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HAVE YOU SEEN TheNine Wonders IN OUK SILK DEPARTMENT V 'Tis Worth a Joiirney of a Hundred Miles to Find Such Values. NINEWONDER BARCAINS Fikst- 15 Pieces Colored Dress Silk at 50c per yard. Seoond - 15 Pieces of Colored Heavy Dress Silk at 80c per yard. Thibd - 20 PieceB of Colored Extra Heavy Dress Silk at $1. per yard. Fobth- 20 Pieces Black and Colored. doublé warp, Silk Surahs, $1 per yard. FnFTH- 30 Pieces Satin Royal Rhademer-;, $1 per yard. Sixth- 10 Pieces Brocade Satine, $1 per yard. Seventh - 12 Pieces Guinets and Royal Standard Black Silk, $1.25 per yard. Eiqhth - 10 Pieces Bonuetts Black Satin Cacliemire Silk, $1.55 per yard. Ninth- 10 Pieces Black and Colored Jersey Silks, $1.55. The above are part of our purchase at the great sale of Oebberman, and Bates Reed & Cooley. Our purchase also included a fine íssortment of rich Brocade Velvets in black and colore, Silk Plushes and Velvets in black and colors. Many of the goods can not be duplicated for doublé the money. MACK & SCHMIO. ItACJI & ABEL. A Great Cut in Cloaks at thelr Main-st. Establishment. As the tendency seems to be to out and slash we must of course lead the procession. The first on the list will be Cloaks. Our eutire Stock of Short wraps, consisting of Brocaded Velvets, and Fiushes witb íeathered and Fur trinimings now $22.50 reduced f rom $28, $;n and $35. Our Entire Stock of Newmarkets, Brown and Black, trimmed with Astrachao and Beaver, now $20, reduced from $23, $38 and $30. All Newniarkets, trímmed, or Tailormade, now $15, reduced from $20 and $23. All Newmarkete, trimmed, or Tailormade, now $13.50, reducod from $15 and $18. All Newmarkets, trimmed, or plain, $9, reduced from $13 and 813. 16 Nigger Head Newmarkets, no $5, rocíni! DOS) SU) $10. All of our Silk Circulara $13, reduced from $15 and $16. AU of our Silk Circulara $15, reduced from $20. All of our Misses Oioaks at prices that will astonish you. We have in stock 5 Silk Dolmans sold at $35. We have marked them to close at 813.50. We have two Silk and Wool Mattelesse Russian Circulara sold at $55. We have marked them $35 to close. Queer time to sell Cloaks for about halt But tliat is exactly what we do to-day and all next week. BACH & ABEL. CHARLES RETTICH, Dealer in Sheet Iron, Tin and Copper Ware Particular attestion paid to putting up ROOFING AND EAVETROUGHS. All kinds of Repairins Done Promptly Repairing pumps a speolalty. Stoves and pipe cleaned. Piense cali and see me a No. 1. East liberty-st, An $4LeraTUS SODA Best in the World. ', fÊ K I fJ IT"ÍC% b ■ isS 5 1.1 r A WONDERFUL COMBINATION OF - IPKHÖXIZEI) BKEF, HOPS] ANJ) MALT, Bcinff the M-V kov l'RSÍPARATIOX for lmpárulis ITIÍIÍ HALBUMEN1To tlie ltoily. Itis an Absolute Cure for Nervottsnes, Debility, and Insomnia, and wards of those Terrible Evils which aro the Firal Stages of INSANITY. For I)et! Itt nted ITIeii, For Buleebled Woiuen, For Delfcate riitldrou, For all wlio noed Ntrertli "HOPTONIC IS A BLUSSING." For Sale by all DruitKist. Preparad onlT by the HOPTONIC CO., (ÍRA.MJ KAPIUS, MlCtt UU THE DBI0CB1T.


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