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Street Cars In Paris

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The streel car System of Paris is aj neurly periect as human Dgenuity oan mako it. Tho cara run on 'I' roiw, about cight inches high, placol on concreto. This koejis them al w aya evon. Henee, riding on a Paris car s so noiseless that one caji tnlk in a wbisper, and jou eau read your papar without having your lieart bounced into vont liat overy now and Uien. From the platform a stoep stairway leads to the top, wliere slxleen pe.oplo can find seats, an iron railiug serving as protection. As soon as a passenger steps on tlio platform the fact is registered bv the conductor. Whon every seat is fu!l a slgn, "Complet," is turned down, and no moro wlll bo adniittcd. Henee, no pno ever ldoj in n Paris car without a seat. lt makes no differencc whetiier you have been lato through following dear oíd j Lamb's ftdrico, to digest yOur dreanis, i you havo 10 mtm iu '"'j sm m iiiüt juni house is ou liru ur your umi pup has tlie nhimps. You will jast have to wait. Of course, Ln sucli a caso one oL tho tiftoen thousand cabs j in the city will soon accommodate ; you for 25 cents. The faro is 6 sents inside and 3 cents on top of tho cars. Evory half mile -thero is a station, where tho car stops. Whcn the I weather is bad the cars become quickly crowded, and you niay see three or four of tliem go by with tho tautalizing sign "ComploL" hanging out. Then you go to the station and take a ticket with your nuniber m it When the car comes Uie conductor calis one, two, three, etc, accordin to the nuniber of places he has naocenpied. The renaaindor of thu p.issonera iiavc to wait for the nexl. There is no crowding, no fussing, and uo lofthanded Engíisb Uaunted about. All jivjub si-' v... . i . w.,i f, -,.,-. i;.i.:.,„ i Every Frenchnian knows and obers tho rules, and tho American has to obey, evon thougli -lie may flro at the conductor with Capt. Corcorau's "damniit.'1 Paris lias any qnantity of f:it, womoc. Fat? They just roll! Talk about your Bitllnsgate women; they i aro big, but the women of tho "Halles," the great unión market of ' Paris, can go them ono bigger. Well, ■ it's crying funuy to see one of these j olly, Ush-perinmèd, chccse-strcaked ; markot women got into a car with a bagof live lobsters. With her face moribund with fat and "character," her little l.eaily eye sparkling witli ready it and "snap," sho is just triuniphautly iunuy. - Pttrtt Cor. Sí. Louis Republican.


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