Washington Waffles
For Novi mlioi tbe lotal value of exporls of bread ftufls was ÍU4SSS. Dr. O. W. Wlíílil of Detroit has been admltted to practico lp tbe Uolted Statec tupreme court. Tbe advocates of the Hennepln canal scbeme are In Washington to do tbc usuul aiuouot of loby'nR. James Patton ommlssloper of navigatlon, claims that A mriicn lbl))plDff rankï tccond aiuoaï the nations of ihe world. Tbe ainnnnt asl;ed by the Pension Bureau for tbe corninz fifi.al ytñr is leM by il, 549,040 ttaan tfce amount ai;jfopriated by Congrees for usc dur.uj tbe cutrent i-:r. Under the United States Supremo Court decielou In tbe case of the Northern Pacltlc against. tbe treastirer of Traill eounty, D. T., uo tax on real estáte of tb Nnrtbcr'a l'acllic can be collected, and it is nssertcd tbat tbe city and eounty goveiorncnts are tint ateued wita üanUniptCT. Tbe Mandan city coudcU prays cousicbs lor velicf.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat