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' I II. I , I g COOK HOUSE, EH. HUDSOK, Vroprietor. Newly Furnished. ate laaáing houw In Ano Lrbor. UNION HOTEL. CTR6T-CLASS Ín olí rospetí Jiver.vthing r new; fine room, well furniied. Term, n pur day and upwards. 8pecial rattrs to veek f Doardera, Mcmís 5; cení alia Schutder 'r., Proprietor. Corner of Wnsluugtou and Seona fctreeta. Ano Arbcr, Mich. NICHOL BROS., AT W. & A. C. NI0HO1.S, D. D S.-Dcuta 'v Office Misonic Tinpe Black, over Sivinir ank, Ani Arbor, Mich. WILLIAfcí CASPARY, 0 AXERY AND COH3TCTIONERY, Cor. Fourtb and Abu ütroeti. EDWARD PATE, irACHINIST, and repafrer of Surgkal Instru M monta. Locks. Ümbrellas ftuj Parasol Inf Machine and Bicycle Work a Spcclalty. ro ISNorth Malnat , Aun Arbor. Mich. KUBEN KEMPF rEXCHTB 01 nano, viran ano nrrarj w Mulc. No. 6, East Wníliiiipton-Bt., over Ri ev & Seaboit'8. Lave orders for Hano tuníng JOSEPH CLINTON, l XerchantTallor. iliop over Win. AUaby'a bool VI and Khoesiore. All work guaiatUeed or ac D&rge. JOIINF. LAWRENCE, 1 TTOBNEY AT LAW. OfBee, Nos. 3 Uili' Opera House, Ana Arbor, ílich. E. B. NORRIS, TTORNET AT LAW. Does a general law, "V celleciíon and coDv'evaice businesd, A. loderato patronage Is rsspectively uollclted. jY1c in thecouit houe, Aun Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, 1URQEON PESTIST. Roonu No. 19 Bouth 5 Main Street, opposlt the fitst National Bask un Arbor, Mich. ANTÓN EISELE, "BALER IN M0NUMV5TS and OrayestOüfS J raaBUfactured f rom 'Knnesstö and UaJían arbl and Scutoli and American Granlte Shop r. letroii ord Catherice su., Auu Arbor., lch. WILLIAM HERZ ÏOUSÏ, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco PoJn. tr. Gildiuz, Calclmiuiüg, Olazing and Paper anging All work dona in the bst at-ylo &ud arranted to eveisfetlm. Sin . S. 4 West raxhingicn strett. Aun Arbor, Li. Hgan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. JIAKOS, ORUAKS, SHEET MUSIU. Inutruo. Uoa Pok, Víolíns, Quitan. Fluía. Lu., icap at WiUey's Music Kooiu rnti lile t'ublio uar, Ano Arbor, Mltlklssji. Tle iarei and st Stock of 'tu.sii al Uood3 evr bruitLÍU into 'aahtenuw Couutv. Vtolin and (junar rit 1 ings ielaltv. N. It wUl Lv 10 uur iuteieit to di btlore purcii&sing auylhúií; Ín th Musía Abstracts cf Titles on Real Estáte1IAVE cúmplate compllation of thn Official ltecordaoí Wuhtenaw Oouuty to iate. luijungaUTtxTUI. , Ksccutions, au.v ini.i;:ubriui; i Roai Estutv, thal U of Kcord in the degistan Hce, is shovvii hy m buofcs. Ofílt e. in tlie cffice t U creta ry or Ihe WasUtenaw mutual iorice cornpany, in the basement of the court 3UBe. C. H. MANI.Y. Ann Arbcr. Wich. C; VV, VOGEL, PKorniKTOK, Lt.;'1 ;i C'iitflitóa, ;T.l 'HOMA.S MATTHRWH' OT,T STAMP On Ana Street. BXSn ASD SALT MEA TH KIPT OS IlKL The Ann Arbor Savings Bank )rganird lts, under the Oewnl Banklns '.%w l thi itate bas uow, inciuuing capital fixï, te., te., oren $soo,ooo assxxê. Bualno mnn. Quardians. Trustees, Ladlet and ther persons will flnd this Hank a 5AFE AND CONVENIINT 'laco at whlch to mako Dsposits and do busiucG. nterestis Allowed on All Savings Deposits )f 1.00and upward, occording to th rutrs ol h bauk. and iuterest coinpouuded twinl auuu Uy. Monay to Loan In Sums of $23 to 5,000. lecured by Unlncamtiered Renl Estata and otcsr lood securltles. DIREUTOHS- Chriftlan Mack, W. W. winj iT. D. Ilarr!:nun, WilKam Deubla, David Rhiscy. 3anlel llijuock and tv h. gmlth OÏ'FICKHS- ChrHUan Maot. rrealdent; W. I Wlnei. Vlcc l'reHnicnt: C. K. Hiscuck. Caahter D. KIERSTEAD'S TTTniDOW SHAÜE FACTüRY, 85 North Fif'S VV Street. Tde Favorito of every Hoiisekftrfir' The Rttvntion of the public ia most respectrully called to my manuracture of Suterior Woelen Shade, known as the Rustió Wliidow Shuua. lror Durabilily, Cieapuess, Convt-.nience and Beatity, they can not be excellrd. My aim is o 6urply a line of goods of geuumo merit, put tip In elegant Ktvl. and at fair lates. I ani co- inauufacturiiig a Superior Shade, the kjst ol the kind ever offered la this marki-t. Woutuer f-trlpsof everv vanety, for doors and windowa, at my eatablúshment. Get Your Property lnsured By C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGKTNT, No. 4 Soutb Main treet, Ai:n Arbor. The oldest aencyin the city. Etablished a quarli-rof a century go. Repressuting tlie follnwinif flnt. clats coinpanl8, wllh ovv $30,000,W) aaats. Hom Ing. Co., of N. Y.; ContmEtal Ins. Co., et N. "Y.; Nip.Rars lus. Co., ol N. Yj Girard lus. Co., of Piula.; Orna Ii. Co., ot Hartford; Conwicrcial Union ol Londci; Liverpool uud London and Olob. tVKatfa low. Losse Jlb-rolly adjus'.ci ma r- ayUywid. a . miLlïx.


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Ann Arbor Democrat