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Dr. bansdell, thefamoiis mÍFsionary was warned -vlien entering Bokhara, that bis cü:iventionil garb wo.uld not irnprese the nátives wil t t proper si ii se of tl o wiwcr s iniport-' anco. "I had," ha related, "the red square college cap. I also liad a very efeborate ex;iii)ple of ft sort oí Pet" sian waistcOat, whieh T had pnrehased as acui .1 had also, aa Freeosason, my roynl arch collar and )n rir.-'i sovernl Masonin jeweJs. ore entering Bokhara I put on my dói tor of divinify's hood, my Persian vm co.Tt. my roynl areh collar and apronj all the luasqnic jèwels which I ant ontitlort to Wealr, aid, fasteniíig, my littlü ti'.'i.vtiliijg Bible to my voyal arch collat, was presentt-d tothe deputation sent outto receivs me. They were a vo. ydi2.lir,gr:ov.d, incovgeous attire. Tliey recéived me with fcreat disnuetion, and I rode in ut the head of a very gailant nroces6iotii ono of the wonder8 of Bokhara; and I think j-: éiitly asrï thoiight oithe . -and contMTipl.íted the evident seníition I created." Fan Frandscans a-c racved to wonder at a pair of larn's horns whlch h:ive growu lnto a tree to the depth oí íeveral luches and havo themselvcs becomc party "woody." Sprlngfle'd, Mas?., la agitated orer a propofltlon tuvorcd bv mmy iltizens, to make a river bank pa k, 'abont 100 fect wlde and 3,000 i föOt In length. aloug tbc Connecticut. The employment of women under grounö Is i proWblted iii üreat Britian; but the Brlt:ah ] factory Inspector reports tbat 4,453 are at work ín miu.n!; operations above ground. At the cóurt l ftttuc the otber day In the foreit, ot Spinde. HaLOVtr, tbe Gtrman einperor, accordiug to the official Uuugbter list bronght tíowu 17 varlous htz-l of deer and 81 wild Boars. Lleut. Howard, the Qatllng gun man, 1 to recelve $5,000 113 a tonus fiom tl.e Canadian EOVfiument, and ;s about to open a cartrldge Factory m the DumlD'oa, ri;:'.ttriala for which wül be aüiolttcd tree of cmtoms duties. An uK?d sinncr in Ihe Conoecticat valley bas been oonictcd oi p'ioiiing liis nelghbor's tattle. HÍ3 rrittbod v,m to take tbe cores out ol iqjples. lili üie cavity with puria green, and Eiatter the balt umonjf the grees in the pasture. That tbe Duke of Cumberland is Id sometlilnü more Iban easy t!rcumstances muv be gatbered iroui the fact tbe gold and buya píate whlch be La Inberited froin tho late Klnar of Hanover aud tbe Duke of ErUDwick welghs upward of elght tons. lt was nne of the "sljlti" of New Orleaus last week to see the rcmalns of a venerable toiored "aunty" follüwvd to tbe grave by a number of prominent clüiens, ladles and cnlldren, representlng tome of the most dUtlnguisüed families In Louisiana. A few nlghts ago at a cburch festival In West Union, O., a woodfo cliair was eïbibltfd belonglui; to George Ktsdfoid of that vlllage whlcb lias Ion leo au helrloom In tbe Bradford famlly, ai. cl whlch was brought over from Euglaud In ilc MayHower. In certaln towns lu ta3!crn Msssacbusetts stonc is now co scjirce ihat bulldcrs are resortln to the farmer' stone wnlls for building material, in the Berkshire reglón, on the other band, the fnrmers conaider stoue Jencei o nuiiaoce, uuJ vvoulü r nv to bav them taken away. The London Meálcal Times says that a year ago the CHnlcal Society lenoünctd refreshments after thelr meeün's as "unpbysiologlcal." A few weeks slncc, bowever, it was decided bv a very large rcajorltv to revert to the ancient custoo on the ground that "people mmt cat." Tbe Union Medical, eptüking Id favor of the proposcd DtetSBM allowiui; Krencb soldier to weaf beards, says that tbc stipeur who have worn long beards froin time irniiRinorlal, are ioundtoXavc ben but vtry slighüy troubled wlth consumptlon, s eoulpared wlth the rest of the army. Shrewsbury Pond, near Rutland, Vt., a mllrr long aod half a lulle wlde, :al ftd by sprlnga, bas received 600,000 trout and üü.OOO'landlocked salmón during Uiu last aix yeans. Now salmón of slx pounds aud trout wejghjng fiv pouuds can bc caught there In abuudaace. lt ís private property. It is a fact of whlch Qreat Britaln, a country especially jéalous of lts reputation for home lift, may justlv feel proud tbat no more devoted husoaaJí could have been found In lt tban the last eeven Prime Ministers. Peel, Kussell, Derby, Palmerston. Bcaconsficld, Oladstonc, and Salisbury all meet on commou ground In this respect.


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