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The Dundee saloous are closed iiow at 8:30 p. m. Hon. J. M. Ashley spent Stimlay with bis funiily. J. J. Goodyear is in N. Y., this week, buying goods. Herman Baur has been quite sick for the past few days. S. C. Andrews is taking a trip through the state on business. Aid. Biggs has gone to England to visit oíd friends and relativo. Q Sukey supplies the city with cejery besides shippmg large quantities. The Rev. Dr. Steele will exchange pulpits with Dr. liamaey uext Sunday. Thos. W. Keeue at the operji house in "Richard III," nest Tuesday evening. The first piece of ingrain wall paper was brought to Arm Arbor and uaeJ by A. Sorg. A. S. Whitney, superintendent of public schools at Mt . Clemens, was in town Saturday. Reserved seate for Thos. W. Keene are now on sale at Boughton & Payne's news stand. The Winflsor Rugby team will play a return game with the university team, to-morrow. Geo. Lutz and Miss Miunie Pardone, both of this city, were married last Monday evening. The thanksgiving address will be deliveied by the Rev. W. H. Ryder of the corgregational church. The Wife of Jacob öehaible, a baker on Detroit street, died Wednesday nighl, and Mr. Schaible in dangerously ill. The Chequamejion orchestra have arranged a special program of mnsic for the engagement of Thos. W. Keene next Tuesday evening, at the grapd operahouse. Don't miss the dramatic event of the season. Secure seats early for the great Keene entertainment. Mr. Keene is the ackowledgod best " Richard " n the boards. Bro.JSmith, editor of the Milan Leader was iu the city on Tuesday and engugöd O. A. Crozier of the law ileparlment, for i a lecture in the rink at Milan, Priday evening, Nov. 20. Last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seabolt celebrated the 2()th anniversary of their marriage. They enter tained a large uumber of their relatives and frieuds and received many beautiful presenta . "The American eagle still screamw," thundered a silver coinage orator, holding up a silver dollar so the crowd could neo it. "You bet he does," carne a voice from the multitude, "he screaras tor that other 15 cents." Mr. P. Beiinett, ht '8(5, was arrested, Tuesday evening, charged vnth inoiting a riot and disorderly eonduct. He was released ou bail to appear to-morrow for triul, JudgeHarriniaugoingon his bond He has retaiued . J. Sawyer as counsel. Last Sunday iifternoou one Albert Doan was arrested on (Jatherine street near Halls old coal sheds, by otticer Sipley, for indecent exposure of his person. Arraigned before Jusfice Brennnn Monday neming, he waived examination and was bouud in the sum of $200 to the circuit court. In default of he bail was commiited to jail. The funeral of Mrs. N. Arksey, who died Tuesday morning, was held yesterday at 1 :30 p. m , at the residen ce on Pontiac street. Mrs Arksey was a pioneer in these parts, coming to Ann Arbor in 1833. She was añ estimable christian lady, and to know her was to ma'ke you ■ her frieud. Mrs. A. leaves a husband tnd three childrena son and two 'aughters to inourn her loss. -; The Sorg will contest was heard Wodoesday. Ohioken tlueves infest Manchester and Bridgewater. Jnci.W. Patchin hasopened a law office in Manchester. Thos. W. Keene at the Grand Thureday evening, Nov. 17. The (nneral of Thos Brian was held in Ypsilauti Saturday. Fr. ('onsidine soes to Chelsea and Fr DufaigtoNortbflscL Mrs Geo. Branden of Jackson, is visiting lier parents on Fifth street. C. Miss & Sou fillcd au order for a customer in California, last week. Probate Judge Powell of Jackson, was in the city the last of the week. 3 W. Knight and J Q A. Bessions have au oflice in the Hainilton block. Mr and Mrs. Oonklin of Jaokaou, speui Kunday ith (rienda in the city. L. Moore, Austin Suiith and A. D. BoyaU iire iu the vicinity of Au Sauble, hnutiug. Wm. Frank has moved iuto the Ger inania house, corner Washington aüd ÍSeooud street. M. T. Woodruffof the defuuct Michigan State Democrut, is going to try his luck at Cadillac. Rev. Air. Springer of Ypsilnuti, addressed the temperance meeting at the Bnptitit church Sunday. Miss Lyde Graliam, wlio has been víkiting relativee in this city, has returned to her home in Manchester. Ann Arbor Uommaiulory, ü. X., Lave passed resolutious of respect on the death of the late Frederick Sorg. W. E. Walker and party report a fine time on their recent huntiug expedition. They lso bro :ht back several deer. The mernbers oE the White Cross have raised money enough to niake the (irst paymeut on the old Baptist elmrch. Puring the mouth of October, under the new delivery system, 67 letters were received and 87 sent from this office. .Mr. J B. Pope of Howell, was the guest of S. W. Saxton last week. John speut one day in sight-seeing on the campus. Michael J. Carland, a piominent busi ness man of Corunna, was in the city the last of the week, in consultation with au M. D. Frank flogan, who was arrested here a short time ugo for forgery was released by Judge Joslyn on suspended sentence, last Saturday. .Miss Mary (ilennon of Chicago, is here visiting Mrs. R. Beahan and Mrs. Chas. K Bender. Miss (ilennon was formei ly a resident of tliia city. Fifty-three car load of steel rails arrived in this city to be used on the T., A. A. St N. M. K. R., between South Lyon and Durand. It is expeoted through trains will be running between Toledo and St. Louis by the Dec. 5. The friends of James J. Rasier, who is uow serviag a five-years sentënce at Jackson for bigamy, are making an effort to secure lus pardon. His second wife was Alice Rosier of Dexter. On his trial in tne Washtenaw circuit eourt his tirst wife, a chieago lady, appeared agaiust 1 1 1 in. The Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad at Howell will cut directly tliroughthecoun ty fair grounds, separating the race taack from the fair buildings. The hearing tor dainages, in progresa all week, bas resulted iu au award of $1,800 to the society. The couuuissioners were out seven hour debating upou the question. Airs. Mary E. Foster of this city, was awarded six cents daniages by the jury in the superior court of Detroit, Tuesdav, in her libel snit against the Post and Tribune Co. Gosts to the amouut of the damage must also be paid by the defendant, making iu all twelve cents, 'l'his verdict was in accordance with the law and charge of the judge to the jury. The Washtenaw Post is publislung a list of dead beat subscribers. By the v;iy we have accounts agaiust B. J. Billmgs, A. L. Hewitt, Myron VV'ebb, II. Wheeler, A. H. Warreu, the last mentioned of Fonter Station, Orrin Waite of Sharon, and l'red. Ehuis, the tailor, amonnting in all to over $2ö. The accounts are offered for sale. For further iufnimation cali at The Demociiat office. A will executed by the late Fr. Bleyenbergh has been filed for probate at Ann Arbor. The testator's property is all left to Fr. Theophilus Buyse, of Jacksou. The Detroit creditors of the estáte are considerably cxercised. They belive a later will is in existence, and say the proceedingH at Ann Arbor are unusual, as Fr. BJeyenbergh was not known to have any property in VVashteuawcounty. The wil] filed there was executed in 1881. The friends of the late priest say Ann Arbor is just where the will should be filed, as Fr. Bleyenbergh died at Dexter, in Washteuawcouuty. - Eveniug Journal An art exhibition, containing a rare and choice collection of engravings and etchings from Kippel of New York, will bo given at the ladies library building, on Huron street. Wednesday evening, Ilov. 18, and through the day on the Thursday and Friday following. Wednesday evening a lecture upon engraving and etching will be delivered by Prof Davison. It is huped there will be a large attendance upon the lecture and exhibition, as they will both be very interestiug. A rare opportuui l y will alfo be afforded for purchasing etchings and engravings, as there are nearly 100 in tne collection, ranging in price from 50c to 860The crowning dramatic event of the season will be the appeamnce of the well known tragedian, Thos. W. Keene, in " Kichard III," at the Grand opera house, Tuesday evening Nov. 17. The theatre-going people of this city need no introduction to Mr. Keene, his appearance at the opera house last spring as Hamlet has not been forgotten by them. We take the following from the New York Dramatic News: " In apperarauce, Mr. Keene is an ideal Richard. He looks the character to the hfe, with Bcarcelv any need of other stage artífice than dress. His voice is good and he has remarkable power of facial expression Hin conception of the charactes of Richard is board and vigorous, and the sudden transition which it demands, though strongly accentuated, are regulated by sound judgement and good taste. We congratúlate Mr. Keene on havingscored an emphatic success. The play was well mounted aud tne supporting company better than we are, unfortunately, accustomed to see supporting our antive "stars.' A student rush occurred at the postoffice Moitday evening, and policemeu Campiou and Heuderson interfered aud arrested Manley, law '87, and 8wartwood, medie '8(i, and took them to Justice frueaufï 's office. They wero followed by fúlly l,()0() students, who demandad the immediate release, on bail, of the ar rested persons. Ttais request was granted, the "Two Sama" appearing as sureties for the prisoners. Tl)e students then retiied to the campus and an mdignation meeting was held and a committee appointed to investígate the matter and to be present at the trials. The meeting was addressed by PoBtmaster DuffY, who promiaed that ih long as the stuaents ere orderly that the pólice should be kept out of the postónica. He also said that there was no occasion for the arrests that were made in the post-office The committee have investigated and find sufficient cause to petition the mayor and council to expel polieetnan Hendirsonfromtheforce. There seems to be a fnendly feeling between the studeiits and the forci', with the exception if HendersoD, whom they claim RKHiilted iunoceut studeuts, and nsed profane and indecent language to them, and gave pennission to a drunkeh mob to beat them with clubs. The professor approvo of the action of the students, but advise them to bc careful not to dp anytning rash or to disobey the law ín anyway. Kev. Mr. Gage, of Naslma, N. H., wil preaob a the Uuitarian chnrch, Sunday He will be follón ed for the next fou Suudays by the Kev. Mr. Bixby of MaB sachusetts. We regret to ohronicle the death of Dr. Will G. Terry, which ocourred Sunday at 1 :30 a. m., at the home of his parents in this city, after an illness of four months, of inflammatory rheumatism. Dr. Terry was bom iu this city March 4, 18.");!, where he spent his boyhood days and graduated in the medical departnient of the uuiversity, with the clasR of '76. He then practiced medicine at Otter Lake for one year, after which he re moved to Warren, Mecomb county, where he spent three years at his profession and was one of the leading local politicians, a'id returned to this city in 1880. The Doctor also spent some time as a clerk in the pension department at Washington. He was well known to the citizens of Ann Arbor, and all unite in sympathiziug with his parents in their bereavenieut. Wm. H. Lewis has rented the Follett House of Geo. Moorman for tb ree and a half years. The house is fltted up in superb style. Not many botéis excel ite complete furoishings. Mr. and Mis. Lewis are bom managers of a popular hotel. VVhile kaving charge of the Leww house they had the reputation of setting one of the beet tables of auy hotel in the state. Commercial travelers took pains to stop at Ypsilanti on account of the superior attractions of the liotul. It will be doulIy so now. - Ypsilauti Commercial. For yearg Mr. Lewis was engaged in the hotel business in Ann Arbor, lirst as proprietor of the Leonard house, and still later of the St. James. He enjoyed the same reputation here that he did when running the Lewis house - of setting a No. 1 titble. Air. L. is an obligiug and popular landlord, and always makes it pleasant for his guests. Success again, William. Byrne's Dramatic Times says; Mr. Keene's style is robust and manly, his voice cleaJ, resonant and pleasant, and his methods, above all, charged with earneHtuess. It is no wonder then that M r. Keene should have jjiven a surprise to the large audience which assembled to see him m what has been called his "veliement method," only to fiud a stong and haadsomely outliued face on a wellfornied, though, for the opcasion, fc rotes quely madeup figure, and an excellent retinement of artitic taste. Keene's Richard is lesa brutal and more picturesque than any on the American stage. His mobile features sugge-t rather the t'rench school rather than the conventionul style of the Anglo-Öaxon Glosters, but it remains an . original creation, hammered into shape by straiglitforwardness of purpose anti a desire to put into form precisely what Shakespeare meant. So far froin ranting, Mr. Keene is most fortúnate in this, that his voice is sweet, and when running into excitement and passionentirely f ree from throatv gur irhnes or metallic tonea. No on whn saw the performance of Monday night will deny Mr. Keene's rank as the first and best in this role. We are fortúnate in the possession of so strong, manly and self-repressed an actor. It is also seldom that a play has been presented in so thorough a manner, and with so excellent a cast, as theone Mr. William R. Hayden surrounds his star with. In fact, the bundle failed to shoV a single stick.


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