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The court feit strongly inclined The victim to let go unflaed, And reiuarked that. in the flrst place, There seemed to be really no case; But a wink trom one of the "league," Who's tbe boss in any intrigue, Caused a c bange in liis honor's great mind O) He quite rwise now was incfined, And the victim, who feit quite elated , Was now by his honor berated, And was tolü to come down at the rate Of apositive,;cool Twenty-Elght. A happy New Year to you. H. 8. Warner is seriously ill. Prof. I'erry is attending au instituto at Grand Bapids. "Ann Arbor Place," is the name of a new street in Detroit. Now write 1885 - no, 6 we mean. You know how it is yourself . Miss Mamie Kearney has gone to Monroe to attend the St. Mary's school . Miss Paulino Bengel of Detroit, íh visitiug Miss Emelie (iruuer, this wtek. The i. ouner, with its next issue, euters upon its 25th vear. Success, Bro. Beal. Jo. Parker leaves this week for Ypsilanti, where hu has secured a good position. Sixty couplee were present at the Knights Templar social and dance, l'uesday evening. The list of those who will receive New Year calla is considerable louger than that of last year. David Preston and wife of Detroit, were in the city Sunday, the guesta of Bev. Dr. liamsey. A new wood yard has been started on the vacant lot north of agricultural hall on Detroit street. "Fatty" Parker, a cadet at the Michigan military academy, is pending the holidays at his home in this city. Thirty thou.'-and, one hundred and twenty-eight dollars and ninety-six ceuts city taxes collected up to Dec. 29. Jno. W. Wise will make his final canvas and delivery of Vol. I, Grant's Memoirs, early in this month. Look out for him. All taose who contributed to the extensión of the T. A. A. & N. M. By, will receive a free nde to Toledo as soon as the road is completed. Mr. Eagene .Mutschel and Miss Clara Spoor, both of this city, were united in marriage last eyening, at the residence of the bride's paren ts . A number of the members of St. Andrew's church held their annual Christ mas tree at the county house for the unfortunate inmates thereof, each one of whom received a present. The saloon keepers of this city obeyed the law to the letter on Chnstmas - every one of them keeping their back doors, as well as the front ones, olosed, conse quently Prof. Beman took a boliday. Bev. James T. Bixly will preach at the Unitarian church next Sunday, both morning and evening. Slorning subject. "Modern Jerichos." Evening subject, " How Science and Behgion may work together." Jos. B. McMahon, at one time a mem ber of the literary department of the university, but more recently in the office of the prosecuting attorney, was in the city for a short visit this week. Mc. was the treasurer of his brotber's circus during past tenting season. Mr. M. is a resident of Chicago. A high school "fresh" by the name of Church, has been making himself notonous of late, b quarreling and lighting ■with different persons about town. He made a mistake, however, Tuesday, in tackling John Hyatt, the engineer employed at the Cook house. Church used a large glas and displayed an uglylooking knife, and had it not been for the timely interference of outsiders he would hiive received a good threshing at the hands of Mr. Hyatt. He richly deseryed one and should he continue his pugilistio career he ought to be bounced f rom the school. The Beethoven society elect officers nexl Monday . Company A will eleot offioers next Monday evening. Mr. and Mre. S. Pratt from Detroit spent Sunday with oounty treasurer Belser. Mre. C. E. Godfrey'sof the tifth ward, has a eister and family of Dakota, spendiuK the hohdays with her. Some fellow from Chelsea "done up" a fellow from this city in a foot race at the fair grounds, Monday afternoon. The alarm of fire Christmas morning proved to be nothing bat the baruing out of the chimney of a dwelling in the fourth ward. Frank Hawkins, the man who was sentenced. for forgery, to three years at the Jackson state prison, from this oounty, last July, is dead. Chas. Htabler, formerly of this city, is at present in the employ of the wellknown advertising flrm of Chas. Brooke Sr., of San Francisco, Cal. Qreat bargains in bedsteads and lace ourtains, for the nextthirty days, is what Keek & Co. are advertising. Bead their announcement on this page. The Union hotel ia orowded to its full capacity all tle time, which speaks well for its present management. Go there for a good bed or a square meal. öee ad. Jennison, the leading character in the dime comedy company that tortured the people of Ann Arbor last week, was seriously cut in the arm on Saturday, evening. The Washtenaw Mutual flreinsurance company will hold its annual eleotion of officers at the court house, January 13, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. A full attendance is desired. Prof. J. O. Kuowlton and wife, and Will Henderson and wife, of tuis oity, wen: among the (Tuesta assembied at the residen ce of Hou. C. B. YVhitman in Ypsilanti, Christmas night. Thomas Looney, a fí reman on the Cen tral railroad and a former resident of this oity, was killed in a collision on the J. L. and S. braneh, last Wednesday. [lis remains were taken to Chelsea for burial. A recent decisión of the second comptr.'ller is of importance to many soldiers, to the effect that all enlistad men mustered out and commissioned, are entitled to bounty according to the act of congress of July 22, 1861. The Janu iry meeting of the Washtenaw pomological society, next Saturday, will be omitted on account of the holidays . The paper on " The Potato Rot," ay Prof. Spaulding, will be read and discussed on the 6th of February. The eagle that was advertised to apjear in the Irish drama of "Tne Iva Leaf," by some mistake got locked in a oarn on Fourth street, consequently they lad to use what was left of Sawver's Jhristmas turkey as a substitute. Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. F., elected the following officers: N. G., Christian Schlenker; V. G., C. E. God f rey ; R. C, Rudolph A. Lutz; P. 8. Eh S. Manly; T., Wm. J. Miller; represen:ative to grand lodo, Ooo. H. Miller. Three car loads of oigar makers paesed ;hrough this city last Monday, enroute lor Sau Francisco, where they intend to relieve the Chin a men engaged in cigar making. . This fact adds to the already long line of evidence that "the Chinese must go." G. R. Caine and H. C. Henry, both of the lvy Leaf Co., engaged in a go-asyou-please fight in one of the dressing rooms during the play at the Grand, Wednesday evening. Henry looked, after the "scrap," as tliough he had tackle d a buzz saw. The number of remams .consigned to Forest Hill oetnetery for the year ending Deo. 31, 1885, is as follows: Alonth of January 15, February 12, March 14, April 8, May 8, June 3, July 10, August 7, September 13, October 8, November 16, December 8, making a total of 112. On Christmas morning the Catholio ohuroh at Northfield carne very near being destroyed by fire, in faot had the disoovery of the lire been delayed five minutes, ït would have been impossible to have saved the building. The oiigin of the lire was an over-heated furnace, and the damage, about S5o, was adjusted by O. H. Millen of this city. T. H. Sedina of Lansing, and wife (for he was married last Chrsitmas day) were in the city visiting friënds during the week. Mr. 8 . was formerly a resident of this city, but has resided in Lan sing for some years, where he is engaged in the merchant tailoring business. Well, old boy, we wish you success, a long Ufe and a merry one. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., elected the followlng otficers for the en suing year: P. C, Sid W. Millard; C, Fred. Baker; L. C, K. F. Sanford; R. K., V. Sorg; Phys., Dr. Breakey; Pre., F. Smidt; F. K., H. T. Morton; S.. Qeo. Deügler; M. of A.,Chas. Richards; M. of G., Jno. Fischer and Louis Stirle; Sen., Wm. Cousins; P., C. E. Godfrey. The conuection of the T. A. A. & N. Vi. R. R, between Durand and HamDurg will be made in a few days. The etockholders of the road ho)d a meeting soon to decide on a location for their reaair shops. Ann Arbor is the proper place for them, but thus far this city has nade no effort to secure them. Steps should be taken at once or some of the small towns on the line that are making such earnest endeavors, will surely gain the prize. Since taking control of the Follett house at Ypsijanti Wm . H. Lewis has made decided improvement in many of its arrangernents. The most important one, however, is the fittintr up of old Follett hall in an elegant marnier, making it one of the finest dancing halls in the county and placing Mr. Lewis' hotel at the head, as a place for holding select dancing parties, of any in this portion of the state. The re wil be a hop at the Follett house this (Friday) evening, and il goes without saying that those present will be royally entert ained. We have received from the Hoptonio Co. of Grand Rapids, a very unique advertisement. It is a winter scène painted on a common-sized slate, the frame of which bas been gilded and a bow of different colored ribbons attached to the upper left hand corner. Near the centre of the pioture is a guide-board on which is painted the word, "Hoptonic," the proprietora no doubt thinking that "a word to the wise is snfficient." The painting is a credit to the artist and is also evidence that the Hoptonic Co. know how to advertise. Hoptonio will soon become a household word if present indi cations are worth anything.


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