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HENBY tóÁíTHEWS ilasjthe pi' i! lic reauytni" in hlsuewbrielt MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOB EAST OF IiEONAKl HOUSE. tverything in lis 'iua v.-iil bj fj'.-si-class, ar... At íReas ;ab:e Ho returno Jiïs sínce:t5 thnnks to all hïa old cil tomers forthelr generoug patronage, tnd cordi ally jiiviU'3 tb'i'ni, un J all new cu&tonie"3 to ht new quartera, whcro he h.ii)is; by fair dealing ca enlarsehia airead v troivuui businea EBERBACH&SOH, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a line lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes Wecall pecial atténtion toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus AND Pure Chemicóls of our own Importation A full Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricra. PÍlT1TTT)TrTSrrT1 i=i Are cordiallj Invited to examine onr stock asr, qiiality and prices. éBERBACH ASOW. Emanuel Wagner, No. 33 South Main Street, At AMBK08E KKARNEY'SOld Staud, ll;is oponed a New Gtogbit fc Prpioi Siore. ALL KINDS OF CANNEDAND SHELF GOODS. TEAS, COFFLES AND SPICES OF ALL KINDS AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. AILES & CO'STPATENT FLOUF KEPT ON HAND. A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO, CIGAUSAND SMOKER'S ARTICLES. Emanuel Wagner. lA'f KSilN FiRF Pi ÁY m J fj IXüVli i i 1 1 1 - vLn I JJt Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND JDUXl ï'ILIFü I All our Tram Tilo are made of Fiíe Cly, a-re ot imüsuñl strehfíth and lirtit Velght, vhich matfcrially reduces the breakage arwi expenso of transportation. The ditchtng óf' this cluss of tiling is lessexpensive, tis ihey do not requiro to be lald bolow fiost but only deep enoygn to es cape the plüw. Wlille this Ís more economicl It also aids In obtaining a betfrer fall or frrade to the d rain. X full assoitmeat of a!J sizea, for h'alñln s'mull quautities, or car load )otí, at the FESDON LÍBER YARD, James Toleert, Agent. ' Tilo, tho Croatest Labor-Scving Machino of the Age." To Ote Edilnr of flieChíccao TrUyune. Dwioht, 111., March 10.- One of the strongesrt ftnd mot convincing facís that I have yet seen rith regard'to tile drainage i3 brought out In the Peccmbor report of the Agricultural Dopar ment of Illinois. Jt is this; ACREAOE. Awcftge in corn in Livingston CouHty, tl. .-....: 868,597 Acreace in corn in Logan County, 1881.. 140,889 LlTingston over Loftnn 127,738 T1E1.D. ïleld of corn In Livingston County. 1881. .6,983,522 Yleld of corn in Logan Couifty, 188 B,070,9M Llringston over Logan 1,908,63 In other words. Logan Countj'Hias raif:ed near ly as much corn on 110,85'J acres as Livirgstoa county has on 268,597 acres. Put it ín another forni, th farmers in Livingston County have heen obügetV to i!ow nearly doiibto the acreage of land (268.E97), and have raised líut a very mail percentage of increase oL corn óver tlu-ir bretheni in Lopan Coiintj'. who only had to plovr 140,8.39 acres. Lot tis give it another twist! A A fannerwhe lias lus land well tilled need only work eighty acres of land and gfow just about ns much corh ns the man who plows 160 and takes all tho ristrs f;f drouth and nuich besides. It is not fairvthen, to com'hide that thé grreatect labor-saTing of the age is the til drain? From 1 he same source of informattoü I gather the following as regards tho progresa of tile-drainage in tliese two counties: Total number of f eet laid ia livingston ountyupto 18Í.1 1,140,798 Total number of feet laid in Logan' County upto 18S1 3,!69,4W This tablo proves beyond all theory owing to 'tho freo use of tilo that one county has bten able to produc' nearly as much corn on 140,000 eres oï lnnd another county has produced pon 268,000 acres. which is nearly doublé, and tbr beauty of tlie whole is that it was done with half tho ivork I Mr. Editor, snippose a kind Provldence should lengthen out the spin of our day tuitil we saw Illinois thoroughly tile-dralned, where voüd be put the corh that this Stat would produce, and what would we do with our "iTe.r dollars?' Sahusl T. K. I'rihi.- RINSEY k SEABOLL Mo. 6 & 8 Washington St. Uave on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line Teas, CoflVsce and Siijurarw, In large amouuts. and &t CasIbL 3?:r?oOs And can sell at Low Figures. The lafge invoicc of teas thoy Buy and Bell, U Ruod proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast the,ir own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles aro used. Tiir 15akery turns out excellent Bread, Cakes nd Crackers. L'ail and se them. PricesOoneïown A largo stook t Wall Paper selling ut A CREAT REDUCTION! I claim to havo the largeet and BEST SELEGTED STOCK Of Wail Papar and DeooraMo&a in the county, and eau civo perfect patisfaction jn Ooods or Worfc . i'uints and Painters Bupplies a specialty . A-llDert Sorg, Bucceesor to F. & A . Sorg, 80 & 28, Wabslnjton st. - lus JLrbor


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