The Grant Trust Fund
One of tho contribntora tö the 250,000 Grant Trüsí Fund said recently in a tone showing considerable irritation: "The recent revelations eqncerning the fund have led me to inquire about it. Who appointed theee trustees who appear to have abused their trust most shamefully? 80 far as I can learn, they are selfappointcd. A number of the subscribers, uniong them Jay Gould, who gave $25,000, made their checks payable to the order of George Jones, of the New York wbom they were assured that as yoon as tlu amount wus raiscd the aubscribara wouH bc cafled togethn: to select trustees. No such meeting has eveí beon beid so far as I can discover. The selrappointed trustees have mada a -loss of $Ü8, 000 apparentlyin their contract with ex-Governor Morgan, and where the rest of the fund is they have persistently refnsed to say. It is fortúnate that the laws about trust fnnds are vorystrict, although the responslbility of Ibe trustees in this case might be relieved by their selfappointnient. It ínay be a question how these men should be treated who nave raisnianaged so shainefully the uift of patriotic admiren of General Grtxnt. I think it about time tbat the Bubscribers tothe fundehould findj out what has become of their money1 and huw the trustees hold their tioii"-
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat