Southern Sauce
A monument to coinmr inórate cinanclpatlon 's to be en ci&i by tfce colored p.ople oí Vlcksburg, al r ost of tSÜ.OCO. Prof. í;. 11 Wcíhcrs, a prominent eolored citizeu of D..I!í.s. Texas, is worklog ap a proIcct to I' u.,ü a (Olouvof 2.00J eolored íainllies ín Brozo cotonty, l'cxos. Tbc recent fcnce-cuttlDg in Jackson, Eurnett aml othr cfiuntleafn 'lexas liss calleé fortb a nroclarnutlnn fioni Gov. Irclainl flpc'arlng that "th ■ vholi)íw(Mif tbe stntc willbc invokcrl to bring viulütuia üf iLc lawi to trial and punithmcDt.:' At a erosslng on the Texas Central railway about n from liryan, Texas, Rev. II. Wílson atjd two d&ugbters, wbile returnlng borne Ín a wagon wern struik by arj eDfrjne aod all tbrco Instautlv kil td. Tht engiueer bus beerj arrcsted. Atlanta, fin . artesián well, whlfh 1? now ncarly 2,(MXi reíjtdpcp, bastCgiin a stoady flow, and inn. :i siilM sin'.'iii of airOUt 'W,iMO gallons lai!y. Tl;i; Mipply 1 iuexLaustilile, aud i be el ty wlll ha vn mimy otber well dug auO get Uicrefrom its uiei eupply, Andrew JohDSrjn, un allcged murderer, tnouttbt tn Cbatliinooprn frora Texas. jumpei from a rallroad Irnlii wb'lc llwason a trestle ana movlng :.t a rapid iüIj'í. He lell forty feet and was foucd by thc ofñcern tuuk ti sljoulúers in u moraEf, i;i:t unkarmed. (iov. Ireland of Texis, olTcrs a reward of SICOiortbn Ri rest and ronvlctlonot any ene foiiud cutthi'j ■ or iDiurlns; tbe fendns oí imotber, and í")) for tl:c. arrest and punlslimont to the lull extent of (be law of any unluwfully incloslu or ustog Eibool, unlvexsitj or aíyluio lunik.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat