Fall & Hendrick
"T THE FAMOUS ONE-PRCE mmSf me i 27 and 29 Main Street. Al."" M'Ch' Commencing November 21, and oontinuing until Deoemu "ashtenaw clfnnt616"' reduction sale of Ready-Made Olothing ever known in . ounty. NOTE OME OF H PRICES : 50 Men's suite at 50 per oent off. u Men's suite at 40 pei OeBt off 100 Men's suits at 25 per cent off. 50 Touths suits at 50 per ceu off 50 Youths' suita at 25 per cent off. 50 pairs single pants 60 per cent u7 100 Men's single coate ... 50 por cent off. 50 Men's overcoats at 25 per oent off 40 Boys', suite, 14 to 17 y re, 25 per cent oñ. 40 Childrens suite, 3 to 12, 25 per cent off 25 Children's overooate, 2 25 Cliildreu's overcoate, 3 to 14 years . 50 per cent off. to 14 years 25 per oent off OUR GENTS' FURNISHINCS, Hats and Gaps, Gloves and Mittens, Will alflo be sold very oheap. These goods were all cheap as they were first marked, and we are about half giving them away in order to raise money as money we must have. All goods sold during this sale will be sold for cash The One-Price, Sq are-Dealing Clotheis.
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Ann Arbor Democrat