Scissors And Paste
Judicious uso of the scissors 'and pasto brusb, wlieu eonlined within proper limita, is a pari of good journaüsm. What can lo done by it alono is tolil by tho Eoglish correspondent of tho Ev ninq Post: In many out-uf-the-way villages tho Chrixtiau World and tho PoUce New3 are the only papers to be obtained for love or mcaey, aud the class which deliguts in tho reoord of deeds of blood and violencc theiatter isrjuite n bible. Tlio front page is "drawn" bv one man who ia paid twen tv pouiiils, per week for the job, and the tnun who arranzes iho lutterprcss and wields the sciseors and pasto ruceives a similar salary. There is not a liuo ot original matter in the whole paper. About 300,000 is tlio weekly eirculation, whith yields a princcly incomu fiom tho original outlay of L200 about tvvelve years ago. 1 raoutioned just now the Ohriaiian World, and this is another hutanco of successful Bcissors-and-paste journalism, although I would not wish to convoy the idea that this widely read religions paper never contains any original matter. Mr. Jamei C'larke, its present proprietor, bought it for a mere song - 1 bel. evo for 150- wlien the concern was in a very bad linaucial position. Now tho circulation is a quartor of a million copies weekly; beside-? which the propriator n;ns soveral otlier papéis, the print Dg of which gives constant cmploymont to one of the largest tirnis in London. The Christian IVcrld is not a particalarly brilhant nublication, but it has a wuiiuerful lot of advertiso'iients. Ever; pions grocer or shoemaker who wants an a--tfil!roir!-aoíULÍui, 0TBTJ ■OUUUUU ' dodgeri rushes into the ChrUtian World as a capital medium. "Wantod, a vouiiíí man to look after a house, of tho Wosleyan persuasión," "Must fcar tho Lord and bo ablo to carry three huudred woight," "Low salary, buC all Iho adrautaijes of a Chr.stiau i'amily," aro fair samples of the kind of th'iD}; which graces tho columns of tho Christian World. Evorj body who want3 to secure country servante at low wages makes nse of this journal. It is a great favorito with tho femalo Dissenter, who admires hugely the namby-pamby "novéis" whioh it contains, and whicl) uow issued in a "Family Circle Ed:tion." But for sneer iinpudenoe in journalism of tho scissors and-paste order, u weekly paper callcd 'l'nt-Uits cortaiuly bears oif ilie palm. Sonic genius dis: covered that Ènglish uevvspapers wero very heavy, and that there wcro liosts of peip'o ho would buy a Journal which did not require much reading and was f ree f rom a lot of to-becontinued-inonr-iiext stories. Ho also found that tlieio was a vaso aiuount of amateur literary talent wiiicli iiould bo "exploited" lor next to nothiujr. Sixteen pages of Odds and onda, anecdotes, short tales, euttings froui otlicv papers, etc, are snrved up for ono penny. Each week a guinea piizo s oflerod for the best "bit" sent in, the rihc to publish any or all ing reservea, oy ni s meaos mr. Kewues, the propriotor anti editor, gets all nis "copy" very chvaply and ut tbc sanio time interests a large clientèle in his paper, which, t teil the Iruth, is :v raighty poor specimen of a jounial. But tb o concern is a ereat commercial suecess, and the sublime mpudence o: n man who can eret all JU a "copy" sent him by hia readers cannot be too mncb adinireit. Au av et-agc otaoont 8,000 "bits," moro or leas original, pour in evo y week; one oL tliose "bit.sfl costs a guinea, tbe remainder cost notuing. Mr. Newnes and h:s oííi o boy out and paste np the paper, aud Mr. Newnes pockets L800 por week not prolit from the little venture, üccasionally a biger prize is gjyen. S x niuiub.3 ao the proprietor Oüercil :i house as a prizo for the best tale, original or selectetl. A solciier at Canterbury canie neross somethinjí interestinir iu a book lie was roading, copied it out, and sont it to Mr. Newnes. It Uappeneil to picase that irentlcniaii's critical literary taste, and the son of Mars becuine ihe prood possessor of a seven-roomed house upou the sole coudition iliat he called it the Tld lïits Villa. Ko less tlian 14,000 persons competed for the prize. The paper is only a vear or iwo old, and yet there s probably only one otlier paper in the world, the Paris l'elil Journal, whioh has a largor circulation.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat