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Bishop Berkeley To Have A Statue

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It is a littlo moro than a eeutury and ii half since Bishop BerkeJey was appoinied lo lliü see of Uloyuo, and at last a mcmuniGut is lo be ereeted to his memory. U will be set up iu the courso of the present nionth iu the cathedral iu which he of ten ofticinted, and if the recognition is tardy, at least the nomade coinés froni a wkie area. Much oL tlu niouey is subscribed trom America and soino of it froia England. It is curious wriles a correspondent, dating liis letter trom Cloyue, how few and faint aro tho tradltious of the old bishop to be fouud upon the spot. Born in Kilkennv, and cducalcd at the schoo! there, a gradúate of Trinity college, oí whiih he was ullimately n fellow. Berkeley was au Irish pre late at a timo when Irish sees wero ofton tilled by English clergy. Ho was a patriot, too, :iud a protectioiiist, ilesiring álways to encouraa;e nativo aud 'ocal índustry, so ihat he made a point ol order ing his clothes and even kis wigs trom tiie tradesmen of the city of Clovne. Tho seo was joined with that of Cork and Roas in the year 1835, aud the Bishop's palaoe is now let to a gentleman larmer. lint still thore rumains traces of the old occupancy.. A olergyman in those days not uulrequently miugled a little knowledge of medicine with a little knowledgo of theology- tlie berbal lay on thu sheif with the condoilanco. It is reported of the bishop that lie liad au extraordinary faith in the. efricacy of tarwater. They'pointcil out in the gronuds of the palacu some reiuaiumg shriibs-a ruw of myrtles- ot hia planting, the roots of which he carefnlly tarred belore the clav was slioveled over them. For twenty "ycars ho held tbe seo of Clovne, and when ho leit for England, in 1752, there is oontemporary record that "liis ueighbors and the country folk, with sorrow in thoir hearts, accompanied hiui to the ship and watchcil its white sails as they disappoared behind the rising shores of Spike." - Pall Mali Gazcttc. Whof.vek mcots the earl of Chcstet in Austria now should kuow that. hia lordóhip is reallv the prince öf WalesHe is travolinir incog.


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