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A Pirato'a Eecord. Acting onder instructiona írom the homo government the Canadlan uutboriü-js have been looking up the Detroit record of Bennott G, Bnrleigb, M. I', elect from une of tbe íowland borougbs of Seotland. Burleigh was rvatlve, hut liis eredentials een reí uscd on the ground that lie was engaged in of ptracy on the Detroit river on or about the lili of September, . The inquines so far made are of a nature that irocs i late the rumors, aad among toóse who bave eontributed to the sooght tro Tin unas Forsytb, A. 1'. roulmln, David Cárter, oí tbe "Detroit & oatcompany, and Capt. John W. Hall, the marine repórter ol Detroit, and Arthur Rankiu of Sandwich, Ont. The faets that have beea establlebed are brlefly (bese: The sldewheel -teamer Pililo I tous V. O. Ashleyof Detroit, ehief owner and master, was engaged in regular aervlce betwecn rl an 1 San lusky. On tbe lth of September, 1864, shelelt bar dock at tlie foot of :. having on board Borne 12 or 16 passengers and a small cargo of frelght After she ba 1 beaded down the rlver an atheletlc y oung fellow, blue-eyed, ruddy and qu! Bpoken, asked tbe clcrk fio slow up at Sandwich as he bad some friends to come :i board there. Tbls was done, and gome fourorfive men carne on board. Tüelr leader, John Y. Beall, irlelgb, who luid secured the stoppage o( the boat. Al ! an oíd trunk was put on board, which vas taken charge of by Burleigh, and lu content cousistlng óf anus, were dlstribute tes. Tbe l'hilo l'arsons was then Bezed :;d beaded toward Johnson's l&land, wl was to co-operate in an eflort to n-li . fedérate prlaoners held tbere. Tbe scheme was a fallare, the plot had boen and altbough the machinery of tini ulted Stat - steamer Michigan had been disand the prlsoners on tl . as in time. Beall and Burlcijrlj turued the d. and Bcuttllng her ncar the mouth of Niágara river, lefl her to go over the Falls. Bi apturedand u ntly hanged on i:e "f iln Islands in r-v York bay. Burlclgb was also taken aud lodged In D áware, trom which bc escaped and cana1 to Ciuclph and afterwara ent to England. There ne afterward aldl In ItiJy. In 1881 he appeared in Egypi as the eorrespondeni of tbe ociatlon with (icn. sir Garnet Wolseley, and w;is vejy sucressfoi ï n i and accurate news. ilc then jolned ;V o. the London Daily Telegraph :is its correspondent, and went to the two Soudan eampalgnB, u the latter of whlch he was wi rerely, He was employedfor a long tline to f urnlsh cable letters to an aasoclatioo in New Vork, wbicb distribnted theni to the ne.vspapers of the United suites. The ei ntlcmen who have acqualntance wilh Bnrleigh have been a-i.' of their know)cdge of hlm. Amongthose who knew hlmwel[ In Srndwlch was lcKee Hankin, the aetor. Do You Mean Busine3s1 Well.lf yon have stifiiiiüi to posb it Is well. lint many a man's hnslness : luis broken down because the man was broken I don n, and had no pnsh in hlm. Ifyou want tu make a success, bnild up your system bj tbe use ni' Brown'e lion Bitters. Mr. V. M. Winfree of Petersburg, Va., says: "There la no medicine equal to Brown's Iron Uitters for al deblllty." It cures