A Card From Welch Host
The members of Welch Post desire to announce to the citizens of Ann Arbor the result of the camp tire, knowing of no way to do so except by your indulgence and the tree use of the columns of the city papers. The net receipts were $95, which we consider is held in trust to be issued to needy families of ex-soldiers as we in our judgment think best. In return for the money so kindly donated we tried our best to give an entertainment t hal was both instructivo jind plens ant. The address of Col. Atkinson, in our judKieut, was both instructivo and pleasant, and it must have convinced his hearers that he spoke from personal experience, his memory refreshed from the bnght pages of his own history. To the donors of the beautiful memorial record, and to their representativa, President Angelí, we can ouly tay we thank you, gentlemen, for tue beautiful gift, which has been assigned to the safe keeping of comrades Charles Green, Bobert Campbell and l'harles Garoner, as a committee before whom the history of each soldier must pass before it becomes a matter of record. To Mrs. Garrigues, Mrs. W. E. Walker, Prof. Wilsey and the glee club, Prof. Perry and the Haydn band, to our frieud James Harkins, to the Hon . Charles E. Hiscock and Capt. Brownell, we are greatly indebted for the marnier in which they discharged the duties assigneil to them. To C;ipt. Schuh and men great credit is due for the part they ho ably filled. The tableaus can be criticised as to time given, if in no other way. This fact was brought very forcibly to my attention by a lady acquaintence who remarked that those tableaux put her in mind of her ürst love letter - too sweet to be seen by auy one but hersel'. I will say that at our next camp flre plenty of time will be given for all to see. T the citizens of Ann Arbor we desire to express our thanks for favors so freely given. C. H. Manly, Adjt Welch Post, G. A. R. Time is always represented carrying a scythe, and we suppose he will continue ! to curry this primitivo agricultural nnplement untü Time shall be no mower. j
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat