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ynop$ MALT BITTERS. IT IS TUS Blood Püriher ë Health Restorer. It never fails to do its worlc in cases of Malaria, HUioubiicsr, Constipación, Headnelie, losso? Appetlto and sleep, IVervona Deblílty, ?eiira)gia, nnd a:l Female Coinplatats. Hoi,s"ft Malt lütu-rs is i. Vegeta ble t-'ompound. ífc is a iflcdscSncnot a Barroom 0rín![. It diíTcrs as widely as do.-? day and night from iho tl)ousnnl-axid-one Sllxturc of vile Wlitsky flavored witl uromatics. Hops& MalE Bittors is recoiu uiended ly Pliyaictans, .tïlnlstcr aud N u rses as befng the Best Fam ily Medicina ever compoundetl. An;w)man oi-fíilld cántate it "From my knowledge of lts ingrcdients, under no eii-cumgtaiices can t njui u aoy one using it. It contains no mineral or other deleterious'subptance. Fo.-;sciss;i]g real merits, the rejaedy ís áeserving BUCO6éS.r C. E. DeFut, Ph. G , Detroit, Mich. TheoniyGemjine are rnanutaetured by the - „ ., ., . .,( f.. T.H. HIKCHMAN SONS, Pctrúlt, Mleh, ) WhclB JAMES 1:.1AV1S&CO. Detroit, Micli.. 5 Ak W. ÏTv. D.-3- 43 Tbe amount oí erude optum p:o -uced Ín India Ín líSíi is ttated iü rccently' pi.b'.ished ate tlstios to have 1 een S,071,l0 jounds. '1 iinumbcr of ocres oí land tised iu lts culture 8 glven at S76.4M. Tin? use oí opium anioiiK tbe poorer crosses is said to be rereis cxcessive, but thc well-to-do people sutler irreatly fvom ovcriuduJjfcm.-e in it, A commillee abpointcd lo represent tbc board of aldermen oL Boston, a few davs ngo, at tLe luneral oí n iellow membor, spent $1U9.50 íor a "íoral tribute" and íüú 'o;' bats and aloTos for the six members oí tbe commife.-. TLdr eflorta to impart dignlty to the occasion was appreciated, oud the tóls wc-re approved by tbc Tiro;jer oftkers. Dr. Kíehardscn finds a scientifle basis lor savlnï tbat a cat has nine lives. if : cat :md a dog are sluit up together In a letbal cbamber, tlie cat survives, on mi average, tbrce times as loDg, and sometimes nine times as lontr as the áo. Iterr Frcise's masterpleoe, "Tbe Brleands of tle Deseit," is tbe sensatiou picture iif the season on tbeother s;di-. 'Die picture, wblth is a laïfce on-, portraya a hungry lion aud lioness etea'.tlilfy creeplüg Iu tbe wake of a caravan. The C.tuüi of I.ord Sttathnalro redueodthe Dumber of Brltish fleld marshal tpfour - tbe bul., of Cambridge, i'ri cc otM ales, Lunl Napier of Magdalu. and Sir 1'. Grant. Mány k nderpnten tea'-heis aret thatthe flrtt ctíb! c among colore of all children undtr 7 rears of age la yellow. TiU admits uf few exceptions. The unlverafty kí Mcbi;au lias auded a full cour:eiu bioiogv to lts olective conrees Hiere are about 545,C0O native Christians n the Chinese empire who have been convertcd by Human Catholic luissionarics. Those convêited by Piok'stint misionarles are much fewer in'number. A negro in Texarkana cata glass for a liv: lng. A wrlter to of the medical papera süys he wUI mástic-ate giass for pav, "n aay quantlty, from a sruall nlece to a íamp chimI nev, and keep it up uil íay. loe Un deposita oí New South Wales are 1 eBtlmated by the colonial fcêologlst to cover an : área of 5,440,000 acres, but it i' rapposed tlmt ; ihs arca la reaiiv mach s-eater toan tlmt, aa aew tieKis of tin are ion inuallv rej orteil. líie Medical Review ín ah editorial on ■triplets.-' says that plural birtna oceur most frequeutlv iu Hussla, aml that wlien thev do oceur Ín tais country Üe fathers and motliers are general!)1 lounl to be of Hastian birth or deseent. Tbc Volanteer Flrcmen' Assoclatlon oí Pbiladeiphia is lo senil for exhlbition at New Orlruns its anticue hand iMiguif, sakl t;t be the oldest in thif country. H was built in England and brougut to'tfali in, in tUs state, ne.arly a ceutury añd a liall ago. It 1 1 rxticmely rudo i:nd finjile in its construction. Many caaes oí severa nervous shock have lx en cáufed by boya wearlng masks, and reccnilv. i Rye, England, the shoch from tliis resolted In the deáth of a little giii. She lost hi r reaf on 011 the day after ihe oecurrence, andcüllapse tcon fouowed. An alligator emerged Crom Lake Jesup, In Florida, a week or so ago, the Savannah Ñew.i relates, and spylng a coat cióse by, atlacked and injnred it in a terrible manner.'


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