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henry'matthews, Hasjtho pleasure (j inionnthspwbüc that hels ready U raceiv Uiem in hls new bride ME AT MARKET! ONE DOO EAST OF I.EOXABD HOUSE. Kvcrythlng ia ïi&e wfil ha first-cUus, ano At Reastnable Raes. ITo returns nis slncei'othanks to all hlsold tornera fortheir gfnevitu patronage coral ally invites thm. anJídi ncw custoiue to at newquarters, vlit-: iv f tr dealing ca nlarzhtflaiiveadY ízvow ,;v bufJue ' EBERBACH&SOIt, Dealers lu Drugs, Medicines And a flne lot of French Hair Brushes AND Enclish Tooth Brashes. W eU pedal attentlon to our stook of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemictls of our own Importation. A (un line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list priett. STTT ZDZffllfcTT S Are eordtallj Invlted to examine our itock ajqu&Utyand prlce. EBERBACH A SON. Emanuel Wagner, -AT- No. 33 South Main Street, At A5IBROSE KEARNEÏ'SOld Stend, Has opened a New Grocery & Provisión Store. ALL KINDS OF CANNEDAND SHELF GQODS. TEAS, COFFtES AND SPICES OF ALL KINDS AT AVERYLOW FIGURE. AILES & CO'STPÁTENT FLOUP : KEPT ON HAND. ; A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO. CIGARSAND SMOKER'S ARTICLES. Emanuel Wagner. IACKSUN FÍRE CLAY CO. ! Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND DIR-A-inST TILIE I All ourTrain Tile ari made of Fire Clay, are ot unusual atrength and liglit weight, whicli materially reduces the breakage and expense of transportaron. The düi-hing of thisclas of tiling is less expensivo. as they do not require to be lald below froet but ouly deep enoiigií to escape the plow. WLile this Is more tconomical it also aids la obtalning a better fall or prade to the drain. A í'ull assortment of all sizes, for aale in small quant; t is. or car load Iota, at the FERDON LUMBBB YARD, James Tolbert, Agent. ' Tilo, the Createst Labor-Saving Machine of the Age." To 1M Editor ot The Chicago Trfount. Dwtoht, Hl., Maren IC- One of the strongert and mojt convincing facts that I har yet seen witb regard to tile drainage is fcrought out in the December report of the Agricultural Depar ment of Illinois. Itisthls: ACP.KAOK. Awng In coro In Livingston Cousty, 18S1 68,597 orease In corn in Logan County, 1881.. U0.S59 LWnp8ton over Logan 127.7SJ TIKLD. Tleld of corn tn Liringston County,1881. .0,983 ,5M Yield of corn in Logan County, 1888 6,070,8Í4 Livingston over Logan _. 1,902,598 In otlier wonls, Logun County lus ralsed near ly as mucb corn on 14O,&M acrw w t.iviugctAn county has on S6S,597 aures. Put it in another fonn, the farmers in Livingston County have been ob'.iged to plow nearly doublo the acreage of land (28,.r)r), and have raiseil but a very mail percentaíre of inervase of corn over their bretliarn In Logan County, who only had to plow 14Ü,&)9 acres. Xet ua glve it anotuer twist! A A farmer whc has his land well tllleü Deed only work eighty acre of land uud grow Just about as much corn as the man who plows 16U and tokes all the risks of drouth and much be; idea. It is not fan-, then, to oonclude that tbe greatest labor-saviniï machine to-day of the age Is the til drain? From the saine source of Information I gather the followlng as regaids the progress of tile-dralcag in theee twocountieg: Fet. Total number of feet lald in IJrlngtton Countyupto 18tl 1,140,793 Total numoer of foet lald In Logan County up to 1881 3,1(69,46 Thlgtable proves beyondall tbeory that ovrlng to the (ree use of tile that one county has been able to produc" nearlyas tnuuh corn on 110.000 ■eres of land another county has producid pon 56S.0OO acres. ivhlch Is nearly doublé, and the beauty of the whole is that it was done with half the work i Mr. Editor, uppos a kind Providenc sliould lengthen out the spin of our dayi until we saw luinois tuorougnly tile-drained, where would be put the corn that this Stat woulil produce, aud what would we do with our "allver dollars' Samuel T. K. Fbime.- rinseyTsëaboll No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on band a complete stoelt of every ■ tïiijig in tiie Crocery Line. Teasf Coílbcs and Surtir, In large amounls. and &t Ca,s!tL Prices And can scll at Low Figures. The large involco of teas they Buy and Bell, II good proof that in Quality and Pr'ice they Give Bargains. Tbey Roast their own Coftoes every week, and none but prime articles aro used. Tbelr Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Cakes nd Crackers. Cali and se them. Prices Oone Down A large stock of Wall Paper sellkig ut A CREAT REDUCTION! I claim to have the largest and BEST" SELEGTED STOCK Of Wall Paper aud Deeorationa in the oonnty, and can i ve perfect satigfnetion in Goods or Work . Pain ts and Painters Bupplies a specialty . A.lTDext3 Sorg, Suoceesor to F. & A . Sorg, 80 A 28 Wahsington st. . Ana ArV.r


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