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Apropos of the suddcn üeath of Gen. Geo. B. MeUlellau, we nota tbat the New York jSum, poluts out the tinguldr faot that Gov! ernorDe Wltt Clinton, Goveroor Sflai Wright, Governor William L. Marcy (iovernor and Cliief Justtcc hanfoni 10. Ci.urch, and Governor R. E. Fcnton, all ol New York state, d'oppol den-J ui' hcnrl divos, and ander quite ideniüal circumstniicti, - ach uf {hem dt,ivg vJhVe rfadi'iq a letter except Murcy, wbo was péruslns Covper,t poems! Hofi your banu ai;nlis' tlie rlbs on vuur : left side, front, - the regula:1, tcady teatiñi; Oí the ureat "torce purnp" ol tl e systeui, run Ly an unknowü and mvsteiious F.nglneer, is awful II) ■ i itnpresslveness .' ew persons Uke to eount tteir own pulsebeata, and fewer dctíoc still enjoy marking th ■ "thub - tliub1' of their own utart. ' Whal if it al.oultt tkip Uat I" ; matter of fact th; heart istho least rii pttble to prlmarv disease of any of our vita: ■iiriins lt Is, böweveï, verymucD Injured by certaln long-continued congeetions oí tbc vital organ8. "like ihe kklney.% livcr ancl I BtomacD. Moreover, blood tilica with uric acid poducis a rlieumaüc tendeney, and Is very injurious to he.ilthlul heart' oction, - It oitcn provea fatal, and, of eourse, tlie urlc acid coinés froni impaircil Uidnev actioo. Robeits. tLe great Hnglish authorlty, savs that btart disease Is chleliy tecundaiy to some moro fatal maladv in the blood or other vital organ-. That s, it Í3 uot tlie ordinal source ol [he fatal malady. Thi.' work of tho heart Is 10 iorce blood lulo '(vcry part oí tbe svstem. If the orffant ure Bounditlsan easy taek. If they are at all diseased, it i.i a very, very hard ttisk. Take aa an iUustratlon : Tbe kldneys are vcry subject to congestión and vet, beicg Orfielcnt In tbe nerves of sensatiou, Ihls coogetted con II tlon Is tiot indleauü by va'm Jt may uxist for 1 year-, unknown eve:i' lo phyilcians, and if it ; doi:s nut rcsult In complete lUstruction of tho 1 kidneys, the extra work which Is forced ui on tbe lirart weakens it everv ycar, and- a "mysterious" sudien (eath claims another Tlcfiml This is a true liistory of "heart disease," - ■ so called, whieh in reality lsehlefly a pecondary effect of Brlght's disease of utsbldneys, 1 and indicates the universal need ot' that i rtuowucd speclflc Warner' safe mr.-. B. F. Lariaoee, Esq. of Koston, who was by It so wondrfully 'cureJ of l'riaht's disease in lsTt1, saya thaí with its disáppearanee went ' tLe dlatrt S3ifiï heart disorder, whlch he thim - discovcred was only seoadary to the renal ! trouble. Thero is agensral Impresgion that the medical profession ii not at tault if it franklyadI mits that heart Sisease s thé cause of dêatb. In otlier words a cure ol heart disease is not expectal of them! iherL' in. iv te n i.elp fot a brokenduwn, worn uut. apoplectïc heart, but there is a help ior tin. ki'li.e, disorder which in most cases s rcsponsibl. fyr the heart trouble, and if it- use put money and iame inta the treasurv of the profession Instead of into the hands of an lndepndcMt, lnve;tigator, evei-y graduated i doctor in the world would esciaiui of it, as j one, nobler and less prejudiced tban hij iellOws, once exclaimed: "It is a God-send to huraanity. V nat therefore must be tlie public estímate of tbat biotry and want of frankness wbich j forblds iri"sun cuses (becau?e forsootb it is a proprietar: iiracle,) the use of the one effectlve remediad ageney of the age Í , "Jleart disease," indeed! Why not cali such , tilines i hcir risht naraes I Wliy uot ! "Dóad without a moment's warnli ; Tbls llkewlse ,s an nntruth ! Waralngi are . given by the thoiltand. Physiciana are''uot ' eurpri what ti e enu i;l be, bat the rictlm! - "on no. i htfmustn'l be told, you know, it would onl? i frigiiten him, for thsre is no lielp, you know. ! for it :" The fate tbat attended "Little Nfac'1 ai five governors Ui not a royal and e.ielus ve one ! - it threatens everj one Who fails to heed the f warnings of nature as set fortïi above. The sparrow ha" not onlv lost easte abruad, biit hc is loir2 it at home." The country papers ol Kuglaml are ftlled with a discussion by larmerg as to the best methods for Lis exterminatii'ii. Tiie Prince of Wales Is entitled to wear about seventy-Ilve lüsiorun Uüuorni3, and tliu Evenraont (Parte) is astonisheil athis tnoderatiou in nerer wearing more tban one at a tima. A shower oL lish feil at l'ulatka, Fla., reeentr ly. .come of the i-h have been kept In water jarsto sbow to tfce ncredulous, but the cloud from which they feil baa passcd by. A Denver Chinaman, who stumbled over a neit of horn-ts, was seen the i:ext moment tiylni; down Street, yellins;', ".loss!" "Daml" HeUlcao hellee. liree blrds!" The new star in the Andromedi neb.ila which has been the curiosltv 01 istrOuOmeT; lh!s ic.iiou, euntiKiics slowlj tj iKüe. Mm . Kobert Goelel vorth$3 000 OOÜ, made in hardware. Mrg. Marti Bate; was k-ft bv Ier husband $l,5C0,0CO, whiih Ie made In dry jrooili. A Harvard stadent ïuim Jm-w York carrles $15,000 ou u'e fura turo of Lis ïoonis. Ir. Edward Warren, the popular American physician in Paris, ivill tvrite a book of remiuiscen H. U. Shaw iJosh Billlngs) is saidtonavc saveil $110,0 as the resulta oí hls bad ortboraphy. A iin?iu street car company in New Orleuns shot glL',500 worth of mules a few days a?o on ac ount of rlanders. Pi o essor Tv ndall's gif ts oL money to varlous American collages will be banded over to the Instltutions tbis month. Senator Stanfoid is a leader ín toe movement In California tö raise $350,000 for aörant monument in Golden Uate l'ark. :al■:; Twaln is sald to have mailo $75,000 out of hls "Huckleberrj Flnn." Bat Uien Mark is n'.jver mentiomd i-s losing nnything, noteven his hair. Historian Honcrúft and Congressional I.Ibrarian SpofTord are thick as schoolmates, and riüe out together on horseback every picasant atternoon. That ia an ingenious sign which a Bethlchem (N. H. ) confectioner kecps on the front of hls shop. It reads: "Viencli eandies made In thls building." Fatlicr ilyaclntbc declare that war can not be dispetised wlth, and lliat tloe who advocate 118 abobtün ure 'üangerous, alinost criminal Utop!ans." James Russell Lowoll, Cbarlps Dndlev Warner, an'.i others are salil to bL' Interested in tlie ncw magzlne, thc Ne'.v Pr!net cc Kevltw,to be issue:! In Januari l' Lockwood, accordlutr to i Washineton correspondent, bas a weff-baianced hoau. Tbat explalns her success as a bicvclist anil her lailuii a a politieian. liarnui!] tu Lave Jumbo stuffed, and so continue to draw a crowd with bim. But tiai'wiü n-il !■(■ ia effective as barnum'sold method of "stul)n" t'ie erowd. Rey. Dr. George C. Lorlmer. the Cblcaeo Baptist divine, is spoken of as the probaue ! succe -or oí Rev. Gaiusba Anderso:i as President of Chicago Unlverslty. Sheedv, the Chicago turf min, who is i no1 wofth 5.0),000, as a boot-black and ; stable boy. A Bartholdi testimonia', _ bought wlth the surphi? of the World's pedestal fuud, is proposeJ i.i New York. President Grevy, ol Kiar.ce, is a grrat UlliiirJiü and the place of honor In bis new hoise is giveu to thu büllard voo'ü. Unlv one jound in ;en cf wliat fs sold at j butter" in Ch'.eauo. accordlne tj the Health ' CommisEioner of that city. is the genuine uu . adulterated artide. The sentence of a thlef in tbe Northainpton [Mass. i house of correction esplred last 1 day and he ivas released. On hls way out he entered a Drlgoner's eell and stole to hair ehaiu-'. The thtíft was Uiekly discovered, the ex-eonv et rearreated, an;l linmediately trled and sentenceti to a nuiv term.


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