlstory of the caie is as iollows: oeven yeas ago a large building owned t)V the Dan""-' an:ienüyx.u. uiu3i,ii, Jhcb., was destroyed by lire, toeether with neurly all lts coritents. At the time Mary Melendy oecupied rooujs on tbe second tloor of the building and was ln.'inL vlsited by her married sister, Sarah E. Wescott, The ?rtv was Insureu lor over zO,UUU and the loss :lalm was pald. A few years later a brother of Sarah and Mury. David A. Melendv, was mrrried aalnst the wishes of his sisters, aül sincc thut tune a faraily feud has cxisted. Among the i-ompaoies havlnga loss on the LudlngtOB building wad the Traders'. The i Í ibis L'Ompanv was appi oached by Mis. David Melendv and iut'nrini -l thai tUe Melendv sistiT? bad tiivil the butldin.fot' the sake of the Insnrance th:it tliey might pay a murtgage held utralust them on vesse'. property: that they bad threatened to do so before tpe (re. aau had slnce eoufessed the act to David. The Traders' broubt actlon to recover the uinount paid the sisters. In the trial Duvid testlfled to tbe above adjuiüsions, and also gwore that a large number of valuable articles belougimr to the sisters, such as jen elry, sealskins, lacea, etc., whlch were listea as dcstroyed, and upou wbieh Insurance was paid, were still in posseïslon of tbe defendauts. Kmlnent lounsfl bas been employed on IkjUi sides, and the bitterly coute.tol case has attracted great ittention "here. The defendauts ocuujiv a ruájfnitieent Grand nvenue residence, tbelr iwn property, andaré well kaown throughout ihe nortfiwest. The verdict rueets h ith the jpi-roval of nearly all who bave watched tbe prftrrrtgn of tbe oasev Guilty Kniö'm. The case of the Peopie vs. A. J. Kniilln. .barged witU forgerv and uttering forgeq paper whicb vu on trial iu the circuit court In East Saginaw for a weck terminated in i a verdict of 'guilty" on the tirst ballot. Knlflin had b en a practlcing physician q Kast Sagftiaw for some years," Is avouug man of lopcc-table family and was lu oodstandlng prior te the commissiou of the "alleged criruê for whiefa he has just been convieted. S. D. Calvin, a wealthv tlmber dealer of Can! ada, died lu April or May, 1SS4, leaving an estate valued at several hündred thousand dol lars. F. W. LeSueur of Defianoe, O., hail 1 Iraneacted Mr. ('alvin's business for hiui pn7ÍOU8 tQ hifl dcRth, having charge of extcnsive truets of laud ia the United States. 'Calvin's estáte ineluded 504 acres of land in the Town! sbip of Maple iirove, Saginaw county. In Uctober, 1884, Kniilln rocured an abstract, of 'lii.-lail (rom 1'. F. DeVeaux. In November, n eompany with John Dawson, he went to Detroit, and, lt is alleged, took a deed of the lam! ostenslbly from I-eSeuer, acting as Calviii s ngcnt by virtue of a power of attorney Jatcd March ü. Kuillln assuuied LeScuer"s uaiue and had the deed of the land executed (o Knifiiu in proper forui. Subaequentjy he uegotiated a loan of $600 from Julul Wulf, the tracing up of the abstract being done by K. A. Krcmer. Kniilln lirst wisheato secure the 'oan without putting the deed on record, and -ubsequentlv endeavored to stop the recording ■f it at the Reglster's office, and suppre&sed the publicatlon amt)ng the real estáte transfers, ïhe fraud belng discovered, Knitlin and Dawson were arrested. Dawson coufessed the crime, telliug the whole story, and the two ;mjn have since been in jall uotil withiu a few weeks, when Kniflin secured bail. The penalty is from one to fourteen years' imprlsvnmcnt, and there does notappear to be i single extenuatlns clrcamstance to müigate the offense, public opinión applauding the verdict. Bood Bfter committing the crime Kniflin went to Canada and marrkd uu 'stiinable young lady, who is the recipiënt of qo l'ttle syinpathy. Aj Murder in Lansiug. A mau givinK the name of William Davis was foumT murdered at the ürand Tuink ilcpot In Lanslng the other night. It is thought he W88 a umefcinist by trade, resided in Detroit, and was on bis way home frota Omaha where lie had been atnörk. Ile was (ive feet rtjrtrt iuches tall, weighed 150 pounds and was bout 36 years oíd. Ile was partially uald, with sauriv hair. mustache and bciird. Hts lompuuiou, who is suspected of havlnjr ointnitted the murder, gave i lic name oi Jut lohnson. He wore a bláck and white checkea jtraw bat and old clothes, and had chin whlski:ri. Sbprtly before the body was found, Johnson isked a young boy named Shattuek to dlreal ■iiii: to the pólice ütatlon, ífayiug lie had trouble with a man itnd waoteil assisiance. .t the station lic satd hls partner intended to ■eb a store iu the ollj and he (Johnson; did not want to be suspecU-d of having i band lu tbe job. Ou returnlng to the det tic soKght o;it hatluck and informed hlia tliat If he mentloned thetr conversation hc might ecelve a dost of cold lead. Tbe three fractures f the skull are belleved by phyiciaus to have icen made by the sanie instrument. Inasmuch s tbe body no murks save those on the lead it scems Improbable that he was etruek )j a train, although when found be lay be;ween the track. The pólice are making a .horouh iuvestigation. Fost'i Successor. Col. Robert McKiustry of Jaekson bas b6en ippointed iM-nsioii agent at Detroit to svicceed Samuel Post iuspend3. McKInttrt nas born at Schooieraft, Kalama(oo coiiniy, September 30, 1832. Ue served iti ;he Union army, enllsteu in the Laiayette Mghl Gaard, l'a"w Paw, Michigan, in tbe spring A lSül, o'bich was one of theliist three-vear reglments in the field. He was wounded In the arm at Williamslmrg, Va., wbile pursuing etreatiug rebels ii) 1862. ile lost. a h-g June KS, the firít ilay Of the scaen davs' tiglit it fair Oak. Va., on account of whic'li he was 'jonorably aiehaxgficl trom tervUx al David'i Island, N'. Y. He then returned t" KuL-niiazoii eounty, whence removed 0 Jaqkson twenty" vears ago and engaged iu he trood and cual business, whlcb business be jas follou-cil mitil a short time ago. Mr. McKluftn bas been a life-long Demo ' ratjOneof leaders of that party in lackson jity and wa an active vorker iu the (. A. R. tlia name was mentioncd in COnnectlOD with hia oflice some time ago, luit -nliule hatl teen ihougbtbl it lately that Ihc news of the api ■ointment wili be a surprise to hi friends. Sefending His Mother Hoiner Stanton, aged 85,)ive&on a fortyicrc farm iu TittaLawassee towns'. ip, Saginaw county. II is wifc had been ruarried previouslv ïud has a bov is years old numcd William C. Decker who livcs with the family. lt ischarg;d that Stantoa bas been iu the'habit of abusing hls v-iié sharocfully. Afewflays ago the Rot into a tUrre in a licld and Decker ayg Stanton tbrew a stone and brick at his nother but ïniss-ed her. Hc then cbascd ber Ut- ihe house hd knocked her down. Decker hrn interfered, wben Stanton :ittacked bim, ïud drawlnz a revolver be tired, the shot tak' 'ng effect ñ the lowcr portiou of ötanton's :ó.ïy iullictinK fatal injuries. Decker went to 1 Jiïsticc of tbe Peace and gave himself up, ■laiminï self-defense. He was lodged in the Saginaw couuty Jall. Return Thanks. Gov. Alger issued the ioUowinB proclaiaalion. Exlcctive Oefice, { LaSsixg, Nov. 5, 1885. f According to a custora udopted by our forefatbers and observed ever since, one day in each year has beeu set apart ebpccially for tbankiglvlng Therefore, I, KuêscU A. Aleer, governor of tbe state of Michigan, do desígnate Tbureday, the 26th inst , for fuch observance. On that day Int uf all sLow our gratitude by acts of ibarity, abstainic.r frem business, gathering in placi of cubiic ■norship and around our eresideswith iamily and inends; and, thanküjs God for preserving us frotn pestilence ind Siiger, for prospcriiy and. peace. ask Him iLat the: morcicö nay be couiinuc-u to u as a pc-.plc. Ktz-ssell A. AX.OERiy tUe goveroor, ü A. Cokakx. soeretity of 6tate. A Grand Trunk Biakemau Kil ed. John Kvaus, a brakemau on the í i ramt Western ilivisJon of Grand TmiiU. ivas .ui .li'iilullv killi nt tbc yaiil in Wlndsor. Ont., the other morjilntr. He cJirobed on top of the eub of au t'iiLriiie io fODDect t M'U rp when the enginc started, callslng hitn to lose liis balance and fall backyard un u pilt' of boards. Kvans was dead before any ouc reafhed hlm. Kxamination showed that neck had boeu Thr d ased wus about 4:" vcurs old andhail beeu 1b the émploy of the railroad i-oinpativ for over 10 i;ar=. He Iciivcs a wlfe, wliuís lie had Uted wfth for sevral yéars, anti two or three cliildren. No biame is attached to any oae for the accident. Worso than at First Supno3ed invcstlgations now in progress prove that BurchiiriC the missing cashier í tl, e Farmers' bank, stole ruore tban at irt suspucted. Hls tliscoveretl tlefalcatious ajreadv reacli í20,ÜUÜ. He was a membñ ■ f an ontside lirm doiug au extensivo getferal buslnoss. anti üeliberately uscd large sums of the batik's money on hls own firm's Kicnrity. It is oot bclieveJ the bank will lose anything, as lïurohard has property wbieh has been icvled opon. Mauypersons think the casbler wlll return. The Monthly Salt Report. The regular monthly report of State Inspector George V, liill shows that during Üctober the fóllowlng iuantities of sall were inspcutcd In the coontiea named: Saginaw, bbls; losco, -W.HS1 bbis; llurou. X),4SÖ blus; St. Clair. U.SOOO bbls; Midland, Ö.SOS bbls; total, 382,418 bbls. Buvchard Skips Out. Weslev Burchard, eashler of tbe Farmers bank at (irass Lakebas nbseonded, a defaulter to tbe cxteut of S15.UUU. It is said that he aoknowledged bis defaluatlon to tbr director, Dut promfied to make restitutlou, and was thereiorc not arrested. Inste.ul uf t'olug so, howeviT. be sklpped out, He istOyearsold and bas a wife and danghter. Democratio Victory. The result of the municipal eleetion teld iu Detroit on the 3d inst, was a great victorv tor the Demoerats, tverv man but one oiv thé ticket being elected, the majorities anging from 1,200 to 5,000. MIN0K STATE HAPPENINGS. John Potter, x reH-known eitizen of Ypsllanti for upwards of elghteen years, was found lylng dead near the sidewalk on Adaius Street In front of the wood market the other moming. Mr. Fostcr left booie the evening before apparently well for the purpose of attending a meeting of the Ypsilanti Flre Department, of which orgaslzatlon he w u engioeer, About 9 oclock lie starled home, which was the last Been of iiim alive. No uneaslness was feit at' bis home, hls líe thinklug he had ri'!ii:tinpl at ptiffínp. -híiiisí; over uitl't. It was piubably owing to the Intense aarkness that prtviüJêd that bis body a uot dlscorered sooner. Tce canse óf !:i? suddeu death Is attributed toheartasea?c. He wnsUO years of se. A Scandinaviau named Audeiiou, au epiliptic who was biought lrom Lake county to the Kalamazoo asylum about six weeks aro, nas found clutehiñg another patiënt bv the throat and with si'reat difliculty he was reíeased and removed to hall C'. He made a violent altack on Snpeiisur Snpbble, who llually oyerpoweied hiru and neated btia lu a. iliair. Soon nftev he feil on the floor and dled. Alter a '.horongh. examir.ation, Inclnd 1 1 y : i uost tnortem, the exaet cause of the ileath of Auderson eould not be ascertajued.jis do lición hatever could be found. The jury returned a Terdict that he died froui ..uatura'l raoSes. Jaiiu- O&trftnder, BWitchm&n on the Fliiit tV Pare MwqueUeoad, Sttat Sagina-, as killed ihe otlier moinhif; by liclnj run over by a switch cugine. Ostrandti on tte pllot ui the englne which was inaking up a irain and when near the swltcii he jumped but landed ituiiH-dkitcly in front of the engine whleh struck and threw him on the track. when the body went partly undcr the ] ilot and was pushed a'short ulstanec. Wheii taken up the,body is found to be tiiribly mangled. i léMúrinr ilied in SO minutes. Deêeuted was S8 years o age and umnarried. Araong recent decisious hantlett down Dj the supremo court was one gninting i niaiidanius iu ilousemnn ys. Kent circuit judge, but denicd in the Northwestern Manufaetiirfng CV', vs. Chambers, Wayne circuit judfre. '1 'bis Is the oleoinanrurine case and It decides the law of 1885 agaiust the manufacture of oleotnargarine invalid, on the constitutional grouuds that the title of the act doea nol tover its provlsiona aud that the act lnterferea with the comtitutional prt-rogative of passing uu claims against the state, which belongs to the board of state aud tore. The other inorniüg a partridge new through tle glass iu a store front, on the tnain street of Alma. A prominent lady reinarked that ue sbould soon bear of tbe death of some peron conneeted with thut store. The rame evening a telegram was reeeived from Nebraska announclng the deatb, by heart dlsease, of tí. D. Barton, a broüier-ín-)aw of A. V. Vrlght, who was formerly in business with Lim in Alma. Mr. Barton was once greatly annoyed iu prccurlni aud setting tbe ven glasa tBrougb hieh the blrd erashed. Louis Cook. aged 19, a drlver for Knapp & button of Jaekson, attempled to drive thclr omnibus under the Michigan Central railroad bridge over Jachan., utmud The bridge is tuo los Ui admit tbe passage under ït or 'Uc and the regular flrïver never goes that vvay. bnt thls Kat tbe first trip on the 'bus for tü 1 dj and he dld not think alJout tbe bridge bein so low. He was driving at a ood guit aud the stringcr ui the bridge' struek Mg breait, knocking liim to tbe ground aud breaking hls ueek. lle died 30 seeonds later. Lleut. I.oekwoud, lttb D. S. Iuf., prukE-or of military seiencè at the agrleliltural . oilege, iu bis report reeonimends that táctica be lnserted as a stndy in tbe senior year; tl al two years of drill bc ceaulred as a condltlon for trraduatiou, aud that legiskiUite esictmeni conterrlag brevet rank of sec-ond lieutenaut on military gradúate of the college 11 ilrslruble. The'departinent of viterhutrv bas received ilireot Irom Londou h full rapd OÍ disseeting iind operating iustmiiieuts. Daniel Sniith of Alpeua, bas Uen ftcqulttei un bis second trial. On the tirst Irlal he was iouud guilt and seitenoed to tel. years in the Jaekson state prl-oii. New eridenee wa aro.'.umi and Jutige Emerkk ordeled a new trial. The cnarge nasa erlmlnal i:fsult on an old woman. ttmith servid a ftm iimiiths in state i.risou on tbe tirst trial M-iitciiCf. On the secondtrial Smitb proveí! tluit . s not the man who cöhirattted tbc lime. The Congregatioiiiiii'ts ..t tm Mate arranged for a series il bpme miBsionary convenllons, simllinr tó tbose ui lat vear, wliiib will lx; umler tbe general chfitge ui Hi-v. Lero] Wurreu o( l.:uiiiif . ttate hurne inis-iouarv superintendent. Thê urst one was held at bf. Joaepb. oiiuTsuill foliowat Saugatuekaal Dougla.o, Muskeguu l.udinctou, Manlstee, Reed Citv, Stanton, Htfbbardslon, .St. Jobns Laingsburg umi Owosso. Attotney-Geñeral Taggart bauerred notlcé on Sheriff Angas W. Mcftityre of EastSagInaw, tl:at uu November V the iborges matie aLiallist liill. lor DCgleCt pi dlltv aud of official luiteonduct In uiiline; to afford sullicieiil pro teetioii to propejrty vud prégerve públle peace ihuiiii; the eaw iiiill riots in Julv. The proponents ui' tbe charfceï aré mili owners whose proprriv, it is alleged, waa v.ui properly protected by tiie sheriff. Ciiarles Cowle's, wel) knowo üiimiiijí eurl.v settlers of Bcrrlen eoühty, Bied in Buchanan rteently arter a brief illness of congestión of the bram, aged 82. He was bom in Vertnont, located Iu Bnchaaaú in is29. and aooo aiter put in tbc lirst macbineiy llsed ■! McCov's ereelt. in earller yeais he was a tuaster ofdantiiig. and was renowncd löeally as a íestier ajd swinimer. Later lic preaehed and labored in the Interest of tbs uuited brethren society. Augustus Gailway, proprletor of the Orchard Lake hotel, bas been bound over for trial iu the Oakland elreuit coiirt for telling ; linuor withiu two miles oí tbe Orehard Laky I military atudeaiy. He gave $800 ball lor ] appearance for trial at the December term of court. Mr. Gadway claims he statute on wbicb be was arrestcd is uncjustitutional, and uroposes to test it in tbe suprerue conrt. 8. W. GarDscy of Springtield, Lenawee county, came to " Belleville with h s w fe and four childrcu on a freigbt train. As tbey werc gettiui; ojf at Belleville the traiü suddenly backed, tbrowiui; Mrs. Garnsey on the floor and her 3-year old boy between tüe cars. Tbe wbeels passed over oue leg near the knee and tbe otber near tbe ankle. Dr. Forber amputatcd botb legs. Charles Hai riman, a well-knowo farmer of Durand, was instantlv killed at Bancroft tbe otber night by tbe ast express. train going eaft od tbe Chicago & Grand Trunk roafl. His body was earried ; u tle pilot of tte epgine to Durand beiore being dfscovered by tbe train roe:. Mr. Harrimso was mueb respected and bad teld rcacy j ositiops of trust. Mrs. Charles Evart. llvinfj ou Eleventb s_treet, East Saciu'iw, was fatally and sboci. logly burned tbe other eyetiine." Sbe was swing, wbec fbe accidentally pulled tte aoip ofl tte sering macbipe, apd explodlng it set fira to her clöthinp, burnitijr the 8èeh froro th gicater portioD of her body. Sbe is 35 ycaxs old aJ bat tvral ccüclreo. [. John V. logran) and wife i f Ponton, : ■ their tolden wedding N'ov. 4 i i i!i ner :.t 2 i. m. and a genera] : tlön In the Mr. and 'Mi?, [ñgrum hav èQn i jt U-nt of Michigan f a numDcr of yrais. Mr. Dgntra Ib a circuit court eoinmiBfloner, and i otwithst nding Iiis tg s iu excellent ) ealtb After two years' litigatiun the bondsmen of ' E. B. WhhI, rx-eity treasurcr of Lansing have maile a lettíemeni witb tbe citvcouocil bv paylng É2,S7f, ciitirclv Ignoring L12,000 school'V :dsn missing, 'ïhi.s settlemcnt is against tbe auvlce of Ihe lawvers for the lounciï, nd entuils upon I. e city a loss o a lx)Ut $ 17,000. Tbe Genesee avenue bridge in Kast agluaw has bee ' closed by tbc bridtïe eompany. on tbc possibllitv of the structure ueing unRiifc. he dosing of tbe bridge proves a greatpublk' incouvieine, but the bridge company, whoae i charter bas nearly expl ea, wijl i reit h steel ! aud stone bridge if tbe i harter extended. Wni. McAllen, formerly of Jackson, WM I turning a handspr ng on tbe ebimney of a house 'in Cankakee, 111., three weeks BJtO, wlicn the brleks gave way aud be feil to the street below, receivlug injuries trom which lic died two or three days ago. He as a ibiiuney sweep. Ex-L'nited States Senator and Mrs. Cha?. E. Stewart of Kalamazoo, eelebrated thclr {jolden wedding the other nlgbt. A large number of old citlzens called 10 pav their respecta to these bouored residente. Mr. Stewart was U. S. Senator from Michigan f rom lisW to 1S5Ü. J-red Forcia of Bav City a carpenter ha I went last year to work at bis brade. .Mr. t'orcitt shv8 tfiat tbe Chinese have been coming in so thiëklv of lat tbat wasrea have been ■ duced fróm Í3.50 to 75 cents per day. E'.ijah Buhland, a farmer livinf near i ingdale. Van Burén eounty, attenpted to k 11 his wife und daughter a few days ago, he havlng goue violently insane. liubland was secured. Tliere is no rearon known for tbe sudden unteatlng of hls reason. In a row at the l'nlon News eompany's office in J;nksoü between A. J SageDdorf and James MkKcnzie, the latter was shot by Sageudorf, bullet taking effect in the i sboulder. Sageudorf was ajrested, and subseciUeutly released on ball. iirs. Martin Laeffler of Lansing. w as leuning agalnst raillng of a poreh on tbe second ! story of a building when the woodwork ,gave wav, and 8he feil a distance of twelve teet, striking a fence post. Her skull was fractured and her face badly eut. Suit has been brought ogalnst Slufkegon Í City by Daniel Parsons for the sum of 810,000 for injuries received last winter. He claims i that he was thrown from his cutter on Muskegon avente by an obstructlon caused by the ! neglect of the city. George Lowree, 81 years old, an old esident j of renntleld, six mife north of Ba'.tle Creek, ; attempted to end bis life by cutting bis tbroat with a pccketrknife, which he bad sharpened for the purpose. The doctor bas hopes of the old Illltu iccoTCry. Mrs. George WÍHard, wife of Hon. George ; Willard, editor of tbe Battle Creek J)aily .Tournal, died recently of eonsumptiou at the faraily residence aged CS years. Mrs. Willard had been a resident of Battle Cree-k upwards of forty-five years. Freí 0. Elíick, a brakeman on tbe Flint iS Pere Marquette railroad, was knockrd from n I train while crossiug a bridge near (bipptwa i station the otber night acd run over, buviu:; both legs erushed. He died at 0 o'elock tbe j next mörning. Arthur J. Sagendorf, clerk lu tle Union ' News Companys office In 'lackson, and abmili er named James McKenzie bad an altercatlon over a cigar, wben Sagendorf firod at McKenzie. inflie'tíng a severe though Bot .langerOU3 WOUIUI. OThe Schwartz road eart, patented andmannfactured by J. bebwartz of Alma, is bciomln; famoiiF. Altbough the company have tb ■ most extenilve waaon anrl carriage factory In (initiot county, it cannot fill om-balf its orders. Calboun eounty has a norse tbief detective i association, of which John Morgan, near Bat Ue Creek, Is president. Tlie other uigbt the : unterrified horse-tliief stole Mr. Morgan'a wbole outlit, horse. buggy and harness. Tbe engineerS loeating tbe line for the Canada. La (rosse & Soutbwestern railroad are kYOxklnfl 1..u:inl ttii'. Sanlt. üíam-Iv, nnfler tbe guidance of Cieo. Wagner, a woodsman of Marquette, well knowu in the Sault. Barns on the farm belonglng to W. II. York aud oceupied Nelson Wiiley, at Valle? Centre, Batrilac êounty, burned the other eveniug, togetber with graln, fai-m imploments, etc. Loss $D,500, insurancc $.',500. Large quantities of potatoes and winter ri])ples are brougbt daily to Shelby, which is a market for a large section of the enrrounding eountrj". The average price paid for potutoes is 30 cuts and for apples 45 cents. M. J. Bond of Grand Rapids hae bought of Fred. V. Taylor of Pierson, Montcalm couuty, hissuw mili", lumbering railroad and aboüt 20,000,000 feet of standing pine. The prk-e paid was $100,000. lurn lering operations outside of Manís tique are practicalfy suspended for tbe season j aud a, large aumber of men are already !c tbe i woods. Wagésare a trille higher thau lust s;aoti. Peter Jaeobson, living near Sidney, Mm.t ealm eounty, suicided by hanging. Tic hud worried over the conditluu of bis wife who i partiallv insane, untll he had becotne ent. The urganizatlon for tbe founding and malntaining óf u Masontc Home for aged aud ■ lonvplt Masons, aud widows and orphans of MbsoOm, in i:,an,i Rauids is nearly completed. Kd. C. Haverao, who escapea from jan at Lapter, vvuí eaptured near (Jtter I.ake, after baving gone tlirough swamps and woods until he had deteriniued to give np the escapade. John Urquliart, r., was picked up druuk oB theF.VP.M.trdck in East Saglnv, justas a train was approachiug him. He would have been grouud to pteces but for tbe timely aid. Wni. Duuuing of WlUiamstou, bas shipped I from Masón a var load of opultry to New York city, conslstiug of aboiit 2,000 ebiekens and Í0D diieks, geese and turkles. AuirustUs (iii.lway, proprletor oí a íaloou aearOrcbaid Late, luxs been held for trial at the circuit court for selling llquor wltbin two miles of Urebard Lake Aeadeiny. Beport3 of the Michigan state board ol heult li show that rbeuinatiSKi, neuralgia and! lntermlttent fever rank in the order named in causing sickness in Miehigan. The mili cut f op October ut Au Sable .wm ■-'-0.(107 pleces, ?3,5 19,638 feet


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat