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Western Whispers

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Hormons are indignant at the reports oL as uprising In tbíH Tiiritory. A mimber oí counterfeiters were arrested II Devecport, Jowa, a fcw day slnce. Tbe 10-rear-old daughter oí James Dun of Xcnla, led., difcd t few days sisea of triebii osls. S'eps bave airea dy beeo taken íor the erec1 ion of n iri'inuinnt to tue uiemory oí Ibe late vied piesldent. Tnool U.r largen flourlng mill3ln Milwau!(t-c wero destroyed by Oru oo the Sth iti!t, t u 'oss oí tS5U.O0O. The repair shops of the Toledo & Ann Arbor lailwav near Toledo vset burned to the ground few davs siuce. Frank Steains. a letter carrier of Indianapolis, made an iESültlng remurk aboutthe lite Vlce President, hich he wis disharged. The collector at Sitka hse beeo iustructed to refuse clearaoces lovessels ladeu ivhollv or in part. with llmUr whlcb bas beeo taUeu "illegally cut from (;overümeiit laiids. ITon. B. Grnt7. Brown, ex-Unitel States 9. nalor, Cígoverüor of Mlisouri, and candidate for ibe vlcc prealdency in 1872, ditd u St. Louis, Mu., Un-ember 13, aged W years. Tbn TalrbHtik Cannlng rompany of Chicago, ba retriveil fioni Ibe Frencli governmenl an order íor;í,20li,(iX) .ouuds of dresícd beef for tbe use of tbe Fren I. nrmy. Tbc contract InTolves tbe ilaagtiter of 23,000 hcad of cattle. Th ncw ftirna'( built by th Iron river furnae eoir.pany at Florence, Vls.,wlU go iuto blast ahout Jar.úaiy 1. This furnace is the oniv establlíbmenl of tic kloá :u the world wbéro tbe ófe is Ukcfi clirectly fium tbc mine t ciijjolii i.nd without tbc use of a shovel 1S70, leaTlDo Slií.OOO polfry 0o Mus.--aibusttu Iif'' Insuraúvc euuipany, Tlieadu te; i laim '1 llaves liad resorted to deception ni bis npplication, and offered to settle for í 6,090, wiiicb was done. Tln heírs soon after l coaino tonvlncífl tliat no de. o,;tioi as used, inouglii sult und have just got a verdict of ttf.odo.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat