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Minor State Happenings

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Ben Plke una a Mr. Pikeof Middievüle, wen out lookiuii for hoop poles a tew davs ugo, when they made a fíliustly discover;. Suspended ly :i rope ::s the bead of a i'nan aml nnderoeatb lylng on tl' eround iras tiic partlally deconiposed bodv beïdnxInK to it. Iuvestigatlon establlshed the (ac$ tpatthe reminus wcre those of au oíd man mnned Burros who had been missing aince Octobcr 1. He was Dearlv 80 years of age. The body found luid bang mi longthat botb arma liad rottedoff as well as the bodv (rom tlio hcad, and but little Beab waa left on tl.c Iones. Kighty cents juul a key wcre fouud in bis pocket. About thelstol October Mr. Bnrrowa went to a dauííhtcr neai Bon oea milis and gave her iltj and said tbat it sbe dld not huar irom blm in Iwo weeks laat shecould have Ibe money. He had the rope MiUihim at tbts iinu'. A cororner's jury rcudered a verdict of suicide. The state military board, at its recent meeting at louia, awarded a Detroit firm the contract ior furnlshinv new tents for the coming encampment, wfilch will probably bu held in August. Two tbonsand two bundred ik helmets were ordered advertited for. The board also resolved to have a Bchool of InBtructlon tor officen in camp, to be uudcr the directlOD of n rejular army fiilieer, anJ Gov. Aleer bas consentid to ask for a detall of a saitablc ofHcer Ur purpoae. Tnere wfll be 8ö cuiiijKinics In the nexi eainp, Bdyco inore than in uny prevlOUS year. Tne Baraf;:i counly business racn's aseociaüpnol L'ÁD&e bave i)ulrbLed a circular In hich it annouoced bei dj; ouxiotis to ald, aB f ar u posalble, in eitabluhioj; manufacturáis; cnlerprises in thut vicinity, the man, J, Q. Mchernan, is authorized to offer ..n. ] ( in or coijoration a sultablc blt for a cbarcoal blut [urnace, saw mili, tiourin mili, pulp mil), veneerinjz mili, furniture íacoranyother eubstantlal Inddstry ae an luducement to have them lócate there. A paity of Fort (iratiot ycung men went out huntlnfc on the afternoon oi Jan. 2wlth Bad rcsults. Ne fin Colemtn, one of the party, caught i igbt oï some game over a fence ! near at band. and ptishins liis mm througb ander a lover boird, startcd to crawlaftcr. When ncat throagh he raogLt i 's fooi on the i trljrger oí hls eun, dlsehargin ; tbe a nta in hls neck, nearly tcaring lii.s beaü.oll. Th remalna were laken hack to the vlll&ge by bii compahlong. The body ol ncwly bom lufant wblch bad I evldently been droppca (rum :i t u a ivas tound thï other iii trnin lt aoout ton inucs nortb i Grand Raplds. [nvestljcatlon disclosod the fovl tlmi tbc cbildwp.a liiniun from train bj Sarah Sawyer, ;i domeiUc in the familyol llenry Frcnch. living oii81uM?n:in stroet In Grand Itapldj.vblle on the way homo to viit patants, llTlnz rt Kngllshvlllc, Newaygo. county. Tbc ebllci wus dvuü wben borb. A. T. Brotm, :i iimiinis-ii'n mercbant ol Grand Kaptds. wosrobbed of $1Í8 by Charlen M. Kiev', uu pnijilove.. who was bireo t'i plek applcB. Brown Icfl the olllce for half n how, . nml liiid Bice looh alter the establishment. Soon hí ter be returned, Ritequletlv denarted iiv wav oí the cellar, and lias not sime been .-.üen. 'Hebasa wldowcö mothcr, wlio keepa boarders at the corner L Spring and ()ck streets. CoL Weslfly Truesdall, of St. (Jkiir. Ho has ; been ca red fur at tbe hospital nnl borne tu l'ort lluron fur the past thrce mmtlis, died tbe otlier uight. Mr. Truesdall bad been " resideut ol t. Clair couuty for nearly half :i : eentuiy, and at one time asa very wraltby man, tne onner of several baaKs, plnv lands, milis and lumbcr yards, but overtook hlm, and he was rcduccd to absolute ■ U) Msconsïn bet. i to Yisit hls two .ou'-, auü wbüe taunting deer steppod on u log 10 get a better sisjht of tbe ganie, liolUinvt bis gun l the muzzle end, aud resting tbe butt ui on the los. IQ some maniior lie slipped so as ta strike the hamnit-r and tb? gnn wa cbarspd, killiüg blm. Tlie remalns were irought to bis iornier home for intenuent. Patrolman (iio. Wells of Qrand Hapids, has a natural curloslty, fouod on liis farm In ■ L'lalnfleld townsbip, cbnsisting of a deer born ded 11 o plece ol oak wood taken from : .a AenAsJS rif n int'trc in)c tl't'fi. The hOl'U 5 ', irokon in the nú:.'.'1" and the endsprotruae hrough both bli ei ut tut ttisk. whicu ü ovei tooi In thickm ss. Thirty-iotir ncw unlons of thé W. C. T. V. , invc been st&i'ted iu the Mate during the past ■ear, inaking a total of 884. The exccutiv card at Hs recent meetlDg at Grand Kapids l lecided to ask the legislatura to ineoroorate I u the sclentlflc temperance law a penalty foi t3 uon-enforccmeut by school boards. John Richards of Port Huron (Plne streel ïcar ElgbtJ is iiiixious to hear frorn John Mc iulffcaii, a nalivc of Vienna, Ont., on behall jf the latter's sister, now living in Port Huron iml bas uot seen her brother in ten years. üiyone giylngMr. Richards Information wil! ie rewaraed. Mrs. H. L. Paddoek of Koughton, received eek irom Miss flarpld, sister of David : [larold, lui was conuected with the con plracï acato ! President l.incoln, $1 whlcl iis FlaröKl r orroweu ïioiu ik-i uci w jvsn tgo, wheh the two were stbool-rnates. Funk Penny, who wás sent to Ionla froit Detroit on a sentenee of t bree years and sis nontns, andj whose time exptred in Manli. 18S7, luis been discharged, ÖOV. Besóle havii!i coinrauted bis sentenee. Penny has been .■lerk lp the geput; warden's ofh'ce." The prisoners in the Gratiot county jail ai [thaca attempted to escape on the last ulelu ! the old year, bv dijrging a hole through tlu ivall, but they "were discorered irom. the out)lde and frustrated. It was an endeavor to jet away in the same manucr as some others iseaped three montlis ago. l'inluiïs are at work In the townshlp oi Fort Gratiot, St. Clalr county, Some weeks igo, the sehoolhouse was set on fire am Imrned totlic gTODtld, and the otber night th( buildings on the farm Dennlson Sinith were j lircd, the marauders using kerosene olí, The tbird aunual convention oi thu ■ 'au state assemblv KulUtsof Labor will bt Beid at Lanslng TuesiZay, Maren 9, 18sü. j Tliere are now 2iiu assenroltes in the state, and ' cach assemblv sends i ts full quota. Thret : bundreü dclegates will b piOBont. Alex. Fiaser of Broekway Centre, has been ' lurested tor embezzloment in counecUon h a i fommissions retalned by him as ngent tor ■ nis, Marcna Young oIFort Huron, who emplojed liiui, btiug the eomplainaut. S;nmiel Boon, n farmer livins; ncarAVInt; Pijreon and one of tbe oldest aettlers In thai j vielnity. was killotl the Other eveuing by a kiek rrom a'horse. Hi neck was broken and : lived but a short time. Nllea has voted to raise .íi5,UOO for the erccUon of proper paplle buildings on condi tiou tbat the county seat is removed to Nfles, Unlv eight votes ut of over 300 were í- agaiast tbe loan. Elmer Wood, who several weeks ago shot at j one Bennett and killed his frlcnd Roberl Margo at the colorcd baptiat churcfa In uiazoo, was louud guilty the othcr cight oi j manslaughtcr. Smith Brothers of Ilillsdale recelved i caí load of Coach stallions last week direct iro I Kngland. Thev are the Uncst of horses thej ! have recelved this seasou, and all have beet. good ones. John Steer, an escaped convict fiom tin state houe of eorrection, was reeaptured neai Saranac. He left the instlintion u lew duys ago, but the offleers Lept the matter ven : luiet. An item In the Williamston Enterprise says tkat A. J. (.llover, who onncrly WÓrkedasfi farm hand in LiCroy, has been conykted o murder in Wiseoniln and will be hanged Ii Apri!. The jiostofllee at Lake Linden, Mich., bas been raised to the presldeutiai grade and the salary ofthe postmaster flxedat $1,000, Ie take effect January 1, 1S86. Georee Sbaefer, a Hrtmac on the steamei Algotnab, dropped deaj ;., the boat landeüat St. Jguace. li i-i thuiiKht tht deeeasedatröm Albany, N. ï. There is every reason to belleve that the maehinery in the monster h't. Joseph [jaiei mili, whlcb tuis been idle so loug, will soon be set in motion. Officials of the I.anslng road aretrjlngto ' have tbe law euforeed wliieh makes it a ; demeanor Xor boys or childreu to jump od j moving train?. The Pontlae ereamery associatlon has eoiuiilcti'd its organizatioii with S6,000 paid uj. stock and eelected lts site. lt will begin ; I1CS5 at (JUI'l'. s;x Eaton Rápida men hare imií;iit u steam yachl at Banduiky, Ohio. lt will be refitted and make regular trips to and from the camp grounds. Dr. M. P. Johnson of Allegan is eme of the lielrs to the estáte valued at YTOü,üOu, leit bj Ben. F. Johnson, n cousin, at vlraut City, Mol I Treasurer Ilill of Kast Saglnaw, bas tendered hls reslgnatlon. The his accounts has iiot yct been made up. Ozen Kcltli, IJie oldest settler in Pittsford, at ilillsdale county, died recently, at the advaneed age of 87. :. Employés of the Detroit, Lansing & Northern railroad have organlzed a mutual benelit y at 1' nía. The ncw oreamery 'at Wayne is completcd and ready for business, lt will be started np about April 1. A stock company is bclng'formed at West Bay City for the manufacture of bozes, sash, door, etc. It is estbnated tliat two-thirds of the Michigan potato erop this season bas been destroyed by the rot. FireJ destrored about $6,000 worth of property in Plainwcll. Kalamazoo county, on the :J0tli uit. Eaton Kapiïls had onlv 14 deaths last yeur and claims to be tbe healthiest place iu MiehiKan. Uenton Harhoriiicklingworks have cnlarged and expeet to 0,000 bushels next season. A new ereamery is to be built nt Cassopolis thisjseason, to be ojjeucd ior business April 15. A hospital is to bc crected at Manietee, and placed In charge of the sisters ol eharlty. The knittlng f actor; at Ceutieville resumes operations aller more thau vyear's rest. Seventy-fi'c uew buildings were crected at Manistique duriug tbc ]ast sèaeon. Phiiuwell, Kalainuzoo county, euffercd heavy loss by lire on thcSOtli uit. There is talk of establisblng a streel niilwuy between Owosto and Coriin a. . A boot and .-hoe manuiactuiy has been .-tai teil in Ov. Lik Kapids wants a railroad.


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