dyspepsia,5enriche8 the bluoil and strengthens the muscles. Artificial Eggs on Dealers. A nnmber ot dealers in eu's and produce In Patterson, N. J., were callea on recently by a man representlng nlmself as Qarrett Onacrdonk, of R .. N. Y. He sold eachol ' the dealers a lol of Iresh country eges a markably low figure. The eggs were dellvered lOttíer man, to whom tlie dealer; n payment. Testerday Onderdonk called for bis money, but waa arrested onder an act t' i prohl ale of adultérate! fo id. Il ■' '. ' ■ i ; I 1 1 1 - M1U il (MfTf.'lM 'llltli 1''!l the city without nltempting to eolleet for tlie eggs dclivered. He admitted to sevetal dealers tnat the eggs were artificial, aud were munu■i in Newark, whose name bc declined to disclose. The shells were made uf a clear, transparent composltion, and lli , shajic was perfectly modeled. The portion surrounding the yolk was made of albumen. and theyolK itself of ground carrot and safïron. The eggs were tested and tound to scramble well, and In an omelet there was founl t be no perceptible! difference between , the real and artitieiat eg:i;s, but wheu bolled they are easlly detected, a ihe volk and sur! rounding white portiou do not harden sepa: rately as in real eggs. A Noted Ladies' Seminary. In no lustltutlon of learning in the conntrj isa more complete educatlon glven tban m the eelebrated Notre Dame, ncar Baltlmore, ' Maryland. The Sisters In charge say they flndthat Red Star Cough Cui iliy re moves all coUls and throat troubles among their pupusa It is absolutely free from poisou, anncosts but twenty-flve cents. Philadelphla society is preparing for aiirand ehrysantheiiinm ba 1 1 A Printer's Error. Sweet ai' tht! uses of adversiíy, the printer's eopy sald, but he set It up, sweet are the uses of udvcrti.-in.'. Sweet, Indeed, to those who [u sickness Rndsufferinghave seen the advertisementof some soven'in remedy, whlch upoa trial has brought them from death'8 door. "The best thlng I ever eaw Inmypois the advertlsemenl ol Dr. PIcrce's Golden M rery" is again aud agaln the mony of thsse who Eed by it of lung tii-i a-c, Iironehiai affections, tumors, ulcera, llver eomplalnta and the ills to whlch lk-h is hcir. Chinese launderics must go. So say thewoman's ndnstulal league. ;1 Nervons Debtlity, in eitber "ex, however Inducerl, speedly, thöroughly aud permanently i ured. Address, with LO cents In stampa for reply and book of partlculara World's , Dispensary Medical Association, Ww .Main Street. Uu ff alp, N'. Y. MIssouri's state uuiver.-iiy lias a cade club composed - young women. "Nip'tin theBud!" Sad to say, many a good tbiii: attains to nothlng üuire tlan a fair bcglnnfng. On tbe . other band it I9 a matter of congratulation 1 ,that thc 'ívi th of eome evil tnings may be alimptly f rustrated. A huye proportlon of aost wlde-epread and fatal of ■ Misumptiíni - have their ineeption in nasal enlarrh. I):-. Supe'a Catarrh Remi plcasant, i i efteetual Try it. It has cured thousauds. A1 druggists. .More tban 4 m woiiieu lili editorial positions "" E' : ; - - ,,,,,.. uuhüu flatulcncy, sleeplessuess, languor, constlpatlon -are these, or any of them. amon your alL raents! I f so, try Dn. WjaxstCs Vi: Bitters, and teil your sick frtends its effect; this is the only advertlsement the medicine re. quires. Ithas spread from house to house, from viUase to vülaire, all over the land in this way. , Iron siag mskes n good t'iiouitli pavement for a portion of the Strand, l.ondou. A pear Iree, 206 years old, still stands In Scituate, Mass., and m'anages to in-ar a little fruit in season. One bnndred members of the Governor's - at Hartfor 1, Conn., irc going to "do" fingland iogethei New Vork expects soon to have :i "Jppauese vlllage," represen '.atlve of llie In Japan similar t) '.),(■ ouc (U'stroyeii Ly lirt In London, Catberine Qregory taught school for uut yeara ie Nov. Vork ity and never missed .1 Uay, uil attacked bj a dlsease f whlch slic died. In tlie lisï of coli'-'iiels wlio :it varlous times bave comtnanded tne Enellsb rojal I guards, are the ñames . toree marmts, two barons, one Uniíilit aud commoser. Rheumatism AccordiiiE cto tlie bes! ftutltorltfc, origínate !n n morbld condlilon of tho blood Laciic acid, oansed by the decompoaltloa of the gelat li i and albumfnues drculates w Ith tho blood and attacki the Qbrous v ii 'li'-1 joints, andthoa ■ '. the dlseaie ThE lly aftected by j riicuiiKittMii. and :he jolr ■ ace, ankles. ■!!■ timci attacked. IThoxisliii'ia of people lian mapartlla o poeltlvc and prriii.v: ■■m ;re for rbeumatlsoi. Th i ■. iy Itepoi tallrlng actlon ou Ehe dtseaie. und it . ai g. ii si ren ■ --.i ctlon ol the body. if you suffer froro rbenoatienn try Hood4 SaraapartUa, "Aboni ;i irear i(f Iíwj ;■■ t y weïl run dowiii be Ing troublod wlth rheumatlsn and jndfgcstiun. and my btood belng y ry poor. ! egao to take Hw d 1 Lihi aad .t Bavejsme creat relief." Joan Lkwis, Torrlngto i. Codd Hood's Sar sapar tila Soid by all dragfftst M - for . Prepared bv C I. Hooi) fleO„Apotbecar:o&. Lowelt, Maas. 100 Doses One Dollar Many a Lady is bfcatiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beauty on-the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm. Iroehmiwright, ÍEWKLER3 AND OPTICIAN IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, WATCHE8, CLOCKS, BRONZES, MARBLE BÏATUABT, IET POTTERY, OPERA GLASSE3, FANS, BRIC-A-ERAO, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF ELGIH AND WALTHAM WATCHES, BTERLING ÖILVERWARE, TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARB AMERICAN CLOCKS, FINE CUT LASS, ETC., ETO, UMBRELLAS, HO WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT OPEBA EODSE BLOCK, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLÉ STATE AGENTS FOR PATEK, PHILIPPE & CO'S CELEBRATED ■ (VAT0HE3. y) l I EST TONMC. 5 This medicine, combining Iron with pure Vegetable tonlcs, quickly and completely (UTCfl DyïM'HWt, ImliKC-stton, Wenitucss Impiiri' lünoil, Halaría, ( liííloalld Fcverí, and NcurtilKlu. Ttis an unfjiilin? romody for Dïsoascs of the BMneT nnd IJver. It is lnvaluable for Dlieases jioonllar to Wnirn, and all who lefld eedentarj' live. It does nol lojure the teeth, cause hencHflie.or produce couscipation - vthrr Iron medicines do [frenricliesand ]urifies thehlood.stimulate the appslite. aids tfce assimüation of food, relieves tleartbtirn and Belening, and strcngth" ensthc musties and nerves. For Intermittent Fevers, Ijissitude, Lacle oí Energy, etc., it has no equal. Of'Thn genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Takc io other. ..i,1, hj BBOWN CHKHICH CO, BALIHIOBK. Ml . 'TiirrWV ■ G THE SURE CURE FOR - - - ■ KIDNEY DISEASES, L1VER COMPLAINTS, COPÍSTIPATIOF4, PILES, AND 3(,;OD DISEASES. , - -■ ■ -IIMIB - ■■■ II IM !■■■■ fin J ' PHYSiCIAHS EMDOBSE IT HEABTILyT I "KidTiey-Wort is tho moet euccessful retnedy 1 ovor uscd." Dr. P. O. Ballou, Slonkton, Vt. iriey-Wort in always reliablo." Ir. B. K. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. "Kidi-.fT-WcrthascTircdmy wifoaftcrtwoyearB Biil'crv.jj." Dr. C. 231. SummerliM, Eun Hill, Ga. IM TMOUSANDS OP CASES : ith. .. -"allelBiihadfailed. Itiamlld, butoffideot, CEUTAXM IX iTS ACTIOX, but Iwu-.rilcss in all onee. foiinfthe ItUod and S t renet ïienu actl givei New Mt'e to all the important arg&xu of tJio body. The natural actiort of the Kldncys is rc:;to-rcd. The Livor is clcansod of olldiseaee, , and the IÏowoIh ir ve iï-eely aad licalthfully. l:i thifl wr.y tho worst diseaaea ore eraüicatcd from tiio qystem. q pmcE, eioo l:;ví?) ou dt, sclo et dsttogists. D.-.t can te sent by mail. WFTX. nï :.lïtirlln(rtonVt. ■ - - ■ ■ ■ - ....■". ,'i '"',-' m',7.'T7' '''j' m Ho ■;]])' cbitdhood ( ft t'"'stton of tiiiablo to luv i oue n I l n.i . while Lhi fielt'ctlon of a wet nnrse la ntteïidfl wlïli mn )i iHfflcn ■ .■ . r . Scnd i" Wooïrlch vt '".. Palmer. Maas., ■■ ■ ■ [pta on thi Itirtee's Food tred. more chltdron tbaa uiiotiier WEAL NÉRVOUS INVñLIDS, .- -■■- .-.Vi. .-ufi. ' ■■ 0THF.;8 KFEKING JSji au ! Ml P? i'iS'MBII " "i'ry, au' invsed ti' Olffrt' -,! for 2 .'jf wf i-sf-i' i eel8,nd 1 i 'í ■ mi: i whonnlTei trom nervou I d i liiy.cxbausled trtralli.r, pn-i n i-irciaiU I li; (ni.tem. Thou ';': UUy Mir l. il" in iiee: ■ i mert.'eal in luodlelaeioi npplian ■ i jroo wlll s ive Urne, nu Ad'i: copy, TUo KN'ctrlc Review 1 ■ c 1 ' öow, a. ï ■'! ms DOC BO" CREAM [HMUáJMgrl Cleansea the H e a d . KW ÏCLYB Relieves .Paiu at Once Surt Alla-s lñflmmation.BffHEÁDI Heals Sorej. KestoresB Tiaste a"nd Smell .H r $0fj POSITIVE CUEE.H Baöl partido !■ applled mmg ' usA.l Bend.tortü6 :SÍI itVtll RL1 BHOTHKBB. Druggl8ts,Owego. N. Y _ A KV 8 A nVrftn "lHi(''"inn-mm'RUS illfour WH.I LHVI iioursoutof niiíB, Hrn or nycloth, bello at sinirr. ■HHBSNafal Wanted. Great P7ireony .BmatB3LM Indiiccmcnls. lINO. C. HOITT&OO..S1.smum„ Lliiuwk . JAMES BA01.KY tVfnlk-, Oliio. liad nol for over u y par, li lofTerlDj froD N nralri ifnu 10 gret. Thrccdoïcsoi ATIILOPHOROS'i' i hlm, NcuralfU eau iilM-sy. i. f Attilopboros. Alk your l vou onniiot get it of him do nol wit] ATHL0PH0R0S CO.. 112 Waïl SuVew York. #R. Ü. AWARE THAT Lorillard's Climas Plug Ijoai'lujiu red fin tag; thaï Lorülardt lint I.enirmi' eul ; tbat LorlllarJI Nutt ( lippliio and Ihat Lorlllard's Suult'i. 1 tho best anacheaiH. .ju-tiitv ,miw lered ? Men Think they know all about Mustang LinSment. Few do. Not to know s not to have. - ■■'■ ' - ■- - i „ a I Tïncaaf Bitters, a pur'sL8SL7K!Wr&V and kidntiys, and wlll rc.I ÊSC health, bowcver lost. ;%eSMf: Vinegar Bitter U 'iiV 9 rcmey discovered tof f&-yT?pzKc&. promoting digestión, i iche and iucreaíu the ABrtSP-itHltfftJ vtnCLa. oittcrw assitiiilates the food. regulaos the stomadi and bowels, piviug hcaltby and natural bleep. Vineijar Bittcrw is the great disease preventer ftnd staiuls at the hcad of all famiiy remedies. Ño housü sliould ever be without It. Vliicjsar Bitter cures Malaria!, Biïious and other fevers, dlacase? of tho Heart, Iiver and ! KLidneys, and a hundred óther paloXul Send foi eitlior of our valuablc bookflforladle3,for farmers, for merchante, our . 1 Treatise on on Intí'ioi.M anee and Tobacco, whicta last sliould be in tl every cbild and youth iu thO oouoti Any two of thoabove booïts mailed fr receipt of fo lí.Ií. McDona ■ ■ N.Y. . Uk Gold & Jewelled W&Ë MEDAL Wüh awsrded by the ,ti; Naiionul Sleilical -. -■ ''?"V: ' sMiii!iiiim (BfíSiSaSSExír 10 TUF. AUTUOR OF TBS O? LIFE iwüo li Ihe chlef ComoltlnPhylclaD of the l'eabodï Vledlcal Insiimie', It beliiK ihe iieal Ufdlcal Tieallse on Manhoog.KrVitalltjr, Nervoiu and Physleal Debility, In M:in,tlie Errors .uith.antl the unl reiuiting from tn.iiM-reuonsor . whicb author has provea. leal Work on the above, .ind Is u trea4urc t" Va'rante-i refunaed ia cverv aiusun, ruil !.- lor iill dlseasos, Trice only "s, ' i trative urnplet 6 eenl. Scnd now. Thi work s unl -r ijiv , I by ihe pre.-s. clergy, pal .l("t( i veri one ot lts more tnan a mu llonn ! n-ail ihia bu.iU ni i every sufferer Bhould ct-nauit tho „uthor ni In eilead; there 1l!',lw:TKl'A'KKEK!''í);ulfl.1chfit.,Borton,31a3,. Everj CUild ia every I-and is subject to AMcan (Negro). Coughs, Croup and Whooping Coogh. Which H' nol :mi nded to in time wlll result !n Tavior'i iierokee ICemedy. OFSWEETGUM ANDMILLEN. ■ i;m oí ü tree of the sama nonio urowIngin tl I wlth atea made f rom tha MullHn plant oí I he oíd fie . .: by all drug slstsftt 36 cents aüd JOi it imftie. W VLTKíí A.TAYLO1Ï. Atilinta. O. OLUCO pmgt rpcülivthebostmnnuíactnrers LF .vxa tW&A I aml mechanics in the vorld. (TfO" 'AbHLI PuninaiiPalaceCflrro..M.iMm; NO ■t & Ilamlin Oraan & l'iano Co.,g ACl CPHB At tho New OrK-ans Kxpoi-niññMMgi tion. Joints niado wita ít (-1-ll3l'jIV9P9iTl durv.l i tcsting straiu of over NI lrí'll ' 8600 Pounds RrnfVHM TO A SQCAUK IXC1I. HU1 TWQ GOLD MEDALSIPfKfia [ai, uitvin, ,i, VqmmUmiIJmÉÍx ScndhUfard nnd lio. pft:íflfre ni, FREÍ;. KLSSIA t'KME.VT „ Glouccster, Mant. O'i'lit UCYUHS' (IIUB U' Usncd Si i(. and March, eacli yi'ur. t3 '50 page 81 ;x 11 ' , iiii'ht's.wlili over 3,5OO illugtratlons - a wnole Picture tialltrjr. CrVBB Wholesale Prlcea étiveft tn cnisttmt r.s oji all goorts for personal or famüy usr. Tclls hov to order, and gl-vcs exact cost of everjr tblng yon use, eat, ilrlnk, vcar, or have tan wlíh. Ttittx lWAWAaUS I5OOKS contalit Information gleaned. from the markets of the ivorld. We %'tll mail a i-upy FAEK to any atldresM npun receipt of 10 et, to ilefray expense of inailluf;. Iet utt hear frorn you. Rcspectfnlly, N1ONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 fc 23!) Wabosh Avenue, (hirago, UI. -- V S1QGS 01 B B. H. DOUCLASS & ÍONS' ('apsicum ('ouh Drops for OouRhs, Colds and Sore Throats, aa Alleviator of Coiisumption, and of great benefit in most casea of Dyspepsia. (BEWARE OF IMITATIONS.) Phoy aro thO result of over forty years experiena in eompoundinsr COD"GH REMEDIL3. lii-tull prk-o 15 cent per Q4inrtcr puund. TOK BALE I1Y ALL KKALEKS. IMPERIAL Egg FOOD Anti dis case cannot thrivc togethcr Ui the sniii; runa Vifiïl Malie Your Hens Lay. Bold by Dragsts, Foed and Seedmnenjand ■ I'ackages inailctl for fH cents ,aiul tl. Síx . lïoxes -■.'; 10 i■-"'. By expresa 'r KrOlgllt Co. WH0L1 : K.W. UoblD8OD 9 - hun. Lung, -)r.. K.V.j Benson. Maule CoPUUa.: Parker & Wo C. N.Oiitten I V.; Rlchardsoa Drag Co., St. Louis, Mo.; J. M. Uc Cullous i'in. r esn !(rv' r. i irtford.cwia. Uanafacturer of all Pomtry Suppllca. ISniniRBSkKEVER FALS inimiwi'i to Cure rfr I CONSTIPATION, Hl, i, Jnglf'l HEADACHE, ■OttÏQlI BILIOUSNESS, MM mÈ dyspepsia%'3ïX73R I I-ITT1.K1--A1.I.S.ÍT.Y. n ifflntiMMiiilllKti- ' e.ulai'lji', ( 'oiiHilpatlon. luT TTik 8 "mach; luit slnci I inenclns the mo of vuur Bohdo k Blood Bitteu I red beteer tban 1 have tof years. i h-.w?. n iim'ikIi'iI it tn inany frleluU wüh the most excellent U R8. J kS, A KK9 in. Tlir fiQCIT IM Drills the weiland pumps out th tncuntAl I. IQ. cuttinjfs of the Iniii at eaeü AUIA r 11 Bt1 ■' "iik or drilli vnlw I nliok' tmtler it to k-t Tt folio, vifrt i noil I I Rl Tostothewell without renioving i. CLL UniLL Ij ff I tuui: liutio c.iMer tlian un olher fflJï ILÓOMIS & NYMAN, Piso' Iteinody fr Catttrrh Ia the I I Beet, Losl9t to Uae, and Eheapest. I Also 0x1 for Cold In tlie Hend, I Haadach'e, Hay Fí ver, Lc 60 cenu. I M mllHa Morphlnr riai'lt Oursdta 10 91 Pil li I" -■( N"W Ilil 'iireil. UI IV III Lib. j. sxiipiiK.Ns. LoMuoa. ohlo. Üiikistmas eve is nni vnPTinflN the Urne forran wit litho rULlUr I I Uil Ni Ifatdc Lanterns are otitdonc. Fice circulara. IIITIUAY 1ULL CO., 189 East il!i st„ NVw York. KIPPERS PA8TILLE8.Ll,fi HaBHBBBBHBi.Iarlcitowii, Muis, A Casket of Silver Ware Free ToftDytwrï'tn whowill itliowltlo lhlr nis!it"r,rtMour tgl : KtVffttS Rti.l I'. .1 l .i.l,lrr. ,n. IIAM'C. t '.,ll.UTF01(I,COX. UÍ1ME STÜDT. Book-keeplng. Buslne forms, nUltlCrcnmanslilp, Arltlimotli;, Shorthand. etc, tlioronarhir tanght by muil. circulara free. BRYAN'TS COLtKGE. r.uffalo, N. V. r m a a lirrn Ad activo Man or WoraiBlnfry afta JIMTt"1"11111-11"-.'11""'' ''" "' fll {11 ' [itr Hnnlh .ii:d I'.xprn! Ktprmci in id!■ Cimji.hi;,9i: HtKK! l'articultrt SS :, . ::,., ii'd Silver .iarcCo. Bosion. HaM. ARir1 flPPFU To Iliem, w i-ild UI Í CiV.wi GIVE AWAT1.00O Spif-OpcratliKtWashInB you waot one feend up yoiu nanit!,r.O. ano expresa ornee ut once. The Xatloiml Co.. - Dey St. N. Y. f; ifji. Forti New Chromo Scrap & Oold Edge O l't ' I i rds. i WORKS, lvorytou. Comí. , 9nPN u - nn'l Aui'nfs a:iumefi tuuCard Samples for lOf. Steam Curd Worlu, Hartford. Conn.: ViMPI V RAAIicontIllnlnB 61 sanplcs or New Oili'II lili i)Vi'n( '_ ,, t to r:y pojtage. F n ■: f: : t EN , ARP CO.. Ceatttjrook. Oonn. W. H. ü. D.-3--S2 BTIDOWS AND I1L-.IÜS O.' 30LD1EK8 OAN leam ' : moii-'v due ttit' ui hv uiMrcSNlug Iuuue4itly, BOL Li: Oft, Atl'y, VasUluetOB, . C.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat