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Milán has a batid ot hope. Mooreville wants a new house. Chioken thieving is rampant at Manchester. Improvements are being made on the Dexter rink. The SaWation Army have triven Tecum8eh up. Too wicked. Mauchester dealers have been shipping cattle and hoga to Buffalo. Village Marshal Foster, of Chelsea, is resplendent in a new uniform. A Methodist church is to be formed at Irwin's school house, Sharon. Milan Presbyterians are erecting sheds for their horses near the church. Marcus S. Cook, Dexter's new postmaster, took possession last week. The Presbyterian ladies of Saline gathered in $100 a day at their fair. Postma8ter Gillen has made many improvements in the post office at Saline. Cleary'8 Ypsilanti business college was boomed by a big reception one night last week. A new blacksmith and wagon shop is being built in Milan opposite the Stever house. J. M. Whitaker, of Lima, has purchased a house in Chelsea and will move thither. Capt Jas. B. Arms died at the residence of his sou in Webster, December 17, aged 85. E. N. Cowdon, of Grass Lake, has moved to Manchester and will open a general store. An old resident says there are now 8 more houses in Mooreville than there were 38 years ago. Died, at the resideuce of her daughter Mrs. Frey, in Chelsea, on last Saturday, Mrs. Mary Aegler, aged 67 years. Saline people are talking of nothing but the cantata of Bsther and the local amateurs who are to produce it tonight. Senator Kerapf has been asked to appoint a special cadet to the Maryland military academy. He is open to applications. The Manchester Enterprise says that there is a prowling wild lynx in the town of Green Oak, 10 miles north of Ann Arbor. A, O. Miller makes an onslaught on the public at Milan New Tear's eve. What have the inoffensive Milanese done to deserve this? - _ ■- r t-i:11_ JLJ„ ;o ctH [fY1DÍ3 to buy the Southern Washfenaw milis at Manchester, but he can't agree with the proprietors on the price. The Chouaquen band at Saline has elected A. K. Rouse, leader and president; Geo. Burkhart, business manager and secretary; and Martin King, trearurer. The Petersburgh Journal says that Dundee is to have another paper known as the Monroe County Republican, published by Oapt. Palmer, of Ann Arbor. Messrs. Geo. Burnham and Will Morris and Misses Mate Wisdom and Nellie Woolcott gathered in the prizes at the O-cidental masquerade at Milan Christmas eve. Saline Observer : B. N. Rouse packed and headed 64 barrels of fiour ready for shipping in 2 hours, one day last week. 100 barrels is considered an average day's work. John McMahon, of Manchester, who lost his circus by a steam-boat collision on the Ohio rocently, has srone to Delavan, Wis. to train horses. He will start a The Dexter Leader refuses all advertisements which come into competition with home merchants. and vet sonie of those merchants are ungrateful enough to go out of town for their job printing. Dexter young people have formed the McCullough dramatic club with H. A. Williams, president; G. E. Guinon, manager; W. H. Fields, stage manager; W. C. Clark, secretary ; G. D. Crane, treasurer. Dexter Leader: S. O. Hadley, the heaviest blocded-sheep man in Lyndon, eays he isn't discouraged by the low prices, as this is the fourth time in his experience that they have gone down only to rise higher in the near future. Chelsea lodtje, A. O. U. W., has elected the follwing offlcers : M. W., J. Bacon ; overseer, John Hoover ; G. F., J. L. Gilbert; financier, C. E. Babcock ; recorder, D. B. Taylor; representatives to the grand lodge, D. B. Taylor, and H. S. Holmes. Milan lodge, F. & A. M., has elected I. S. Hitchcock, W. M. ; C. H. Wilson, S. W .; W. H. Whitraarsh, J. W.; A. S. Hayden, treasurer: O. A. -Kelly, secretary; T. J Hallock, S. D.; W. R. Smith, J. D. ; G. W. Hitchcock aad 0. W. Pullen, stewards ; D. A. Jenning8, tyler. Saline F. & A. M. masons have elected the following officers: W. M., A Miller; S. W., W. H. Ben ton; J. W., A. C. Clatk ; treasurer, J. McKinnon ; secretary C. N. How; S. D., L. M. Thorn; J. D., W. Brown; stewards, 0. Farsons, E. R. Aldrich; tyler, M. Burroughs. Chel-ea masons have elected officers as follows: W. M., Jno. A. Palmer; S. W P. M. Parker; J. W., W. J. Dancer; treasurer, H. 8. Holmes; secretary, J.D., Schnaitman; S. D., C. D. Maroney; J. D. N. H. Cook; stewards, M. J. Noyes and John Cook; tyler, G. W. Bachman. At a meeting of the directora of the Southern Washtenaw farmers' mutual fire insurance company, held Saturday, Dee. öth, the president, secretary aud treasurer were re-elected. H. C. Calhoun was alio re-elected direotor and D. G. Rose was elected director in place of Geo Rawson. Chelsea Echo : Quite an exciting foot race carne olí last Saturday afternoon near Lette' bridge, between Tom Ryan oí Chelsea, and Tim Shores of Jackson, for $25 a side. The race was won by the former. There was a large crowd oí Bpectators present audabout$100 changed hands. Manchester R. S. masons will serve under the following officers: T. I. M., J. D. Van Duyn; D. M., Arthur Case; P. C. of W., P. F. Blosser; treasurer, B. G. Lovejoy ; recorder, Mat D. Blosser ; C. of G., Albert Case; C. ofC. J. F. Nestell ; steward, M. Breuner; seutinel, E. G. Carr. Manchester A. O. TL W. officers : M. W., N. Schmid; G. F., A. C. Sheldon ; 0.. J. C. Gordanier; recorder, G. J. Haeussler ; receiver, Fred Kensler; financier, W. Kirchgessner ; guide, J. F. Spafard ; I. S. W., Fred Bchaible ; O. S. W., Ed. E. Root; representative to grand lodge, B. G. Lovejoy. The K. 0. T. M. in Dexter have elected the followinir officers: Com., S. L. Jenney; Lieut. Xüom., C. H. Stannard; Prelate, E. A. Nordman; F. K., H. A. Will iams ; R. K., J. O. Thompson ; sergeant, Geo. C. Page; M. A., D. D. Dixon; lat M. L., Adam Deckert; 2d M. L., C. W. Stebbins; sentinel, J. Deckert; picket, R. E. Mallorv ; physician, E. F. Chase ; D., C. S.' Smith. The K. O. T. M.. at Mocreville have elected the following officers : Conimander, H. W. Gillman; lieutenant-commanler, A. R. Draper; R. K., E. B. Ford; F. K.., A. D. Conde; prelate, J. S. Culver; physician, F. E. Reess ; sergeant, A. D. Mclntyre; M. at A., A. G. Davls; lst M. of G., G. A. Davenport; 2d M. of G., G. AI. Kelsey; sentinel, F. E. Holcomb; picket, J. A. Jackson.


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