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Facts And Fancies

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Ilelcii.i, Montana, ís lo havo a mia i ina; exchaage. B&ked applea ara tinding moro favor on faahionablo! tables. Bnffalo, wilh 226,000 people, has : 250 pntrolmen, an1 wants 100 more. Agurs Hftrn, a colon d woman, of ' Arlington, Ark., is grntlaally turning white. Extensivo exporimuuta iu growing lobacco añil rico are to Ij o made m Tulnro, Cal., the coming scasou. During -the past season the hoight of lh(! Mormon templo of Salt Iake City ; has been inuroasod by sixteen enursës ! of stouc. The best way to slop breach-of! pi'oiniso suits is for tlie girls not to i oonsider theraselves engagod until : ÜXOy rere niairiod. A gradúate of a thoological serainary j in JNew STorklias been i'efused al ícense to preaeh because lio lived too expenivcly and dressed loo fushfonably. A curiosity at Allentown, Pa., is a , me'.on vinu growing iu a melon. Iu ! the hnarta seod barst i'.s shcll, and a minute vine in full leaf i: visible. Tiio young man who quotes "Lovo is enongh" lo bis jirl never saw dry ! goods billa her fathcr foots, and a nuacquaintod with her capaeity for beef steak. It is related of a California legislator that in 18G9 ho recoived 875, 0J0 for Iris voto, wliieh was needeil to pasa ii moasure important to tho Central and Union Pacific roads. 1 wo men and a womau were thrown down the staira of The Misioula (Monbina) Times olKeo tho otlier dn. Thiv had c:llod on tho editor for s:itisfaetion with a cowhide. A fashion item startles na with the informntion ihat "all the tnan 'Aa nre aliort exoopt those that are vory long." Wc .suoposcd that ;i'J niantles wero long excopt thoso that are shtwt. Dio Leivis saya that for thirty yeara lus has worn au ordinarg silk luit wiLh ulo uiiuunSU iioltr-t tlirougU the top. He saya the ventilation 3 perfect and his hair Í8 perfect. Tho latest innovation in hat ünin is a map of the city printed 011 .sillc. so that any atmnger or gay young fellow may find iiis way home. Itwill bo noecssary, howover, to put a compasa in tho top. Manitoba is Slling ap with peoplo. Tho namber of schools thera in 1ÍS71 was 16, in 1881 t was 128, and in 184 it reached 359. Tlio school attendarice was 16 in 1871, 4,919 in 1881, and 13,011 in 1881. A íuild journalist expresaos surprise t'nat no woman haa yet. nppenro.l na the editor of a snccessful daily newspapor. It ia becanse hor feniiniiie instinct loada her to use tho -eissora too min-!!. In Butte county, California, severa! liolils of sucr(tr-cane havo beoa cultivateel ana are m ., „,. With a favorable season il 3 believed that tho culture of sugar-caan would bo vi'rv prolitabïo. A Pawtuc.kot, B. I., lirm. has, after tbroe years of experiment ing, placed upon tlio market a very fino irticle of plush. Ín permaneacy oí color and linish Iho now prodnot excee Is that oí thu best foreirn loom-:. "Mv linar," asked lira, Mulletbead, lookiug down iho market report, "v. hat ís mcaut by the expression Lhat wln-at is heavy?" "1 ean't imagino," be growlei nngraciously, "unl8J it refera to a loaf of your bread." Tho Ladies' Monumout associalion of Hiclinioiul, Nra., havo ueurly :ucnDiuIated funda suflicient fora statuo and monument for Gen. Leo and have ndveitised for competitivo designs. The monument will cost about $200,000. llave yon read tho 'Descent of Man?' " asked Clara, looking over the book shelves. "No," said Georee, a li 1 1 1 ti timidly; "dou't caro for it; but l'd liko to get tho asseut of womaik" It is currentiy roported that lio got t tho vory next Siniday night. A darkey ín Trinco Edward connty, Virginia', ascribes Gon. Lee's election to thc fact that he carried cha' ms. Ha savs he "secd 'eni.'1 Wlien sskod whftt tho charms wero, he said tho leít hind foot of a graveyard rabbit, a vial of stump water, and a coon bono tootbpick. A "notieo" wordod asfollovTS ia said to appearon tho door of a well-knowa bnsmesa office: "Tho hoursoí ait'undance in this office are: Tocanvassors for chnrcfa subscriptions. 10 to 2; book aiul lusuranou agenta 2 to 4; commercial travelor.ï, beggars and advertising men all day. We attend to our business at uight." The prohibitionista of Atlanta wero Fictiniied in thn lato olectiou to the ex tent of $1,000 or moro. They offered to pay the taxes of evory negro who would voto for p'rohibition. On Glcction day tvvo hundred liRürroos, anti-prohibitionists, di8guised with blue ribbons, wero maroheUdown, and recelvod lax voüüíi)!.í, but when they carne to voto the prohibitionista wero mad. The Western Druggist thinks that to prevent the dtepensinfc of morpUino for quine a Btrip of stoel should be lirmly riviled over the mouth of the vial containing it, tho acckboing iirst plagged with a torpod go atransed as lo cxplodo and shattor tho steel when thu poison is taken n hand. If the olerk survivea he will knovv that tho shock meant morphino. An amusing stoi'y of the introduotion of the mulberry into California ia rel a tod in The Ni w l'oric Independent. Ia llio territorial logislaturo in early daya a green oonutry meinber intro duced and secujred t'uo passage of a bil) givina; a roward ol 91,000 to the poison who should iirst produco live hundred young mulborry trees from the Reed. Shorlly after the end of tha Bessiou the country member reooived tlie reward, when it was disco verod that he already had his mulberrj grove started beforo üo Intrpduoed the 111.


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