Congress Condensed
Dec. 8- Sekate- After the readlag ot the Senate Journal, the presidenta message was dellvered by Maj. l'mdeu, the prusideut'a I , retary, and at 13:10 the reading was be&un.... Í I hei. oceupted In naliug wa une nour 1 1 and forty-two minutes. The ;uiuu;i! report of Ibe secrètary ot the treasurv was then submit( led ; aíso, a memorial from Ibc lejlslature ot New Hampshlre, requesting congrua tu pass ' legislatlon that may secure éxcluslvéïy to the ' American people the public landsof th U. S... i Mr. Hoar uien Introuuced bis bilí to próvido . for the performance oí tbe duties of the oüicc of vieepresident. Iu cases of the removal by dcath, resignatlon or Inability botb of tbc : president and vice-nresident. He also InI troduced a bilí to establish a uniform 6vstcm , of bankruptcy tbiouirbout the United 8tatcs; i }ii...Vi3ii'.""i_. .Utuuíj (jiuii uiis'iii minor i fu portance were introduced and upprcprlately . IIou.hb.- In the House Rev. Dr. Vf. II. turn Uelivered a prayer, referring in an elo'luent manner to the late vlce-president und ■ mvoklng a divine blesslng upon all, so that j svben the last hour shall come, "ve too shall i iJepart in peace, havlcs; a good eoiisciencu ] owardGodaud man," After the journal wus reád Maj Pruden entered u:nl submitt.ed tbu ' pri8ideot'! metsagc, wbich was lald beforc the House. i Dec. 9.- Senate. After the transo ctlon of . fome routine butloCM the following bilU werc iutroduced nud rclerred: To amend section l-.til of the revised statutes, mnkinfr an BDDUal apcroprlation U prov'de arnis aud iiimiitimtion for nillitiii. To prohibit the mailing of rewspapera containlng Tottery advertlsesncutfi, and [irescrlbinsr a penalty for tbe vioiation oi the same. It providee tnat lt sliall be ttnlwful to earry by muil or deposit iu any receptóele for mail matter any oewspaper or any other publii-ution t-oi]lairjiijeai)yauvertl3emenl of a lottery, aud provlde a penalty ol $20 for eacb vlolutlon ol tbe act. . . For tho relief of heirs of colored soldiers who served In the war of the rebellion. . .To provldi: Uu the reaüjuslment. of compensation of poatmatter at lourth-class ollices. ..ííesulutiom were preíented aud reíerred, proposin;; an amendment t the coDStltUtion exteuding Ibe rleht of suffrage to women ; In relatlou to alC()hollc llquore and (.the poieonous beverages, and one asking for all eorrespoudence relaung to tte appointment oí Mr. Keil)' as lüiüiBler to Italy ai:d Austria HoLst.- Xeai'iy tbe entlre sesslon was devoted to tbe difeusslon of the rules to be adopted.and after appoluting Mecsrs. üaadall, Morrison, Reed and Hiseóek commitiee oi: rules, the House acMourned untll Öaturdav. Decemdkh 10.- Senate.- Bills werr introduce(l as follows: To provide for tbe establishmeut of portal lelegraph . .10 repeal tbe law providlng for the settlemeut of claims of oili'i.Ts und etjlisted men for property destroyed in military service of tbe United States.. to promote peace amonj? natlons. .lo open certaln lands in Indlun Terrltory to homestead scttleiiient. ,to repeal nll statutts prohlbitlnfc pensions to wounded soldlers and ofticens wlüjout proof of lovalty. .to repeal ibe statnte of ltiuitution od the allowaace of ]jC-Bsion arrears. ..Senator Conger introdut-ed a Dill authorlzJng the secretarv of war to nffiotlate for the purchase for the United Sta'es of the Portage Lake and I.ake Superior bu.p canal. Conger algo introdmeda bijl for a new lighthouse, and asked for an npproprlation of the Í50 (XKi íor a stearuboat for the propoiPd ncw ll.-lit house district. .. A resolutlon waa intrudurcd and referred dircttinp thp paymentof the expenses of the Seuate oom mittee appninted to altend Gen. Cirunt' funeral from the contingent funri of the Senate. Pome time was speut ín expciitive sission, aad the Senate adjournnd until Monday. _ I)Ki'. 14 _jt.- A memorial from Ihe Connecticut lêgisTatüre was nreselStea urgin the passage of a i.iil to provide for tbe presi i'antlal f-ount The hill providln? for Wm presldential iuccetilop wns i-Rtmi-ted favorably rom the comniittce on ir.vilegefl and eleotions, and will bc diKV4ed to-morrow The committee appointod b the constiiutlonal convention of ba;;.;t;i presented a memorial praylug lor Ibe adini.-sion Into the unión as a ítuti'. of souttK-i-ji Dakota anl tiansmittlnir a ] nralt of a constltu;:oo for approval by congres? .... Mr Hoar irom the omu:ittPe on judlclary, reported favorably the bill fixing the salary of United States district jndges at $5,0)0. The bilí w:is,lncod on the calendar The follon'iiig bilis were referred to the appropriatc committees: To euspend the coinage of tbe standard silver dollars To resíllate rates of postage on second class mail matter. ...To maKe the Lake Eorque out!et to improve the low water paviga tlon of tUc Mlssisslppl rlver from New Orleaus to Cairo. . . .Foi relief of widnws and cbildien of who were taken captive by Indiana ..Tbe tenate tben went Into executlve i esion, and ut 'i 80 the doors weru reopencd and a message was recelved from tbe i resident traumiftiug the Keiley corresponaauce recentlv cailcd for by Mr. VcslVt resolutiou. lt Was ordercd i.-iinted and to He on the tuble. A Spiked Cannon. The United S:ates supreme eo;:rl has affirmed tbc Judgment ol the supreme court of Utah, 'i iu the cüso of Angus M. Cannon, ;,laintiff In j error, against lbo l'nited Ptates. Camión ; was indicicd ander iLe Edmunde act lor nlawful cohabitation wlth more than one woman. The dcfendant objected to the eiving I of anv evldence on tbe ironnd that the ment did not allesre l.e was a male per son, Dor that the eohebitation witb the women as ; wlves. Tbe oh, eet on was overruled, aud tbc verdict of gvrlty was returned, and tbe (tfendant Bcntenced lo pay a line oi $300 and to be Imprlsoned lor six inonths, and to be further imprisoaeci nu ine pBj'mcui oj toe tir.e. Justlce Miller dlsecuted from the opiniou i of tbecourt. The principal question was ü ' b) tbc mcaning of the word "cohabit." i eter's detinition of the term was used. Judg Blatchford, in his opiuion, said: 'The coint properlv cliariiod the j'iry tbat the dcfuudant i was to bc founü suilty if lio lived !n tlie sanie I bouse wlth the two wotnen and ate at tbelT I respective tapies one third of hl3 time or i tbereaboúta and held thcra out to the wovld : by liis languap1 or conduct as hls wives. n;d it. was not nfcesïftr? that It sbould be ihowo tbat he and the two woiiicn, or eilhor of them, ocrupied the same bed or dept In the tair.e room. Jt is the practlce of uulawful cobabltatlon wltb ruore tbaD oDe woman that if aimed at."
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat