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Eastern Echos

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índerbi:t'9 es!ate foots up $119,000,000. Patrlck O'Rourke, for ü yeara conaeet d nltb the New Y orle Tribune, is dead. T e will of the lute Piesldent Barri s oí Guatemala, wits t;led probate at New York receatly. Vanderbllt'3 m:ui?oluin wlll uot be eompleted uatll sprint, it iLe meanttme íour policenicnwlll guard hU to.nb. Four mou wore iustanüv crusbed to death, aud three otlers seriously" injured by tliB cavin,; in oL a seir ín Akion. Oblo. Ttc fu. eral services of the Inte Wm. H Vünderbilt were held in New York on the llth Inst. They were as sinjple as possible. Tbe North American Uuion of Radicáis, with beadquarters iu Milwuukee, has Issued a memorial to conjrr ss aiUiug tliat the oüice oí l'rcbiiieat be ubuilsbed. Several liouses iu Canonsburg. Pa., were blown to pitees bv an explosión of natural gas the other Tlie uceupaots ot tbe houses were ill budiy iDjured. A terrible cxp!oeoo oceurred íq Mili Creclt mina near WilKtbarre, Pa.,'a ít-w days ago One huudred nivu und boys were cmüioycd, niauv oL nhom were seiíously, tonie fotally lujured. Fngineer Aln lost bis life by the wreeldne of tbc St. Louis express un tbe Erio road at Scio, N. Y., early tbe otbex inurning. Tbe ao i iii-i!' as eau:ed by the tarelessneïs of au perator. Ge . VV. Towusley, recontlv appoted poátmaster ut New Uollauu, i a., has my8teriously disappearqd. Tbere is a sbortajtü In bis accounts ai poítmas er aud bc was oihi-rwlse BoancuiUy c-iubarras.-cd. Ky the i'euili o[ Mi' . NaDOy Groen of San Francltco, ihe city oí' liilfus . Me., recelïêfl tbc í 3Ü.0OO f'ir ti public liiii ni v bequea 1 ed Iu ]49 by her brollivr, Natliau Vllsoo, iu oüicer iu the navy uno :■ uutivo uf lüai city. Ferd WurJ Las been uatisferred from the stove thoj) in ÜiDg Sin prisüD, wliere be was rmjilij. f and i;ury tl.eiu to üi" tuvr muuuit-i ollico oi Pérry & (.0., In tbe piiïon teie ütwui ?et :o boo!fceeplng. A riot ocurred in F.lizabc-tb, Pa., on tbe tlt)i iDSt, umoBic tijc .-Irihiiiii eoal minors, 'l'wo bundred strlkcrs attackeu : niimber of workiug miners aud U) vi ib latter were scriously Injured, end two fatully. Further Uoublo is aoticipated. Tbe New York board of trade and trans.ortation recently adopted aresolution declarDB tbat the colnage of tbe standerd ïilvcr oüar be susptDdeii until such ft time as lts resutnption is ilemauded by tbc j;I]t;rui ntereats of tbc ctuntiy. Yanderbllt'8 will berueaths $10,000,000 to each of h:s plilldpu) 'lliv JiJUs .rCv-'.ho,'atioi bous'; on Fifth avenue, paintiuipi, library, ststilrs. bor(ts. ..t,. ... nnlif V.f uoo.uoo, and S5,W,Ü0() absolutely. The Nw ynk i hauibcr or commerce, at a special meeiiiig unanimously ngreed to support tlie resident ot tbe Unltel btatea and tne secrelary ol tbe trtaury in tbe stand tbey l.ail luken m relatlon t too luspeiitioa ■ .f coinai;c ol (lic present lllV'Cr dollar. .lUilgff Galhraltb ur Kiic, Pa., has reDdered a decisión to tlio ctlei't tlnit the I-ake tibore it Michlg.iD Soulhero niilmiy company must pay uxes on spuia or luiuieb ioads running fron; ibe main hun to tho diiïeient mauufacturin, estnbüsbnicnts in tbe vicioity of tbe inuin line A lennnl of $',') 0 was oiïered for thf cap ture O: a uiuid.T.. i wbo eí-caped doro jíiil al Mirgaaroptou, N Y. A farmer reco'nized ar! tiackcl 'be ftlgitlve and gol n ueputy tberlff to arrest hlm. The ollicer wa albín dloed io divide thi' rcward acd the coun gTt tbc whole sum to iariner.


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