Washington Selected
A general order bns been issued from tbc beadquarters of tbe G. A. K. Id Uaíbingtou infoiming the members of that crganiziuion I tbat Washington Las bcea íelectcd ás thc site of the prepoMd (i A. R. monument to Gen. Grant "to sultably marl the event bdi) lo ; dence for all time thc cc]iial sbareof nll comrades of the Grand Army In tbls work of memora tion." Tbe vnrious potfs are requested to prepare ; rollB coutuinlufr the riu.nu', rank and ieiiiicutal post of eacn donor, wblch, wben rcturned i to natlonal beaflquarters, will be bound lato : volumes and propcrlv cured lor, and provisión made tfl fumigó i-acb post a lithoí;raphic or other íuitable foim ol eusiraving OÍ Ihe rinlstied monument. '1 he quarterma6ter bas boen dlrecterl to deposit tbe i'um'ls receíved as ■ tributions wit.i a trust coinpany, ncd ir. is solely deditated to tbe c-:e;tion of the monument and subject, to no othe-r Uarge, save only the cast of priutiug and distyautius tha roll and . the proposeQ engrav-lug of the nni&hed monument, and all time ana labor ejepended io tbls behalí by tlio Graijd Anay or aay of its ' rades or auibonUeó eLftll l witbout cot uttefund.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat