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The Ladies Charitable Union

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We desire to expresa our thanka for the donation of $09.78, the result of the Thanksgiving collection. This will relieve our present necessities and bring miiny comforts into the homes of tbe worthy poor. We hope, however, that our friends wil] not consider their oblisration ended with the Thanksgiving oollection. New cases are constantly being reported, and some of extreme destitution. One aged conple endured all the sevi re cold of last winter with no stove, no f nel, absolntely no heat of any kind except what carne f rom the tove pipe of the family who lived below. Will not our friends, in their comforta ble homes, olad in warm garments and Brathered around bright firesides, remember the sick, the aged, and the helpless little children, and place in our hands the means to relieve their destitution? Donations of money or clothing may beleftwith the treaRurer, Mrs e. B. Andrews, Boutheat corner of Liberty and DivisiĆ³n troote.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat