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Minor State Happenings

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The Brancb couuty pioneer soclet} held tbeir uniinnl reunión aml supper at the Soutbcrn Michigan hotel iu Coldwater tbc other evening. About two humlreil pioneïrs and pioneer famlUes were representé)]. Anmníí thoso wbo ! livl ' urn tbere about flftv years and wore pre sent were t)r. J. I'. Alger, Ailen Tlbbets, Harvey Warner, .1. O. Parknurst, Peter ' Ni .1 eri, 1.. D. Ualsted, C. D. RandaU, Harvey Harn s and Mr. 1'. ik Crlppea. The exjxirlences oí the pioneer doctor, lawyer, preaeher, merchant and printer, were recounted tii aniraatlon, And uie ffray-hoaücd fathers Beenaed t-. vou voudijcr in tbelr narr&tion. Towoshlo ineetre arranged for and a more Intímate relatloD between the eounty umi stat society wascouteniilaled. The undertakera of Detroit and otherelttes nf Ifiehlsau uant to bc released from the re quirement cotnpelllnjc Ibem to envelop in antineptlc rubber bafgs the corpses ;l persons wlio bave dled rroip contagious dlseasea when thej ore tü be slifpped from one place to aribther. i Tbe undertakers claim that the precautiona of dlslnfei tlonand metallic caikets ure efficacions oud uil that Is neicessarv in preventing the lof contagión from thee rpse A hole n! ,i pin liiml 111 let out the contagión anddestroy tbe osefulnea of the baes. I:i several oitiea throughout the atate, com mi ncing the liist of theyear, a brancb of the National ret&il commercial agency wtll lieestabli&hed. The object is to report or furnish ratlnes of the commercial standing for the retal) trade, or to protoct retail dealers agaiost nlnit is kuown as tbe "deadbeat." Monthly statements will be furnishetd each metnber as to the indfbtedness of a party dealing with tbe tive flrms, iu order that they may guard Bgainst persons unworthy of credit. A ilute farmers' Instltutton Is to be beid in Quincy about the middle of Fi bruary, uudcr lbo aaspicea ol tbe state boaid of ngriculture. Tbe president aud faculty of the agriculture ! college will furnish one-balfof the entertain nu nt. and local talent will be expected to furnish the otlierhalf. The local anangitnents sre under tbe dhejctlqn o( II. 1). Pesseil. Thls meeting promlses to ho of rare Interest to , Farmers nul all uiberswho altend the Instltute. 1 lic body of a Dcwlv bbrn whlch bad Tidently been dropped from :t!a uwas lound the other morning about ten miles nortb of Grand Rapids. Investlgatlou dlsclosed tbe f act that tbe cblld was thrown front a train iiv Barjth Bawyer. a domesuc in the famllyof ' llcnrv Vrench. living onöhennau troetfn Grand I KapUls.Hliile ou the way home to vleit parents, living at r.nglUbville, Newaygo eouuty. Tbe ïblld was dead wben bom. MUo Saines and Wilton Seaton, tbe men ited in tbe manufacture of illiiit whisky In Lapecr connty, appeared before United Btates Commlssloner Harria the other day al Port Hurón, waived examinatlon and gave bal for thelr appearanec at a Bession of tbc LJolted Statescourt to be beid Intbal city May 25,1886. Alfred Russcll of Detroit, will :ipi pear for the moonsblners The ') ola atid Tamarack mines at Hoygbton have dlscontlnued sendlng thclr mineral i io the ihiiuoU smelting works. as j nel iS Hecla mlnlng compauy hao socured ! Cf thc works. These mines -vvill probibly start up the ímeltinf; works at Houghtoo ivhlch are now lylng ldle, or stoik tbeir minc-ral lili fpring and build furnaces of thcir owa. Rev. Fr. Patrick J. McManus of Graml ■ Id", " allehtlng from a buggy the other day, nrhen íq somc ucaccountablc way he rao ; agalnst a bitchlng post. Be dld not thirk he as eeriously injured, but In aliout an hour he I svas takou 'vlüieatly 111 and Kgnn sitikius; I rapldly, and tbc nexl day dleJ. lic had ruptufed bis bowe's and iulluiutiiH ti m enaued. A Jackaon gif] UAmed Eva Wall, jast recoverlDjK from dipht hería, was DCfflectcd aod allowedto take coid, aod the result bas been that the rlphtfoot Is rotted off at tnFanicie, and licsii h:s come off tb' bonc leftkiK'i' to Vhe unkk-. wln-n the flesn ( stil] left thougb ilead and rotting. Th bote ís dr. auil cracked ou the under side. The com:n tlee appuluted to confer t;!i tbe Michigan üeotraJ autliorities at Detroll re portedata iiu-.'tiifi( InLondon, the uther night tbat the ofBcfala were willlne to connect Condón, Out., wlth tbe mainilneof the Mlebi Kan Central rallroad, and a cdmpaa; ill be fornicd at unco to undortake tbe job. TheBtate horticultura! society lias accepted tbe invitntion of the Lenawcrcouutv auxil.a: . societj-, ;ind wlll hold Ita winter Dfteting In the city of Adrián. Secretar}' Garfléld of tbe state society, says the meeting will upen on Tuesday evening, Kebruary 9, and close on tbe Thursday iuornlng follóniog. Auioiiur the iipw tuit blocks receotlycompletcd or in eourse of eoDStruetlou are sii a Miiiiisti'c, three at LuOlngton, onesteam at Algonae. oue at Frankfort, tuur ut Marine City ani one at tiuuth Saginaw. Tbe esUiiiiiït-d capaeity of these works for the ensuiug year Is 700,000 barrel of salt. A verdict of ílítí bas been rendered ut.rulust tbe city Grand Kapids In favor of VVilliam E. QiuTord. Tbe rl tv marshal was orderedbrthe eounell to remove encroaehments in an allevs. (ifford refused to obey, and the marlml sawed off au end of bis baru that was projecting iuto an alley. Barry, charged with the murder of an Iudiau ut Cbarlevoix, lust slimmer bas been louud Kiillty of nlanshmghter, and senteneed to lonia for tbree yeara. llis aceompllccá, tiru ham, Durgo, and Moore have been bound over for trial at the next term of court ín the sum of $300 cach. CJeorgi' Xontague, living uear Bradley, recentlv struik bis father a terrible bluw óu the temple, crashing the bone. The attack was made during u tit of temporary inetaaity, aml luid not a brother appeared upon the scène the would undoubtedly baTe been killed. Tbere Beems to be treubls In the dcw county oí Irou orguuized last spring trom Marquette eöunty. The matter bas been carriol hito tbc coarta and n looks as though the eóunty would (O back to Marquette vountv from wbich it was orlglnally taken. Frauk Richards of Adrian,a youug man aged about 27, was found dead in his bed the otner morninsr at Adrián. He had been a viotim of nervousness and insomnio. He proeuivd a bottle of sedatlve medicine and the theorv Is he toak au overdose. In the case of Mrs. Green, who was killed uear Uhesanlng, the corouer's jury returned a verdict that her death was due in part to the ncgliencc of the Michigan Central road in not havinga sultlciont force of men on tL extra freight to handle it. Frauk C. Sherer, a youug mau, went Into the haymow of bis tather's barn uear Berrien Sprinirs, and shot himself through the head. Ui: few hoon later. He hád been In the Sühui.a.i-i) insan" "-J-1 ■ - -u- - )out two years ao. Bïve thmuand dollars capital sto-u was subscribed receutly for a creamery to be etvcted early iu the sprlug, with capasity of 1,500 pounds ]er ddy at Cassopolis. Creaiueries wlll also be establlshed at Charlotte and Vpsllanti. Wllliam '. C'hapnian, for the past four years traveling salesman lor the Detroit safe ëompany, dled at the residence of Judge Christiaucy, at Lansing recently, aged 43 vears. Tlie intermSnt occurred at Kittery, ilaine. The woman's relief corps, No. 37, auxilliary to the (r. A. R., of Hillsdale, have expended nearly v-ju In {be relief of the destltnte diers' families and the widows and orphaus oi deceased soldiere, durlne the past siï weeks. Burglars broke Into the tiotlilng store of Willliun 11. Snyder of Schoolcraft the other nigbt and rellewd hira of about $300 worth of clothlng, beskles $10 in money. EnTance was obtained by boring through the back door. David Morris of Sand Creek, while returnlng hu i lils brother's funeral at ifuirlicld, was upsei by a runaway horse and dragged lor some ilistuhi'C uver the frozen ground. He sustained injuries which will probably prove fatal. Mre, Richard F.llis of Ishpeming has seeurt-d judgement of damages for 480 in the circuit eourt against Mirtiu Peterson and U'cin & Antferson oauïifor sellinjE drink to lusband after being notifled to stop Uoing so. Miss Anna Alfman at Ilowell was taken with hemorrliage from the lungs and died in ] 10 minutes, The lady, who was Lut IS years old, had beeu enjovlng excellent health up to tMe time of her sudden and fatal illness. Tho horses belonglng to I). R. Roller of Edmore. ran away and Louis Boucher, wno was driviug at the time was thrown against i a sttimp, recelviug Infernal injuries whicti it Is feared will prove fatal. Walter W. Dourille, for the past seventeen years a prominent business man and democratie politician üf Manlstee died the ether morning of pueumonia, aged 35 years, after an illuess of ouly four days. Smidi Kruthers óf Blllíflale recetad atar load of Coach ítalllous lust week d'rec. fro.n Knglantl. They are the fluest ol horaes tlu-v have received ibis strasou, and all have been good ones, Goodly Peterson and Noel Courterler, ol Elk Kap. ds. begun their Christmas festmtles with a game of pool. A (iiarrel ehsaed iiiid Peterson reedved b shot that will reiult iu h a dcatb. Reporta to tUr Mkhlgan board uf liealtb show neuralgia, rheumattem, bronchitis aud tbusilltií. In the ofder named, caused the most I slcknesa I Mlchbtan during the week eudhr.: Dec. ia. The i in i M arui -uit block of Murphy & l)urr ui Wes Hu-. CitJ was liurni'd on tlic 'J'.M m-i. at a los of $50,000: Insurance 120,000. The drül house costlng $3,000, was conip.eteiy cle ■ i-d. .- '..i:1 1' Johiison, a well-known lady ol .:ii. .;;s loiind dcad at her ■ homt: in ' that totm the other morning. ter death was the rcsult ol heart disease. She wasfio ciir.- of age. Hon. E. 8. Plielfa ministerto Englaad, In ■ i'rpU to iiniuirtfs made by L. K. Farrar ol rort iluron, wrltea that there ig no money In the bank oí England i.elonglngto the Townle i state. Pension Commlssloner Black bas added to ! the list of pension examinen Dr. .1. 1'. ' luw, dem., L. S. (riswold, rep., of (rand liapids, uud il. L. Foster, dem. oí liwd City. The decomposed bt)dy of E. Burrows and old man who uisappeared froni Mlddlevllle about three montbs airo, was (onndin the I woods ncai thut place a few days -lm e. John McLarpan of Ogemaw Sprlngs was eut , ! Killed by a log train a half-ratte Dorthofwest Uranch. Ele bad been drinking. He leaves a wlfé and thrée childreu. Joseph Atlauis, claiming to hatl from Mlchl gan bas been sentenced to live years in the penltentiary at Toronto for btcaling froui aomerous citlzens in St. Thomas. Eva Wallj the 8-years-old Jackson :irl, u In i-u fee: decayed through ueglect wliileshe iras recoverlng from diphtberia, has had both 11 g amputad d at the knees. dollars of the t$0,000 sub! by cttlzensof Kalamazoo to endow a professorehlp in the college bas already been pald in tu iha treasurer. Capt Dan'l Sheehan bas been clected grand niarsüal of the state of Michigan, of the select knlghtsof a. o. V. W. The brijradc headquarters are al Niles. The it-s:' ut standard ellver dolían daring tlio week ended Dec. w was $839,211. Thé issue during the eorresponding perlod last yeai was $454,995. Whilc ezcavating for the foundation of the ] Vclocioede company's building at Kalamazoo, the lioiics of :i inastodon were reccntly i earthed. The t: aiu anived at East Tawas, through from Black River, Dee. 2Sth. It was well fllledand hereafter traius will be run regularly. Vanderlinde of Mtwtaqgon, who Killed Van derhaaU, cannot raisc the Slii.ÜiM) bail de' mandcd and be will remain in ja:l till court j sits. Detriek üristein of Saclnaw attemptcd suicide a few days ago. He Is now under arrest for failing iü the atfyumpt. Wm. Blanchard, aeed 85 years, died at East Tawas recently. He wsa a pioneer and tonner resident of Wüyne couuty. The MIch!iran state poultry and pet stock associatiou will Lold their annual exhitiition I at Battle Creck .Jan. 13-15. The president bas appointed Thomas KeHey of Hay'Citv. to a :iaval cadetship at the ! Da] ol .- M '. bcs Icmy. Cbrletmas thcre were 330 patients in the ' ■ northern insaue asylum, and the numher Is beini added to daily. ErastU3 Bradner, an old resident, of Plymontb, dropped desd oa the Etreet the dav bétore (Thristmas. Jackson furnlture cornpanv 1 as received an order from Los Angeles, Cal. , tora car load "f fornitura. lOne hundrert Mud four eadets are In atteudrnre at the Mlibigati military maderoy at Nearly uil the freigut has been removed f rom ' the wreek of the Oronto, agrouml near Charity Uland . The Anu Arbor and NorUtem Michigan road ! will be extended to Cadillac ou or bcfore Jan. 1, 1SS7. Johu Fiske, oñe of the oldest ploneers of Kout condl;, dtal in Qrand Rapids a few days , ugo. John8tene. au Inmato o( th e asylum for luHtuie criiniiK'.N ut lonia, has di.sappeured. 8eventy-flvc w-w buildings were crected at Mauistl'iuo during the past aeason. Thero Is tslk uf e.-tabllshing a street ralhvuy between Oosso and Corama. Mra. A. K Palmer, wlie of a prominent cltIzen of Tbrf? Rivers, la dead Ádralo tnidesmen complain oí a scarcltv of uk-keli and jniiules. Willlam l.lovil. i resident of East ííaginaw since 1Ï51. i-i i'ua'. L. IS. WaUswoith ol Sarauac s the owner of a Lulf without hun1.


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