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Around A Great State

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A Httle uortfa oí Woodmere cea) tery, abou' milis rom Detroit oear ibe Lii road, : stooi u Httle one-story cottage, owned by Fr.iii, Kcock, anl ui' . upied bv otiDBelt, tó indtwOiUtleibildren. The hous ■ wu burned tothen oun on the iiight of December 15, und tbi' entire uimilv burilad to deutb. The house was a ír.imr bonse lo tiie center ota tuue-acre lot, In wbldi the young man ralsed vegetable! the Detroit mrket, ;: irbicn occupatioD he made moneyaoil a risiui; in the world. Ths honse was a mi one, oí a single storvin limght, (Uvided loto two rooms, oue a bedroom the othrr a lamiiv -living " r... in. The father and the eldest slept .11 the l edroom, the mother and her :ülld ni anos slept In tbe northwcst comer of 'r other room. TIik i.r. ■ -ís d sioyeri'.l about 1 o'dock a. m. bv James WhlDple, Josepb Rana ai.l Ueorjre Luurain, as they we e returnlng from i lodo nieeling. Toey drove rapldlv over to the scène of the flre, butwere too late. Tbe roof bad lall-n in and the walls fonned a i,uarc of ■ The house wi bat a 11:1113 1 ■■ni aml cotild not have liecn atire Tcry liusí befo e i ese men arrlved, but it had don - its wurk and there was liothinir lcit lo save. The toree men could do notbJng bat lirow uortr on the llames and thelr efforts wtre ■! Ule. Tlicy un: at Ihat tiinr kn w vliat the wall ol htd. Thcn thr oelghbors gaihercd and all turned thcir altentionío me the stable. Alim-of utukets wai formed to the frozvn c ee'i. but theworthless stable wassaved by tue flre dying out. Whlle the ptople wore watchlng the smoulderine ruina ■ the Hoor fe 1 int i the cellar aud in the brief gllmpss oí the inslde oí the house then ob uiucd the fpe tatora gawthe tragedy whlcn the Ure Imil eo nmitted In secret Ttaia iras abou,t tour o'elock and twcnty or th'rt men who had gathered rere rouaed to ih-w em riles by the awful Bigut of the blackened vteiims Constable Riopele engineered :l:e r. si-u iil' ui thc bodles. Suow was tmown np;iu ihe i mbere UU tbc -.vork o; band. Ing h ruiiis tould undertaken, and soou the bodi sofhusband aad wlfe were tenderlj linej uut. Thej h;nl rallen toettaer aud seemed :is li elaspiug i u bother in death, One of the i childreu was found oear them, the otherwae i Sü burjied tlmt i tras impossible to dtetineulsh i tht lt was once a cblld. Everytuiog po nte to one o[ the most inliuman but:rer es ever commltted in the Mate. A revolver readj eocked, with all the cartridgee c:u 't. was foun.l in .the rulns. lt is kiiüim tbat bnoch liad been savInxnp monej for some time for the purposc of )ü in-i liis taxet aml making u paymeut on bla property, and must have hu' eeveral luindred dollars aboqt the boosei .'. Bhort Urne before the fire Mr. Knoch bad discliarged a blred man, who btcame in congequence ol the discharge -ry abusiva, clalmlnf; that Mr. Kuoch gbould have kepi him through the ub üucjifiijiuU Ajau ui uiv kwu lIjiuiuïu. ' ■ ' The poet mor. em on the remaiss was ' ducted bj I): t the house of the eld r Mrs. Knoch. ,n the presence ol ProBecutlng Attnrmy Kohrnson, Detective Harris and .lus tice H :iiii.i Tbc body of l-'t"itnk Knoch was ftrst examlned Tte fore part of the skull had be.n burnt away, imt thc bruin rcmaiuetl . tact, and oilu1'i tii'nily wlthfn it was a i tier bullii in 1 1 v mi&shapened. The blood about tl brain was coagolated, showing that death had ta..en pla.e gome unie beiore bis body was burncd. Tbe lullet had i-vn.eiitly eni :n d thti -ff temple án indi to the lelt and abuve the eje. The course of the ball was sliehtly upward. Tne bead ol Mr.-. Kuoch was next examiucd anJ a hullet lound in the braln. Thero i uo hemorragc, and death must bave o.cuirol but :i iniiiiii n before the body was iiumed I in Barnes. The bodles of the children sboweti 10 bullel marks. Dr. Owents posltive, froni tli r. latiw auiM' ii Imlk't . tuok in Knoch's lir.iii, that the pist i was held In the au l of ome person olin r tlian himseli. Thir tu ad of the vvoDiati was u sucij a coodttion that it waa unpossiblc t" iudge froni what dlrection the buiict entercd. A reward oí tGoo tas lieon offered for the en i'n of tbc ïnurdrrcr, and the ollieers are doiuy all in their power to dear up the terrible m.vstery.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat