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Railroad War

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All bas not been Harmonieus Detween me 01 IcltlS üf the Toledo, A: Aun Arbor and I)eroit and Northern roud and wurk on the rossing of the two roads jiwt east ol Howoll has been serlously bindered. The othér Iwo men uuder ttiu leadership of J. M. Ashley, Jr. üplhetrae?; oFtlie 'iV.'tVuit1.' Ï.-iuMi'.'k "K N.Vti era, placed dvnainlte earlridjjes aloug the track, effectuaft; itopDlnK all tia-.el until they haU completed the crosslug. A numter oi sectlon men of the Detroit, Lanslng s: Northern attempted to stop the work. lut wlselj witlidrew when they s uw the strength of the opposltiou. After Ashley'B men had completed the bridge :im1 Beveral traina of the Detroit, Lanslng & Northern had run over it a gaavel train on the Detroit, LanBiog & Northern road of sfxteen cara and löO men randowr from the wesi to the 'lossing and Ijeguufillin iip the culvcrt and crossinu witli stoncs and dirt. When Ashley was appraised of thls he immediately raliied all of nis forees and they again repaired to the scène of actlon. Thev outiiumbeivd the Detroil, Lanslng & Northern men anl drove them off from the bridge and tqre up seetlons of the Detroit, Lanslng cV: Northern track about eiu;Lty rods cast and west of the arossing imt began t aring out the stones and dlrtagaiB. liv'iiii;hi thpy had the work nearIv completed ain. ' The t-xuitement rim high, and at timC3 lt il as 11 blookehed was inevitable, as both crewell armed. J. M. Abhlcy, jr.. wat arrest d at tne crossing durinfi the riot by a l nitcd States itüirslial' on the charge of obstructlng the Uultod States mails. After sorac delay Ashley coucluded to go. Durinii; the iiot Col. MillliUen télegraphea Gov. Ateer lor assistance, but the cxecutive replied Inathe had no letal authorltj to cali OHt the militui to t)ucll a rlot, except at the rcqtiest of the sbcrilï or somt: uther county oliiccr.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat