Foreign Fragments
Twelve tbousand laborers are cmployefl on I thePnnama canal. Advise from Mandalay state tbat lbo sacred wblte-etepLanti6 dcad. Tberf is a prospect (.bat tb? French embargo ' on American ror wilt be removed. Gladstone proposes to close bis public liio by iotnxlucing a measure íor borne rule. Tbc burial of Riel took plaie at St. Boaifacfi acröss Uie rie: írom Winuipe, oa Uie 12 in6t. , Th Trlati natlonal league claim to hoid th ; balance oí power slncc tbc recent elections in England. Mr. Gladstone. as prlvy counsellor, ! ten to the úeen on the sub;ottof aparhament for Ireland. Sis Hew Crawford PoÜol'ü of Lomluu. Ij deal. He served lo the federal cavalry dut ing the civil war In America. Flghting has been renewcd between the : Servían imd Bulgarlans. The former were badly ioutei in a recent engagement. Docutnents have been fllscovered at lay showing tUat an offen--ÍTe and defensivo , alllanee oxUted between Franc? and üurmah. Kerdiuard ïeradllo senteuced to be hanged at CoruwaU, Ont., l)ec. 'i for bulne accessory to the murder of Loreno l'etts, Las had hls Mntence conamuted to ten years In the Klnston penitentlary. Adestrmtive storm sweptovcr the Atlantic slde of the Isthmus of Panama, on the fith ;nst, resultlngin agreatlosí of vesscl property. Several live were lost. The Paclöc miiil i pany's property was nearly all washed nto the i sea. Tbe London TSmes f ays : The Eastern diflicolty may be regardefl as vlrtually setUeil. ■ The power have agreed to recozolze tlie ! union of the Bulladas. A demarcation ! iulsslon bas beeu appointed, whlch irisares an i armisiiCÊ ot n uuuth aud wil! hardly [all to ; securu peacc." The British government haa docldcd to send z new expeditibn to the Soudan, uhd It is beIng prepared foi luimcdiate drpartnre for Esypb Tbe (rontlcr lield torce In Kirypt conslsfs of about 6,500 men, under coininaud of BrK-Gen. Qrentleld, uue-balf of the foices boina British and the rcniaiuder Egyptian-. Mr. Herbcrt (Jladstone, son ol tuc cx-premisr, has written n letter In which lie ys: "Notbin? could Induce me to couotcnancj a separa tlon of Ircland froin Great Brltaln, but il liv.' sixilis dI the lri-bpeopledi site n jiarllaï m ti l 'n Dub'in to manare local allnirs, in ihe dííilic o:' piu;t ce ai.'l wlraum let tbem havo it.
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Ann Arbor Democrat