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COOK HOUSE, EH. HUD8ON. Proprietor. Ncwly Kurnlitied. ■) he lomilng bou.e lu Am Arbor. UNION HOTEL. ÍflRST-CLASS in a!l respect Everything new; flne rooms, wrll furalüliad. Terma, per day ud upwards. Special ratea to weekly Doarders. Moalu ss cenlj. John Schnelder Jr., Prnprictor. Corner of Washington and Seooud sirpctii, Ann Arbur, Jlich. NICHOLS UROS., T W. & A. C KIOHOL.S, I). D s.,LmU O85re M.iüOnic IVmp e Ulock, over Sivimr Buk, Ai. Atb-r, Wch. ■WILL1AÍ CASPARY, OAXKRÏ AND OOKPfiCTIONEBT, Cor. Kourth and Aun PtreeU. EDWAIÍD PATE, MACHINIST, and nmalrer of urgical Instru ments, LocKS, Duibrdlas und Parasoli Fine llai:liine and Bicycle Mr'oi k a íipcclalty. No KÑorth Main st , Aun Arbor. JUicli. RUBÉN KKMPF 'PEACnER of Piano, Crgau and Theory ol L. Music. No. ti. Kast WulitngtOD-st., over Rjn tflY it ,Sa''""V l -.-.. ' - - . - i - JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. shop over Wm. AHaby's Ioo1 andfiboesiuio. A work guaranted orno eúaxce. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNhlY AT LAW. Office, Nos 3 Hill's Opera Home, Aun Arbor, Mioh. _____ . I E. B. NORRIS, A TTORSEY AT LAW. Does a general law, j . collection and couve.a.-iue basiaes. A noderato patronagü ii respectively kolicíted i Dfflc in tha court liouse, Aiui Arbor. O C. JENKINS, SÜKQEON BENTIST. Roddib No. 19 South Main Street opposu the first National Btnk kna Arbor, Mícb. ANTÓN EISELÈ, DEALER IN KONUM1NTS and GraTestOü?i manufacturad f rm '1 nuessce and HuJian tfarble aud Scotoh andAnierJcan Granito tihop 3or. Detroit ard Catheriue stg., Aan Arbor., töeli. WILLIAM HERZ, ousr sinn. nniiiii ■ "-nn ptn. ter. Gilding, Calciuiining, Glazing and Paper Aanging AU work done in the beat style and rarrantd to arire aiisfaction. Shop, Ne. 4 Weet Washington street, Ann Arbor, Micïigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. OÍANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC!, InatruoL tion Boök, Violins, Quitare. Flutes, &.C., iboap at Wilsey'8 Mutic Roouu. vut Aide Public lquar, Aun Arbor, Michigan. The largtist and )wt Stock of Musical Goods evr brought into HTaahtenaw County. Violin and Guitar btrlugs % pclalty. N. B.- It wUl bo to your inUruat to lall buor purchasing anytning in the Muaio la. Abstracts of Titles on Real Estáte. [HAVE a complete compilation of the Official Records of Waahtenaw Couuty todate. lnclulintr all Tax Titira, Eïecutions, any incumbranc tu Real Estat, that i of Record in Üih Ueristerg ifnce, ís showu by my bookt. iifti.-u. in the ifTloo at Uie secretary of the Washtenaw mutual iantr ince company, in the basement of the cour! lOUM. C. H. MAN'LY. Ann Arbor. Hich. . C. W. VOGEL, Propriktok, Lato oí Chetnea, at THOMA-S MATTHEWS' OLD STAND nasa and sai.t meath qn hand The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869, under the Qenerjil Uanking ít nú state has now, incluüing capital stoet, iH., etc, OTEB 9500,000 ASSBTB. Biutnen meo. Quardians, Trustees, Ladiei and rther persons will flnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENI1NT f lace at whleh to make Deposita and do bueinfef, nterest is Allowed on All Savings Depositi Of $1.00 and upward, according to the rulrs at Jie bank, and Interest compounüed semi-auuu iUj. Monay to Loan In Sums of $23 to 0,000. leeured liy Dnlaoumbersd Real Enlato and otbef (0d MOUrltKB. DIHBOTOR3- Ohrlstlan Mact, W. W. WlnM vT. D. Harriuian, Wllllam Ueublo, David llinsey, Oanlel Hlltock and W. B. Smlth. OFJFICaHS- ChrUtian Mack. r residen t; VT. W Wine. Viee-I're3ident: C. K. Ulscock, Oaahler D. KIERSTEAD'S TXTINDOW 6HADE FACTOR. 85 North Fiitü TT Btreet. The Favoriteof evcry Hongrk" ff. The att-ention of the public is most recptcltaUy called to my manufacture of Superior Wooden Shades, known as the Rustie WliHjow Shade. For Durabilily, Cneapness, Convenience and Beauty, they can not be icelled. Jly alm ia io upply a line of gnods of genuino merit. put up út elegant stvle, and at fair rates. I ani inanufacturing a Superior Shade, the btut of the kind ever offered in thls market. Wcalhcr Strips of every variety, for doors and wiudow, t myeatabUanment. Get Your Property InsuredBy C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, Ko. 4 South Mam treet, Ann Arbor. The oldeet K!icy in the city. Establislied a quai-trr of a eentury ajo. KpresnUiig the followiiifi ftrstclau companiH, vrilh ovar $30,000,000 a'wtt. Home Ing. Co., of N. Y.; Continaütal Ins. Co., cf N. ï.; Niágara tus. Co., of N. Y.; Girard Ins. Co., of Pkila.; Onn In. Co., ot Hartford; Commercial Union of Londoi; Liverpool and Londuii and '■ Globe. IVIUte lew. Lhsh ]ib-ril!y djustcd n nmfüj fii. o. H. MlLutx.


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Ann Arbor Democrat