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Keported that China is about to sign a commercial treaty with France. Henry M. Stanley is ranklug propai-atiocs U return totue Congo country, An order has been Issued tliat cv mr person ia the service of the provlnce oí Üutarlo be vacclnattid. The Britisb governrnent v.ill svnd Matttevr .Arnold to examine the f ree school Bvstems it France and Gertnauy. EDgland ha3 demanded satlstactloo of Spaiu íor damage done to Biitish property bv cu'.ivig of the C: roiine islands. Au eilort is beins; uutdc lor a comnr.jt.iU:.-.; ... bm- - JU_ lfl i it ■ i li ui " Weliauil, Ont,, for rouider The inobilized Turklsb, arnw is noV .1.X),000 men. Oreat camps are lein(-' formcd or. the Bulgariau, Servían and Urtoi fruuUen. A woman named Fortín ihrew her baby off the train Just after leaving Montruai liecause it had the inall-pox. She has )vrn ar.-ested. Mr. Steud, eilitor of the I.ondou Pall .Mal] Gazette lias been fouiul Rullty of complfclty ia abdueting a youug giil for tminonü parpoMS. The pope: is iiegotiating with Use Chínese government for the purpose rt oltainiiv.1 tlie riïhtto sole authority over Rota) cathoüea iu China. Riel has been resplteu until tlie ili. Piparations are already being iUííh for h;a exeeution on that date, aUhoui' .Uewarraat bas uut yet ajrlved. Gen. l.ew Wullaei", i-x-imíuí'.l. to Turkoyi has arrired at Coustautinople, p; j .?bly Kt luo invitation of the sultan, wnö h:is great tonfldence iu hls Judgment and advkv. Thebaw obieets M a British contingent ol 1,000 men in ïiis capítol. He will not su':-i: to the Indian government's luiiiiiatiuu, although hls ruiuistry advlses submissiou. The tronbles in Haytl liave cansed tbc Triti-]i and French repreaeiitfttivee iti that country to telegiaph their respective governmenls to send men of-war there at onee to protect foreiLn residents. It is stated that Kobert Keid ol öuelph, hu built the itiWtuatioual brtrtgc nt Kort Kil ,lias been awarded the contract to build tbc Canudlau Pacific raihvny bridge at Lachine. Hls tender amonnted to $3,O0O,0OJ.__ _______ A. Hoattley, an American, whtle huntlng l)!ick of Wllnmr, Out., shot a bear eub, and lts cries attracted the mother, wliii h uttaeked Hoattley viciously. He pouri'd tivo bullcts into her, when slïe dropped.dead. a storm, Mrs. John Buskirk and her ltí-year-old son, while croulog a bridge over SackvilleriviT, lü miles from Hallfax, were blown into the rivcr. The bov siicceedcd in getting bis mother ashorc, but she died af terwards. Mrs. J. William Fleteher of Cinciunati, claims to be tlie instlgator oí thï Pall Mali (Jazette's investigatlons. tíhe saya shc was sent to jail in London for one jear for ltchoraft and on her release she iuformed so;oe clergymerj what she had seen and board.


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Ann Arbor Democrat