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Back and Shouideiv ▲re the parts usually attacked by rheumatWmj the Ji 1 it at the fcireci, ankloa, hipa and wrlsu alsoeometlmeittffected. The cause of ifechma í clrculating witb the biood, wh!c - tacks the joints aud eau tes the palnt and acht the discase. Hood's S-irsapniflla puriücs aud en es the blood, and lias proven a wonderfnl Ten.t 1. rheumatlsnt Could Hardlv Walk "I was troubled very much witli rheutn&tUm lu blpa, inicies, and vrlsts; in fat-t, I co-ild hardly w. and was conflned to my bed a good deal of my tl 1 was ulao vt'ry blllQiu iind sufftr-d stverely, I recommended ío iry Hoou'á Sirsaparllla, whlcl dld. 1 hu: bóteles and ain well. I gif recommend Hood'fl S irsapariUa." W. F. W; BlOOmilIRtnl), III. u"i havo taken HooJ'aSsrMparnia for rJöQinat and have rcclved (Kat benefit. I cheerfu mond it(" v. Dt'RDa ir., I cbanon. O. iloorf's Sarsaparilla -"..i i.. all drugglm ■. KI; bíx for 85, Preparo ■ Cl. irmiMKi, Apothecariea, Lowell, Uas& 100 Doses One Dollar. Cleanses the Head. 9&!3PF i v'1 Relieves Pain at OaeiWffS Állas Iünammatio-iS-cWHE, Heals Sores. RestoreaEJPIy? atad Smejll .■ . f . PCSITIVE CURE.W HCS#A partlilc !a applIiM inliBVO_Ui, t:n-!t nottil. Prlce jQceins - y Kfnd fur circular. nfflI"FB"VF ií 41 ■ ba I ha I BUOTHKÜS, Owcgo,N. " UBSETS ;JËlMENDS EVERYTHlt ■_jaÉPJwn, Leathor.raner.lvjl I IjTlri JJkJ?tAk ' ' ' n:t í"'urniture, ric-a-lihtc, MSmBrrXxA 'trong na Iron, Solid as a Eo . BÜ@ lie ít'"'1 'll!aml PO'J d uring . '' ir?'íliM Stnd dcaler's cara and luo.postó0 líOtainS D0 ACHÍ. írmmplecnn FRKIi t.y iitaii. j ..__._,__ KüSSlACKatKSTCO. 0l0UC08t'cr,.Ma3W( OTlic BUYER8' GUIDE U ' lssned Sept. ainl MurcJi, MMh year. "r '50 pagca, B%Xll% luchrs.withover 3.QOO liM-tratioim - m. Pitíurt Gallery. 1ÍIVES Wholesale Prlca cru-oct to cowtumet's on all goorts for personal or famlly use. Telïs ïio'.v to order, and glves exact cost of etry , tliiii yon ur, caí, drink, Mear, or i have f.m wllli. These I.WAI.IJAÍJLB BOOKS contal Information gleaned f rom tlie marlcets ot the uorld. We i will mail a copy FR.K10 to any ' clreiíi apon reccipt of 10 ctn, to d-frny I expense of mailing. Let us hear front f yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & Cr r 22J_5_229 Wnbasli ATcnue, Chicago fWHD SHAWL GlVüil AVva. i V '- the friura ef a Iirrrcut X Bfaclurcrof C.irïicnertf Shawl. :S8 t:" '1;e" 'a !'''' fc"ïim!BS :-■" I ■ J6 lBSKA Lcl)li us 5 iw; f"r S I HBfia Ho to t'urm n i lloiiMvholil, HKl larfEtSapOCCÜiiisiraUíi faper, #- --- " , ■'"'- M wttdtdFWrmoDd Hccwhold topic, i HHRffl Storifsama genna! olnelUnv, wi w ), "' VHBflwiilwoJyoiii.r.Vt'f tb.':-licWutI(iil ■iinv, U KliFK bv ntiil poitpsU, BBor wö wiU slbJ & hhxvrli ut J 5 :; ' mUT rSplfc-iu to ouc .l.!rct for $Lw NÍ9 yËaütSr Satisf&ction iiuarantced L$$.' FAEM AM) HOrSEHOLD, 1 IíartrorÚ. Cono. LSTERBR00K8;i8 LeadingNos. : 14,048, 130, 135, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEM CO., Work; Caniilun, X. J. 26 John St„ New York. I Yu:i sta allowod u f ree. trial of tlt ttrtii dain of thel U8of Dr. D.v-'8i'ok-bratiHl VoltaioBoü wih Electric Suspecsory AppUaoces, Tor tbs spredy rvllei aóUuer:nn--ni curo of Nerwua Dtbtttty, los uT l'jftíiíí j, and 'ilunhood, itud all clM-hvd tryuDles. Alio for maay utherdlseasi ■. koiplet restoratlon to Hoalth.VlKor und MíinhoodKUíiriíUl: .- í. No Hsklsineurreíl. IUustrated punmM.'t Ia aeuled envelove mailfd freL' by addresslng VGltaie Stvtt t'n., Marsh:!!. Hiel:. g QUISE FiTS! Wbeol 8nv curo i rto not ra eau uiere:? tu ttop tucm iuc atlmeand tnen liatu them reïKiai u-ai:i, I lil-;iu radical cnro. ï have moda --U' diseosa of PITS. ÜPILEPdY or FALLINOSICKSKSSu ll.V ioiiï etutly. I warrant my reuiedy to t-uva tiio vont cues Heoause othore hTd fallad Is noreaon for n.:tnow recoWlui; a curo. Sendat once for a inmtlfiO ei: a u. t'rec BoUie of my Inialllblg tumcJy Cilve Expn-s ukI P .:.-!, urtlo. li cunts ywu oothln ' for a tri al, an J I UI c uro j M laSnH Xr. li. U. ROOT. JflJi'öarlSt.,NewTor)E. JQSEPHeiLLOTTS STEEL PENS SoioBr ALL DEALERSTÊiRouGHourTHe WORLD GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITI0N-ia7a. #R. U. A WARE Lorillard's Climas Plug; l.farinsr a red tin lag ; that Lorlllarátf ltoie !.: f Uno tut ; that LorlllarU i Nnvy illpptiiffa. l Lorlllartf'a KrnilTi, ,1 Ka lt aud cheaiwfi. .lUaUty coutldered ? 3 CUSES WhTÏe All tlSEFAIiS. EJ B Beat o.u-h Syriin. Tutmgood. t.'se S In time-, titiïl liy ilrnugista. W UflUCSTUIiV. Secure a Biulneu Educatloo b)r j nUllinniall.froiii BsïaXT'8 Con.ROK,Bufflo,N. Y IRCNew Scrap Plcturee and 50 ' newk 'malled for lOc. ESSES CAIÍO VVOKK8 IvorylOn, Cunn. CftCüromoü' i'.:t!'. Au. ('uid-sont jiost patd íor c. Cvim. S:c!n Oird tVorka, Ilutforti, Conn. I Hand Goliüi ■:■.. C id il forfoon. ii( '. i.isii CO., CCDtcrbroolr CJnn, I HIDOWSA Hl li.S O :.i CAX Icara 1 ' of iiidiny dw tintín io ■ miucdlaiclr, C s 'i i i: a i " a on, i1, c. liini" 1 ' '■!! A' nu expemet pald. llUnilü. 1 hi-.KV. August, M.ilnc. AniBDEJi Moiphln llaMI Ou red In lp IiPIIIBQ toai'ii '.vs. N'Uinim Curad. VI B VIII ■'■ !!"'-'■ Lc.;LOa, OhlO. STnntSODfiQTfi l P8 pnce ■! iSTEMJt mail. RÚma.Cg WMBBWBWB5aBffWiiWP''':lri; '!"wn' -uá. Dl! POOTE.O' 1'iOl X1N0 é'O AVE., XEW lK,lnUe letters. il t'.jfjfíljl TflTinN - ;. folks.,1 all orts UUHOU. I H I IUN 1 everywoere; aend800d advtceAvp.iuaulo uouks frea .1 IV frec. Btandard 8 ■ oeion, 1Im. AI'H ni.'l'l.'I! T Introittu tU8m, w ÍJ11.T UI 1 C-K.m (,V! AUAVt.OCO Self-Opprstfnïr Waahlnfi Muctilnos.If viu want one eeml us your Dame.r.O. aml oxprosa odieO at oír ■. ■ !).)■ st. S. y. W. N. U. D.-l- 1 _ S HM p 1'his most wonderful and hautispina ■ Vlb Ad. Union Pvs, Cc, Kmwk, , M ƒ J


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