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CyruB V. Field has not yetdeclded to repair bis Andre monument. About 300 men rere put t work in John Roache's sblpyard on tbc 9th inst. An installmcnt of 250 Morinonfi arrived at New York Irom Europe the other day. President Cleveland voted the straight Democratie ticket in BiuTalo on the 3d lnst. The New York Tribune hs advanced c ompositurs'9 agesto 47 cents per 1,000 ems. Ferdinand Ward's work in SingSing prlson is tliuvelni;; ushes froui under the boiler iu the engiue room. Adain Keeoenstein and an unknown Oor n:au were carried over the cataract at Niágara a few daye ago. Fire af. McMicken universitv, Clntinuatl, deatroyed property valued at $30,000, lneluding a vuliKib.e libiary. The New Yo;k Tribune places Uili's majority at 10,285 and the republican raa)orlty on joint ballot in the state legislature at SZ. Mrs. William Freicd, living near Napoleon, Ohio, cave birth to five sons Nov. 8. Mrs. Friend 8 the mother of 29 childnm. Henry Ward Beeeher bad bis pocket picked oí a valuable watch whlle entering an elevutea r.iihvay tnün in New York the other mornlnifHenry Waid Iieecher had hls vahiable gold wutch stolen by a pickpocket as he 'as entering an elevaleJ railway car at New York the other day. Atiomas uujïnes, ageu ;u, vvaai-un-uuipieuiiy in two lenjcthwlse by a switch enginc in the yard ol the Trumbull iron company at Youngstowu, Ohio. In a quaircl at Butler, Pa. a young man namcd Brell struck Williaiu Bréneman, UB years old on the head, injuring himsobadly that he wilt die. loc Allure monument at lappaü, n. ï., was blown up by dynaniite on the 8d Inst. The Bhock was so great that lt broke wlndows in houses a intle away. Stephen B. Wainsley, the senior ilerk of the Bureau of Electiona at pollee headquarters In C'iucinnutl, coininltted suicide a few days ago whlle temporarlly insane. While the vote was belng eounted ia a room in the station Louse In Utico, X. Y., the place took fiifi. Two prlsoners who were contined in the lockup lost thelr llves. Stephen B. Walmaler, ehiei elerk o electlons in New York, commltted suïcide by Euooting. The cause was a nervous straln brought on by I ovcrwork prcvlous to the late election. Willlam S. Warner, connected wlth Ferdlnand W'ard in Ihe swindles for wh!eh the latter is'serong 10 y ears in Sin? Sing, is tobe lndicted and tried, as was James 0. Fisk. At the late election In ( hio the , ments to the oonstitutiou to afeoUsh the October electlon, andchanglng tbeterm f township offlccrs from one io three yeara were adopted. A train on me vv esi Sliore railioal was wrecked about a mlle west ot Glen Fa' í. N. Y., on the Utta inst., Mrs. C. R. Pratt of Kochester, N. Y., was killed and several others were seriously injured. . Samuel Chase, aeed lö, office boT for Henry IL. Hobert ol .New York, was stabbed to the licart and killed while foollng with one of th'e i Vlerks, a particular f riend of his. The I bing was entirely accidental. ! The body of Eva Herman, wife of Charles jETerman, was found In the rooms of the eouple In Buflalo the otber day. The eouple were iueurd quarrellncr the night before and lt is thought Herman killed hls wife. Antonio Meucci, a Cuban, now bobs up with an attempt to prove priority of his telephonlc invention over Bell's. He claims he madu his I diseoverj in 1849, nnd had an instrument in operation in New York city in 1S.W. Bartholdl, the famous French seulptor, arrived in New Yrork a few days siuce. He comes to consult Chief Engfueer Stone in, reference to the mounling of the great statue at the entrence of Nev; York Harbor, Mrs. Mary Stover, a blind woman at Benton Ridge, Hapcock Co., O., was burued to death reeently, her clothing taking üre while she was working about a stovc. Her husband, also bliml.was severely burned while tr.ving to save hls wife. Mary Gicniert, 59 year3 old, was found dead In Led' m a nuuse m NeLuii, I.. I. ia me 06ginning of Barnum's career she lii;ured as one of his museum curiosities, beins; only 40 inches in hight. There are circumstanees in the case whicu suggest foul play. The following resolution was passed by the ineuaber of the merchant's exchange In Bufíiúo a few days ago. "That we pclltion the owners of the Buff.ilo elevators to begin a needed reform bv bulking in the future all cargoea of Dulutu wheat of the same grades." Hand cJgarmakas in tbc factory of Powell & ïiiulth m New York have gotie out on a strike. They demand an advanee rauging f rom 50 c ents to 2per thousand. The strikers belorg to both the Internationa) and Progressive unions and these organi.atlons have approved oi the action taken. Knlght of Labor, numbering lully 4,500, empl'ved on the wharves, in the cotton press anü freight houses of theCiulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railroad, have gonc out on a ?trike, owing to the Mallary steamshlp eompany refusing to restore wbfte 'longshoremen to 'thelr former positions, irom which they had been disebarged for having jolncd the'Knights of Labor. .


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