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A Popular Fallacy. tíany peopk think Uut Rheumalisui eannot bc curcd. It is caattd by a bad i'ate of the b!ooJ which deposils poi9onous matte r in the joints and muscles causiriR lamenesf stillr.ess and swelling of the joints and excrucialing pains. Ktdney-Worl will certainly efietl a ii:rc. 1 1 acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowcls, stiimil.itinif [hem to il healthy action, an ! cnrichr: :iic Mood and climinates the poison from llie syitem. ïo to the nearest drugïiist, buy Kidney-Wort un;! be cureil. t'KEF.p Tilib IN MlND In tlit; Diamond Byes mure colorini; is jiven l!ian in any linown ilyos, and ;Juy (Ke f:Mer flnd more hfillianl i olurs. loc. at all dragists. Wells, Kichardson . Co.,üuriington, V't. S:iiií'e Card, íj - c'urs, arul hooit of directions for 2C. stamp. New York Hm: [mine of u new settloment in Soütbern Russla. I ii.vvr. been affllcted witli catarrh for 20 vars. It had become cbronic, and thwe was a constant dtppping ol aiucoua matter from the roof of mv mouth It extended to my tliroat, causlng boarsouess nul gn'at ilidiculty in 8peakiii!i, indeed for vears I was not able to 9j5eak more th:in tiiirYv ininutes. and often this wlth great difiitu'Ity. I abo, to a ;rcat eztent,losl thesense o"t lieaving in the lult iiir, umi of tas!'1. By tbe use of Ely's Cream Baim I have reoclvcd more relief tban from all reqiedles beside. All dropping of mncous has eeased and my olee and hearing are greatly liuproved.- Jas. W, DavldíOO, Attoriíev at l.uw, Monmimtli, Wanen Co ■ III. No ei t KATKi ABOUT ruis. - Ouly to an9wer the constant cali for a gooá and low prleed cougü and eroup renu-Iy do ivi.1 ikjw introduce our Allen's Lnng Balsam in three slze3, :."('.. 50c., and Ï1.C0 a bottln at all druggists. The simplost and best regulator of the ÜIsordered Llver In the World, are artev's Little Liver l'ills. They give prompt relief In Sick Headacbe, Dlzzlnéie, Nausea, ;c. : prevent and cure Constipación and Piles; remove Sallowness and Pimples froin the Complexión, and are mild and gerftle in flieir operation on the bowels. Carter's Little Liver Pilis are small and as eusy to take a sugar. One Pjll a dose. l'riee 25 cents. "I WISH I cunld flnd somethlog that would core galls and pAvent the h;ur comlDE in white,1 lx au fipreasion frequcntljr heard. Veterinary Cnrbollsalve wil! always du it. Sold by Druggists at 50 cent? and gl.üO. "EOUOH OH FAIN."-Li'-uid. 'liouKh on Pain" Llquld %-. Qulck curi. Noura-1 Rla, rht-uinatisni. ftcnen, );t:n-. spralns, ln-atlache. trampa, collo. "Konli on l'ah." rlflsror, 15c, SccretaVy Lamar lives in n (lat. ROUOH OH CATAEBH" ogn-ects ofTensïve odors ut ouco. Complete care of worst cliTonlc otsrs; :,]., uiK'ijniilled as Rarele for dlphtheriA. toro Miroat. foul breath. The people of Borneo eat monkeys. EOUOH ON COTTOHS?' Ank for 'iioii;;h on Coughs," fnr couffhs. oolds, aore throat, hoargcppgn. Trm-lu; 15c. Mquld. 'J5c. (f orgia elght livinsf x-(overnors.


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