Around A Great State
The following Is a list of the liuly managers oí the Mount Vernou ladles' associatlori appointed for the diilercnt countles of the state bv tlie vice regent for Jlichig&u, Mrs. Eliza A. Kathbone, Aun Arbor. It has beeu diöicult to secure lady;;er3 ior some of the count es, and lady managers of adjacent counUe3 aro requested to act tomporarily ior the couut es iinrepresented. Whiie as sliown u letter-i addressed t0 eacu of tue lady managers lt Is lift to Üieir judgment to determiné in what luanner conti ibutloue are secured for tlie Mt. Venion fund, lt is Buseested tuut some entertainment such as a Wash'iugtonreceptlou Ux co.stuiac hould bf sriveu the liiüertnt Of the stïtc on the 22X of February, and also that a Washington doy sbouM be observed in the schools xaud eaeh scbolar fhould be requested to coutnbuu; a pcuuy or more on tiat aay for the Mouut Vreruon fuud. ïhc list: Airs. J. L. Tuttle, NUes, liimca couutv, Cu8s county. Mrs. Edward Mcore, Toree Rlvcrs, St. Joseph county. Mrs. Lewis,"Cold water, Brnncu eounty. Mrs. Charlea Lawrence, UüJsdak-, HillsdaJe county. Jira. Adolph Wheeler, Adrián. Ltnawee eounty. Mrs. rïeury Conant, Monroe, Mouroc county. Mr8. Sollcck, l'txit y&v. Vun Uuren county. Mis. T. V. ücldeu, Kalaoiazoo, KalamazJo county. Mrs. Stevens, Marshal, Calhoun county. iiiss Lizzie Cooley, Jacksou, JacUson county. Mrs. Co!. SterlluV, Detroit, Waync county. Mra. Qeorn M. CiocUcr, .Uu Cli-mcus, Masón county. Mrs. Wm. Alberton, l'ontiac, Oakluud county. Mr3. L. S. Smith, Lanslng, Ingliam eounty. Mrs. lleniy Arnold, Charlotte, Katou county. ( Mrs. Holblook, iiastlngs, Barry county. Miss Auna Uitssclt, Alleman, Alicgau county. Mrs. 6avaf(c, (iranil Haven, Ottowa countv. ■ Ciraud ICiipida, Kent couuty. Mrt. Httbert Webber, lonla, lonla eounty. Mrs. E. Walker. St. Johüs. Clinton county, Mrs. Shatlock, Owosso, 8lilwasiie cottbty, Mrs. W. R. liutes, Fllnt, (Jeucscc couuty. Mrs. lt C. Frost, Lapeer, Lapr county. Mrs. John Saubom, l'ort Ilurou, St. Clair couoty. Mrs. Townsend North, Vassar, Tuscola county. Mi-s. Frank Keelcr, East Sagina, Suglnaw county. Mrs. C.J. Willett, SL Louis, Gratlot county. Mrs. Jessie Churcü, 8herlilan, MoutcaliL county. Mrs. J-utlier Whitney, Muskegon, Muslícgon county, Huron county. Mra. lUiidiett, JJay City, Bay county. Miss Sarah Patrick, Midland, MiUlanü coun uuumy. Mrs Senator Phelns, Big Raptds, Mecosta pniiMtv NJj.wnvim i-nnnlu l li rtt jmmmfiv .Mrs. TuomaB l.yon, Ludiugtuu, M&suu coudtv, l„ake countv. Mrs. W. E." BelJons, Reed City, Osceola county. Mra. S. L. HltcbCOCk, Fnrewell countv Gladwin county, Ogcmaw coUDty, Roscoanuun countv, Missaukee, Wexford couotv. Mis. Canlield, Maolstra, .!an;stee county, Ecugln county, Grand Traverse couuty, Kas kaska county, Crawford county, OsuiUs county, Okona county. Mr. J. Monroe Lyons, Alpcna, Alprnu county, Montmorency county, Oisego county Miss Noble, Elk KapScls, Atiiiim (ouuty. Lce'eaaw couuty. Mrt.C.T. li. Uuüiold, Charlevoix, CLarlc-voix county. Miss Brackett, Pfitoskey, Emmct couDty, CbeboyiiHn county, Presque We couuty. Miss Fentou, Macklnaw, Ma'ckluaw county, Sclioolci aft couuty, Clilppcwu couuty, Wtlta county. Mra. Jud?e Frost, Marquctte. Marqucltc cosinty, M'euomlDcc couuty, Oiitouuguu county. Mrs. ArcLilald McLoan, Houhtou. ilouüli ton county, Varago county, lllscdva couuty. ' The Newberry Mlllions. A Detroit eventng paper glvcs the iollowlng account of the famoui Newberry fortune, the división oí wbich faal been made ueecssary by the üeath of Julia butler Newberry lu Paria few days aso : The yalu of theestate Isvariouslvestimated at trom Si;,000,000 to tlO,OOü,OOO. One half of th!s koos ;o city of Chicago for the purpoee of ioun nx a public library. A Jarge part of tbe ott.jr bolt comes to Detroit to be divlded umong a numbi-v of Newberrys and a syndicate composed oL Senator Palmer, Asliley, Poud and Wm. A. Mooie. Walter L. Newberry, wbo left the müllons, went Irom Detroit to Chicago Id 18i!4. The place was then littlc more than a settleroent on the prairie. For a roere song Le bougbt 40 acres some dist ;iuee f rom the towu liinits. Tbe ruarvelous devclopment of Chicago soon made Newberrv's tract of laad a j)arl of the city, and its owner l ccame a inlllioiiaire. lo Itíütj he dl-d, leaving u wife and two dauíbters. lia chlldreü survived bini only u few cais Th'5 Jeft tlic wldow stauiiü: betweeti ioo mllllooa aud the numeious oth'er heirs. Mr Ncwberry's wil! providud tbat uo división oí ll estáte Bhoukl be made iiutll the death of lila wjjow. ]n the meauiiiue Mrs. Ninberry as Ui itictve Kü.llOO peryeat Everv lega! mefbod was made by the helrs to break tbe proyisloD of he wlll dehiyinctheir loberitance. ' Tlic casa wm vrléS In ine Iillnois courts and resulted lu fnstaltiiu the will. Durlng tlie strule amuui; the belrs, Mr. Newhcrry removed to Paris. Aitíjoub about j TB yearg of agehe was hale aud bearty, and fnve evtry Indlcotlon of llv:ní; tu 1 c centenbt'ian. The most novel feature eoniiected wlth the eral cupatlllsts Lave made. Warner Newberry wus at one Ume a leading who!eule groccr In Detroit. Hls fortuno left hlm, however, tid he fouud himself at au advanccd age wlth no means of supjjprtlng himself and faiuily. Urider I1I9 un'cle's wlll bc would receive aSont luilf a uiilllon dollars, bot us tbla eonditlonal on tbc li'ath of tbu hale and hearty Paris wldow, It gave bira ltttle aid In hls eïtremity. He aoplled to hls wealthy rclativc, John S. Newberry, for a sluallou oK-rk, bilt wís tolil thal Che civil service reform mies appüed in tbat gentleman' uumeroua factorlea ana tbat derkB wcr promoled to f'.ll vacancle. Warner Ndwberrj thereuixm offered hls largo tnospcetlv fortune for sale. Few were wlllí rijj to speculate on lt, as tbcre eould be uo lefcal contrntt made binding Newberry to transfer the müiúms ivbcn thcy carne. A sj-ndirate wns lluallv formcd t o tak e an Interest in Warner ! Newlii-rrj's share. Senator Palmer, Ashley Pond aud Wm. A. Moore coptraeled to Eay Mr. Ne wbei ry $2,000 xv year as lonx as ." llvcd, prior to the death of the Varis iriduw. In return they wtrre to reeivc il,üi)li,()OÜ. or about one-lourth of Warner Ñcwborry's shnre. Tbe contract was made about. four ycars og;'. Mr. Newberry has slnec been made confortable by bis recolar anuuity. Outslde speeulalors tboUL'ht tliat tb! njulli:iie would lose money 1 : 1 the end ovin; to tbc long lease ot Ufe wbidi the wldow secmed to have. By ber UOOipcctol dcatli, tbe Detroit speculators rcselved ?1UO,(MK) In cash fur thelr Investmentol about $10,000. Messrs. Paimer, l'ond and Mooie eacli rocelve $38,(138 on au Inveslment of ía,3;JÜ or a prolit of 1,000 [.er cent, The otlicr Detroit belrs are Mrs. Fannie Edffcrton who recelves $325,00i); and Mrs. 1 Ladiic, Wa't. r. ('bailes P., N.,Edward, FrederJcK. John s. and Ilenry W'. Newberry, eschofwboni receivcs about .$170,000. Warner Newberry will still have about 300,ÜOU aftcr paylug the Detroit syndicate $100,000. Keport on Jacksou Prion. Warden Hatib of the state prlson, submitteil hls amiual report to tlic lioard of Prisoa Inspector? a few duvs since. The net earnlDRS for tbe TBtti endidg November HO are: Austin, Toralioson iS Webster contract, $s, 37Ü61; WitliiutoD i: Cooley, $25.13 63; Sutton Bros.. S10,2t 41; Ueo. C. Wttliorbee & Co., $5,510 65; Lurongh department $5,177 98; y;ud uiaïter'i cU;partment, $7,497 110; gftte money from vlsltor , Í 1,472 40; total, Í67, 403 33. Expenses- Wardeu'8 house, $1,1(0 29; genral office, il. UftSS; Chapluin' Departmept, t5ai 11; clupatiunal dcparlmeni, Í2S7 80; deputy warden's deparlment, $75 47; hallmuster's c cpartmsnt, i.'i,3'.O ;1', enirineer's department, $7,112 22; clothlDg, Loes, etc., Í6.7SH (3; Ultíhen, $20,1)67 52; physlclan's dupartment, $3,084 55; asvlum. $670 Oü; vard riiasttr's depnrtrneut, S;157 03; carpentor' departroent, SS'.l rtl ; ealarles, $4",2S5 S4 ; con vlctgr&tultT, S),4y2 50; rcpftiiR, Sl,005b2; toprovemeDtf, S12309; total 99,6rB. The expense excess over tbe earninga Is $12,210 66, acalust 818,501 % in 1354. The nuinbcr oí inmates ís larger than for throc years past, beiug 734, ftgaiait 670 laet jecar. The warden indorses the metbofls of operatlon In tbe vaiious departments, and is cl the opinión tliat the schtx)l is onc of tbe most important Insiitutlpns of the prison. TUe warden spfaks vcvy forcibly of tbc plttacce aljowed thë prisoners when Ihtv are cüscbavgcd. He tays tbat, althbügh ibey leave "itb good reaolüVone, tbo tain ot.Ua.ying beD pr.isoners clings to them, they are dittruited, and finally, noder dlMOttrajt ment, are apt to return to i Üieir iortütr associations and, is a great inaay tse, tliey drift back to prieoa. Tc wardeii eol?nvorel tolmpr.'ss upo:i the mlrds o' Vi ■ Inspectora the Idea oí the appointment of a board to have , tuit control of all priuous la the state. ! determine to whleh a priflODor shull be sent. how lon$ the sentunce sbould bo, vvbtcb lm tblnks in a majoritv of casc.-i shoukl h tban the mlülmuiu time alloed. He oea his report ns folio: "Wlt'i entlre s.'iv ration of the criminal class frotu the uow oui-uden, with a System o classiflcatiou that would estímate ei)od contluct, with a complete deration of the penal system out ol pol tic o t:i'. officei's woiuii be stlccteü lor worth tast6id ot as a party ÍH.vor, everv ollicer so WflEttcd ahotilu be to rlRbtly influence uien and bv the ailoptiou of tbe iIlliiclruinat seutenee plan wholtsomc resuhs wciüd te trodueedJ5' The report wjs nanimously approved lij the boaid. A fcivol -í.vo ce 5u:t. The novel divorce ].roceedlnp;s of Annle i Mills n.saluít Icr dead busband tcrmlnated iu the Waync circuit court ihl uorninx bv a ; decree dissolviiig the niarriage ou the grouñdl tbat Wllllam M.ils had acotuer wile ti.iun at the time be married tbe eomulainant. Mrs. Mllli was forraerly the wife of Theo clore Lee. who served la Xhe. unión arwy durins; th ■ rleüou. He (lied from Liittie wounds, aud bis wldow sjcured l [Misión. Iu : September, IStSí, Mrs. Lee tecame Mrs. Mil's. i Tlif aupltals had sotne drawbacks, ■■ ib? government declined to Day the ex-wldow her ' pension any lonj{er on the eround that she had ! a new busl'a'id tu care Tor Ler. The secoud toarilae was not a happy one, as Mills became very cruel, la üctober, 18t0, ' he wiis convleled lo the reeorder's court oi ihowiu!; vitrlul ou bis wife, and was sent to (he house of correctlon for ;i ycar. Mrs. Mills appliud for a dlvorcí uml eceured it in April, i 1S71, on tbe ground oí eztreae iru.'.ty aau i drunkenness. Koceotly sbe applled to Washington for a revival oJ her ppnüon rcceived from thr death of Tbcoilo] e Lee. Sbf: was niet bv obieetíon ] tbat lier serond marriage liad walved luí rigbt ' to ny pension ai thc wldow of Lee. To overeóme tlils i;ili' ulty gbe reeeoüy i.onnnenced f art her divorce proceedlogs In tbe W'ayne circuit court ugalnst Mills to annuL tbo j rlage. The tr&llinooy tbls mornlDg sbcwed j tüat Mills bad a wlfenod chüd llvlúg at the time of bis f econrt raarrtage. Judu Jenoison tbcrcupou !?clared the cerenjony vold. 15v tbis decree Mrs Xlllls agalu bei-omes tbê wiüow of Tbcodore Lee ana is entltled to ;i pensión for bis death. As payiueut wus stopptd solely on tbe ground that -.he marrie 1 Milis, tbc amiullment will entitle ber lo the ! mnntblr instaliments which bave accumulated ■ siuce litó. Milla raade no definse to tbe I cecUings, as be died scvcral jfcars afio.- ik OuU AÍiíj, Dec. 12. The Oeonto left Osco;!a at S p m. on Frlday thtiálhluat Qjaá cvr.n dn (iuniti'íl m famtlMfl j;aTe. vhiii Ene sto Ul sel in il Ijeeamc : sijle to sce and the llsbts went out There I ere twentv-two pASfc6njceni aud uvt-ity-flve members of tbet'.rew on bonrd. Tbcy tried lo maks Tanas, but (ould not make port. At 12 o'eloek Friday nigbt Cbar ty lisbt was sigbtod. Witbin tilticn iiiinulcs sin: struck boltotn at. thc loulneaal polut of Ibe island The hieakers carried tbflxjat out to tbesfa. Wllliam Brown of Cincltinatl, coo!, dled of trlghtdurlng thc frale. About 10;) toua of ', fielht were on board, wbieh can ail be siiveil, besldes a number oí horses and entilo. Ülark J. R. Van Shke, wheelemaD Jobn Cavanaugh. flrst mate Tbos Koss. second cnfflneer Krank Telp'T, whielsman Walt, BoslwTck, and N. Potts of Forestvlllc, a pas&euger, volunteered to gq asbore for aasísUucc Tbey .Urted witb thc lightheuse ixjut at lUa. m. Bunday inorn í ing towards Casevllld and liad a terrible tinn.' ! in'a floJitini; lkkl ol ice. 'Iheboat was feen frotu Cascville, and Jas. Curran and four otb irs süirted t;i iucl-i ibe boat. Tbey could only come wltbíu J(X) feet of ber und could do no:binsc. Thc ercw worked and broke tbe Ice, an ! liually reacbed ;ood ice. Tliey were mot bv a leaui aod brougbt to Caseville nt R . m. on tbe bth and a tu;{ was senl lo the reecue oí tb. men itill on the' island. Michigan Land Cases. Tbe of tbc Interior has rendered i decisión on the Michigan land cases known as the coinmon íllult of Itie Marquen fc State I ne and tbe Ontonagon and State linp roads lile sccretary holds tbat tbe titles to tbe lands Id questlon firc not void but voidable, anci may lie submitted lo tbe board of equitable adjudist.on íor conflrmallon of thc entrles. Tbe Facts in these casca are stuted to b? substantlally tbe 9ame as In the case of Peraro va. üamins, decided by the department Sep. 17, 18S5, and the principie tbereln settled, íully appllcable to tbeso. The principie Involved iu tlils decisión ufL.-.-ts lands estimated to be nortb ífl),CO0,UOU. Tbc decisión relates to the even nun;' red sectione ouly, and iiot to tbc Iand3 gruuti-ii lo the railrouds. MINOR STATE HAPfEWTSOS. The Micblesn ft:xtc teacher-' . .soalatlonwlll liold its adiiuuI nieetiau ii Kep. e en tati ve hall, LaDsIng, UrctniihW Ï8 30. Houud trlp tickets aro offered of the usssoclatloD for :no and a thlrd lare od all tbe ral'roads. To secure this reductiun, howcvar, oiemlwr must procure tai-. ■ attroad ticket ajü-Uí ::ssu;iatlon certllicalei ibeoao be procured ou ap pllcatioo tu 11 It. Pattenglll, l.unsinï, or the secretary. Wesley ISears, rllnt 'lhc-ïe cortifit"itc-s iuilst !c preseoted U) ticket astuu at the i borne office ior tbtir .. _ ■ ... i wi en the ticket to LansiDg is bóaglii Tbese certifl:ates, gigned by the oflicers .f tbe tcaeLers' assoeiaticiD, wheu presen ed a ilie Lnnsiug ticket olllces, '.vili lutitlc tiie LoJJuií tu return tickets at one-tblrd fare Ueorge D. Schel) of Niles, and V. ' V. Braco of 15!.r Rapids, ould like to ascertsin the wlicreaboaU aud postofllea address dI eaeb cjf tile iullowlng uamed comradee, vl;o were prisoiieií with tbem in the war of tlifi ; heJliou, near Caoipbell'e station, Tcnn., In j November and Dece.oiber, iy"'i, and ai I balonged tr Scvcn'.-'M:tU Michitan Infnntry: Jolíu Mnllov, lsiiicl Maples, itlchard Wasser. Myron W. fiinith, C. llirriu;ton, .1. S. 8pidd a'i, J. M. Lainpinun. lf ihey or any of iheir irlendüor forrSer coinraVlea knów of tbeir tvlicrcabouts lliey are requested to commuiili-ate Wlth Mr. Schell or Mr. iiruce, Wbo bave íoine mi ortaut newa Iir tbem. Hou. John S. Ncwberry of Detroit, cx-uien iier of congrtss from tbe Flint dl.trlt han fnüen hclr with otbcr to g.",tXX),üO() bv the : ileath of a rclatlve. Tbe propejty referred to I wimea through Mr. N'cwlicrry's Mint, Mra. j Waltcr Ncwlieny, who bas for mony vears reí-lded Id l'ails, Franec. Her hustmnd dled Bome yearp auo, leaviug balf of bis fortune to lountl a public lihrary, oud tbe otber half to bis wife, wltb reversión to hls helrs. Tbcre ore threí! beirs -one oí wboui was John S. Newbcrry' fatber- who would gei. ach $],■ liUO.IKIi). " Mr. Newtcrry wll), tliereforc, probubly fall hcir to W.0U0. The report of thc statc salt inspector shows the qmtnUty inapected üurin; thïï montb of November as íollows: Sjglnaw couoty, 121,873 barráis; liay couutr, .s U.Tijti barrels; Hurón eounty, 88,453 barréis; Manlatee counly, (iO,iï: I antis; iosco couuty, ai,0i,2 barrels; St. Clílr (ounty, 18,811 barrels; Midland eounty, 6,rXX) barrels; toul, Í5T4,Ü7 barrels. The inontti of November doses tbe salt iuspcctlon yenr, uiul Ule animal report of the state insre.'tor will appear pboitly. Tbc product of 1.5i5 exceeds all previous years. Thc piaster maDufactuiers of Michigan, lowa and Oblo in a rcccDt scfsinn at Grand j Hap ás decided tbat Michigan, Obio and lowa niiils Bbould imite in a pool wbich has been in operation Id tbe two former states íor severa! years. Tbey ngreed to opérate for a term of live years as une agencj", similor to tbe Michigan agenev. Buyers will purchase tbrougb thc iigeuryinsteaJ of directly from the manufacturers. The matter of prlces has not been ■ dcfinttely decided upon, hut was left to Üie trustees of tbe ageney. Jacob Belleman has recovered ?"5 from PostinasterMcreditbof East Saginaw, for rent. The pottmaster rented a building from "Little Jnke" in July last for onc year and paid the rent jiroioptly for the tirst threc months. The office wüs tui n moved, and Mr. Mereditb, clalmlng tbat he was inercly the governmcnt's agent, fefused to put up auy more. The $Tr recovered I for October's rent, and suits will x lnstitutcd everv montb un:ll the expiration of the lease uulc?t aud umicatle settlement Ís reached. C. L. Seeley, wbo resides weit of the city and bas one of thc fir.est berds of thorougbbred hohteiu cattlc in tbis vlcinity, is the proud possessor of a uew HoUteincalf wblch weighcd 121 pounds on tbe day of blrtb. Aerlcultiirul college professors say that the heuvicít calf at birth of whlcb tbey bave any kaowlcdge welsthed 10 pouuds less. Tbe iittle glant was s.ired by a two-year Ilolstein that weigbi over l,Sf)O pounds.- Lanslng Kepublican. Fcbruary 17, 1668, at Lansing, the survlvlng membtrs óf the Third Michigan Cavalry win pjeetforone dayto renewold acquaintance and revive tbc memories of tboir past milita life. All who ever belonged to that organizátion are requested to send their uame aod address to Adrián Yates, Grand Rapids, so that they rr.ay be furnished witi cirtincates entitliDtbem to reduced rates on raiiroads. Settleis 06 Iron river are gctüng ready to aefend tieir claims, aud tli'dy are already Ing It hot for tlo?e persons discovered euttiug pine on thetr lands. One man was causrht last weefc and raid S13 to settle witb the oütraged ' O'vuer of the land. Tbc settlcrg are thrice : nnued iu tbat Üiey have thelr quarrel just ;iud have a gocdly uuraber oí llnely worklájr, cuns i iu thelr [luiSL-ssiou ready for iminedlate use. Walter Voorhees oí Battle Creek, visited Jiicob'a ciut Dg store and shortly niter SoOO vtx-ie round to be missing from the safe. Vorhe. 'u urrested and searched, nud though the nionev was not found u;x)u hun he was taken to jail at Marshal, and releascd by order oí the prosecutiny utorney wltbim a few i ours. Voorbêis will t'rtng suit'lor fa!se fniDrisonnient ifiaiust Jacobs. Theiuiv in caseof Jacob Stuhenvell, charged wltn shootiDg Willle Pickel on the street In East Sairinaw tu the nlght oí September 20th last, brought In a verdict of uiauslaughter. Pickel was building a bon-lire on the "street wLeu tbe defeudunt carne along with anothcr man, and. pulline; out a revolver, tlred at the boy, Üieball takiug effect and producing death a few minutes laUr. The grocerv and general store, with thclr contei:ts, belonging to Fred S. Wolpert, at Cerrolton. Sag'naw cuuutv, were destroved by fire the other morning; also a store and the ; postoflice, occupled b'y 13. Urlfiin, postuiaster, and one mail dwelüng. The losslsaboutl 813,0(10; partly iusnred. The origm of the fire j Is not l;cown, but U believed to bt thework of an iocendiary. Mr. Andrew Bergulles, a fnrmer living cbout two miles from Vassar, discovered hls baru iu ( llames. Whlle he was trylng to save hls horses one of tbe aDlinals kicked him and he barely escaped with bis life. The team, two cows." three calves and hls stock oí feed weri burned In the building, wbich was Utal loss. Notblng was insured. David Plckurd, sentenced Jan. 1, 18S4, from Sanilac coucty to five yeara ia state prleoii ii.r lurecny, Lüs been pardoned by the governor on the groimd tbut the pbvsician on tho pardon board snys tüat Plckard N a vittlm of consuroption aiid can live ijut " verj hort time. Thls Is the ouly rea&on ior the pardoo. Gov. Swlucford has sent a fine coUecUon of furs, sklus aud othcr curlositles fiom Alaska to Irlends Iu Marquette. 'l'he collceüon lncludes a fealskin ,r)7.x' inches In dimensión, a 8Wan'sklii, a shirt made from the (mestices of the walrus, cuele skin robi'S,andDiauyotbt-r rlch and novel speclrueus. The U S. llsh hatehcry at Alena 11 fully atecked with whlta lish spawn. Io the batencry thero tre 30fl jars of whitelish jjuwn, makinir about 00,000,000 spawn. Krom ihis hatchery there have also been sent tome 2,000,00) trout spawn to the U, S. flsh hatchery at Northvlüe. . (J. B. Markham, cpress agent at Berrien O n'.er, bus tiri;n anest.'d on u cbarge of embo.ïlr.uiCDt. Tbe QOtnplaloatit is W. P.Becker, carrier, who claims Io have umvittlnglv reglven him. Central, near Leoul, run iuto a team of hor( í sluck in n cattle-euard, killing botl) anlmaliand demolisljiug the wagon. The driver, who 1 faid to have been lntoiicated, escaped unn.lured. Prof. E. K. Crocker ofHillsdalc hos bad thlrteen borses In liiiInltiR for tbe pust sis moutbs and bas tbcm DOW s cll imdei con trol tbat bc will Marl out ubout Jan I W g viexhibltionsin tbeclüctlbroujfbout tbe country Tbc L. A. & Mt 1'. ïttllway compatiy have a forcé tti('D at work on the line bctween Sait Riveraód Mt. Pleasant. Ttaey ere also radfng soutb from tl! 1)., L. & N. crossloz at Alma. jitid are Ironlui tbc bridge soulli of Alma Charlen D. Wricht, at one time city editor of tlie (jrnnd Roplds Deiriociat, was frozen t death In Orcenvllln, III., rocentlT. Mr Wrighi as tcmporarily dcraogcd ut tbc timé, and waudorcd avvay :iom hiï bfiiine io o storm. Dr. lloury B Baker, sccretaiy of the Micbiran stuto board if health, read n paper the other dny lieforé the Ameritan public heallb concress át Washington uu "Tbe relations oí lalnfull auu water gupply to cbclera." Burnhaiii iS Ktitts' mili in Ssgiijsw, togolher with a qnantlty of Inmbcr, wat de ?íro.ycd bj a few days na;o. '1 'he tire if believed to be incendiar?, as, tliere has beeo no fire about the building since Nov. 28. A singular marrlage took place at Sebcwa last weck. Tbe father of the bride and tbc mothei of Iht room aic bro'.ber and sister, and tbe fntbei of the groom tu.d raotber ot tbt bride beat also tbat relatiotnhl[j. Dr. E. Rutherford, vptcrlnary eurgeon of Muskegon coiumitti-d suïcide by taklrg H doso of morphiut'. He leavia a wlfe and twocbildren. Uespondency caused by tinanclal troublt Is suppostd to bc 'tbc cause.' Sult bas been brouttbt by Eber Murray agalnst Pólice Commlséloocr T (J. Jïtooksol Jackson of jl.(XX) damages The former's saloon was raided by tile pólice at Brooka' orders, bencc the suit. Frank Kubn, one of the coavicts who íb" pared íiom louij sorne montlis aso, and wa subsequcutly captured In Windsor and returued to Dólroit, has been ïeDteaced aealr to Joïila for live years. Alonzo Hydron.ín' noate of the sjldters' bome 1b Graiid Kail s mraged at ai. order giveu bySeigeanl Frunces Liaüiels, aud drew a revolver aiid shot l)unil iu the ihlgi Infilctlng u bad wound. Got. Swlneford is Introducios Michigan methods n his iiew terrltory. lle hts ollcred a banilsome n-wurci tí. tlie Alaskan ladvwho wlll keep I er house the cleanesi uuHuk me ucüt six inoKtL Tbe offlem uf ihe Suginaw city rallroad eompanv bave iilcd artleles uf Kssoelaflon lor the constnutioD of fcbrMee a rosa the Sagioaw river tu lake tbe place ui the ouc lately condftDUtid TLe rcuniob of thn Twenty fixlb Michigan fnfantry, which wns to have In en heln al Laxislnji Dec. 16, bas beeu poatponetl to April 9 - the twenty-firsi aunlversaii oí Lee'a turronder. The siaffof tbe new dally I.fiiiflug Keptilllcan, to ie etarted Jan. 1, is uuuouuced us follows: L. J. Bates, inanue;lu! editor; Lewii t. Phlster, state editor, aud II. B. Stltt, city editor. A recent storm swept iwny iM feet of the end of tl1 ïoiith pier :it. Graad Haven and nearly took tbe p er lijihthousc. It was the heavlet gale ever kuown ou Lakt: Michigan. A chlld eight weeks old dled In it mother's arm at Uattie Creek the other ewninz. Tbe Loroucrwas callt-d, but wlthoui. an inijucst It wasdeeided that tbc chtlil Was srOOthered. 'fiere are UXl Kolghliól Labor iu MidlaDÜ. DETROIT MARKETS. Wheat-No. 1 white t 91 @ 81M No. ü led 93 W ftii Flour, rollei prowA 4 75 @ 5 00 Flour, rtoiie procesa i 50 (a! 4 75 Buckwlictttt.crbbl 2 50 M Corn 8Ji O 38 Oaln 33 5 W4 Barlcy 1 @ 1 50 RyeperlüO 3 7;" (S 4 OU BrD J2 50 (rtl.i 00 dover öecd V bu 5 15 tó 3 b-t Timoth.v Bced 1 2r) @ 1 50 Applesperbbl 1 40 ($ 1 It Diu-d Apnlt SJ ( 4 Cranbcrr es [,er bbl 6 50 (j'DOO Butler lb 1 W 15 Checse 13 (A 13 Eges 21 @ 22 CËTckêni 8 fo f. Turkcys( tve) 9 & 10 TurUeir (drcBed) 11 @ 18 Uuckg H) 10 @ 11 Potatoes, per bu 40 (og 4" Turnips SO @ B5 Ünionsfb! 8 00 M'A lloney 1 @ 1' Uear.s, picked 150 (8 155 Beans, uupieked.. ... 75 @ t 10 Hav 14 00 (o015 00 Btraw .") 50 ($ 6 50 Pork,drcssed 10Ü 4 25 (J 4 50 Pork, mess new 10 25 (ailO 50 Pork, futnüy 10 25 (10 55 Hams 9 % 9, Bhouldcrs 5 @ 6 Lard 7 (i 7 DrledBeei 10 tó 11 Tallow 4 @ iV beeswax 83 % 27 Hoef extra mess 0 00 , OT 9 't Wood. Beech and Maple 5 00 @ 5 80 Wood Maple 0 00 @ fi 00 Wood Hkkoiï 8 00 @ 8 50 LIVE íTOCK. Cattle- Tbc nsarket 6 (uil and 10@15e lower; eood to ebolce Chrietmas cattle sold at 6:á8 75'. cn ce iciid extra good grades of sblpping cattle ara [UOtcd at $.'() CO, gnol to cholee stocker? nnd feeders at $Ü50(g8 90; common aud BOorl :md mixed tiat.ivc "eows, bulls sndcaunltiï eattle are quotcd at il Ê0@4; bulks grades foll ut $3 iiCá8'i: good toiholce through Texas c.utle, nlnw and stcidv, steers at 3@3 75; coa and mixed at 2 5)(:: 25. Ilogs.- Tbe market is slowand lower; common rongh and mixed erades of bngs aro quotcd nt ;i 0"l! T2y, good and cholee, assortcd heavr packlng and shlpplng '-rades of bogs $375ot3Ö3; comuioa to good ligat and bacon graaés of bogs at $3 S5@3 75; skips vai culled lio.s at Si Sü(S3 25. Sheep.- Tbe market is lo-; inferior tó fair nativc boru lieep si ld at J2@4 25; Westeru, U 7'Xg3 S0; Tfixaas at $1 VX& 25; lambs, per
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat