HAVE YOU SEEN TheNine Wonders IN OÜR SILK DEPARTMENT ? "Tis Worth a Journey of a Hnndred Miles to Find Sucli Valnes. NINE WONDER BARGAINS First- 15 Pieces Oolored Dress Silk at 50c per yard . Seoond- 15 Pieces of Colored Heavy Dress Silk at 80c per yard. Thibd- 20 Pieces of Colored Extra Heavy Dress Hilk at $1 per yard. Fobth- 20 Pieces Black and Colored. doublé warp, Silk Surabs, $1 per yard. Fifth- 30 Pieces Satin Royal Rha demer.a, $1 por yard. Sixth- 10 Pieoes Brooade Satina, 81 per yard . Seventh- 12 Pieces Quinete and Royal Standard Black Silk, $1.35 per yard. Eiohth- 10 Pieces Bonnetts Black Satin Caobemire Silk, $1.55 per yard. Ninth- 10 Pieces Black and Colored Jersey Silks, $1.55.The above are part of our purebase at the great sale of Oebberman, and Bates Reed &. Oooley. Our purohase also included a fine issortment of rich Brocade Velvets in black and colors, Silk Plushes and Velvets in black and colors. Many of the Koods can not be duplioated for doublé the money. MACK 8l 8CHMID. One week from to day is Cüristmas, and one week later we will celébrate the advent of a new year. Truly may we say that "time and tide wait for no man," and the years whirl by with a quickness which only those in middle life can fully understand. We trust the coming holiday seaeon may be fraught with abundance of good clieer, and that good health and prosperity may attend every one of our readers during the new year upon which we are so soon to enter. The Death of Dr. Franklln. The many friends of Dr. E. 0. Franklin will regret to learn of his death, which oocurred suddenly on Thursday of last week, at his home in St. Louis, Mo, where he has resided since lea ving Ann Arbor. For teveral years he was professor of surgerv and dean of tne homeopathie college. It is perhaps not general known that Prof. Franklin was formerly au allopathic surgeon, but siiok is the faot. He graduated from the mediYork, where for four years he was the private pupil of the great surgeon, Dr. Valentino Mott. At the age of 24 years he carried on a discuosion with a noted homeopaihiat by the name of Dr. Cox. Subsequently he went to Panama, where he contracted the Panama fever and, be ing cured by a homeopathie physioian. he gaye the new school of medicine his attention, and at the age of 32 years announced himseif a convert and joined the ranks of the homeopathists. In 1857 he settled in St. Louis, Mo.; in 1859 be came connected with the homopathic college of Missouri: in 1861 he entered the war as a surgeon and was upon the stafls of Gen. Franois P. Blair and Gen. Nathaniel P. Lyon, U. S. A., the latter falhng at the battle of Wilson's Creek. Prof. Franklin was the author of several medical treatisee. His " Science and Art of Surgery," contaming two volumes of 850 pages eaoh, was published in 1867. He was also the author of a work on the "Homeopathie Treatment of Spinal Curvatures." He was surgeon to several large hospitals in the army and iu civil life. Notably of the latter stands the Good Samaritan hospital of St. Louis. He had held the oftiee of president of the American Instituto of Homeopathy, and founded and organized the VV estera Academy of Homeopatby, and in 1873 was elccted lts president. Dr. Franklin'n death was caused by appoplexy, A Talk with Mr. Hendrick, ol (lie FIrm of Fall & Hendrick. It beiug well understood that Mr. C. A. Hendrick expeets soon to take his departure f rom this city, where for years be has been engaged in business as ulerk and still later as one of the proprietors of the largest clothing establishment in the interior of the state. A Democbat reporter interviewed him the first of the week as to his probable destination, etc. "Yes," Mr. Hendrick stated, " it is a fact, and I have fully made up iny mind I will be obliged to live in some other nlimuto; that is for a few years at least 1 will have to turn mj bock on Michigan, and it is with great reluctante that I am compelled to takft auoh a step, for I have a pleasatit and prosperous business, and my friends are all here." " JL)o y ou intend to close out your stock entirely?" " I can not say at present what steps will be taken as to the store. We will at least reduce the stook several thousaud dollars, and have cut pnces awf ully in order to do so as quickly as possible (and the people realiza it, too, by the way they are buying) and collect in all uutstanding accounts. No, sir, nothing has been deoided upon as to what ohanges will take place. Mr. Joe T. Jacobs the speoial partner, has the nght, by the terms of the oo-partnership, to assume the entire management of the basiness if lie so desires, but I think he is not over anxious to confine himself to the store again. " Now, as to my getting away, I oan not state positively, but trust that everything will so be arranged thatl oan leave here about the first of February, and Kansas will be the state in wh ich I shall lócate." BACH & ABEL. A Great ('ut in Cloaks at their Main-st. Establishment. As the tendency seenis to be to out and slash we must of course lead the procession. The flrst on the list will be Cloaks. Our entire Stock of Short wraps, consisting of Brocaded Vel vete, and Plushes with feathered and Fur trimmings now $22.50 reduced f rom $28, $30, and $35. Our Entire Stock of Newmarkets, Brown and Black, trimmed with Astrachaa and Beaver, now $20, reduced from $25, $28 and $30. All Newmarkets, trimmed, or Tailormade, now $15, reduced from $20 and $22. All Newmarkets, trimmed, or Tailormade, now $12.50, reduced from $15 and $18. All Newmarkets, trimmed, or plain, $9, reduced from $12 and $13. 15 Nigger Hend Newmxrkets, non $5, reduced from $10. All Silk Circulare, $7.75, reduoed from $10. All of our Silk Circulara $12, reduced from $15 and $16. All of our Silk Circulare $15, reduced from $20. All of our Misses Cloaks at p rices that will astonish you. We have in stock 8 Silk Dolmans sold at $25. We have marked them to close ut $12.50. We have two Silk and Wool Mattelesse Russian Circulare sold at $55. We have marked them $25 to close. Queer time to sell Cloaks for about half But that is exactly what we do to-day and all next week. BACHA ABEL. Mamma- "No, Bobby, you oan't do that." Bobby- "Why, mamma?" Mamma - "Now, there's no use asking any questions. I have told you not to do it, and if 1 flnd you have disobeyed me, I'll - well, I'll wash y our hands."
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat