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Tbc British pa il ia m on t meets Jan .1 Gladi tone 1 1 ;■ calecí his ílith birthday Dec. Quecn Cbrl=tine was formally sworn iu as regent on the SOth uit. Durhig the recent battle in the Somlan 600 rebel were slautrhtc rul. The rumor tbat Bright intinds to reslgn his BOai fn Darllament, is dunied. iage laa i il en douc oa the Nova Scotian coat by n iuter gales. The EngUab gommenl wlll oppose the Uil i for a tunnel under tho Kngllsh channel. Emperör William celebrated liis 88th B:in tu tbe i' roñe of Prustla on Ote '■' luwt nu assoctatlon lias been formed in Montreal I fur tne purpjse of securing betU'r wrocking j laws. Lleut. Taunt, ü. 8. A., who bas ezplored the Congo lountry, fiuds it uninhabited by wbites. Adrices Irom the west coast of Afiioa annoinoe the deatli ol tlcrr JJurtner the Ueruian eiplorer. rjrcece has enterca vlgorou protest agalnsr the union of Bulgaria and Bastero üi.urnelia. A bilí provlding for a tWO per c ut incoine . tai is before the lejlslatlye aséembly of the ludían goverimienu Samuel Bireb,. L. L.. I).. the dlstlnjcuished keeper of antlqultles, a flead at Londón. ile was T.l yeara of nge. Pasteer has undertakeu at hls own cost, to cure 11 peraons bitten by a mart woll i" a : lage n we-tern Kussia. The i)Oic has converted personal presentí Ol many veurs nto money and given the ïuiii ?10o;oÖO, to the propaganda. The marrinse of the Infanta Kulnlia has been postponéd until Februarj 27 oa account of mourmui? lor Klnjt Alfonso. Bishop Hannington, amlssionary, has been : seized by the kinol Mombasa Central AfrKa, . and wilí probably be put to death. tu créate any Oardlnatt then. iTiie pope bas convertid personal presenta of many yearï Into money, and hm douated the procéeds, i3l,000, to the College of the Propaganda. The valae of crops in Irctand ihls year increased L1,(594,'Ü8 83 compared with W84, and it wus L269,961 abovc the average for the corix'-pjndng ten ears. Advk-es f rom Cairo say that the Arabs lost (JOJ men in the bottle wltb the Britlch forcea which was lought n -..r Ko lich receutly. The Arabs are reportcd to bc Bymg '.n tbe dlrection of Dongola. The Germán Trade Review Faya that the new year opens wiüi a gloomy outlook' that the commercial world is uneasy on account of Iba goVernment'a project to monopolize the BpirB in' ïlie J.ouilüQ Telegrapb commentlng oc the question of hume rule íor Irelaud, says: "Tbe gvernruent will resist to lts utmost aolllty any seheme tfmx% an Irish parliament toutrol oi the pólice forcé in littarid. A I-ondou dispatch states tuut the government has intlmated its Intention of ojsin ! the removal of the bill provlding for the cob straetion of a tunnel under the English chanusl between Englanü and i'rance. Vienna newspapers state that Emperor Francis Joseph is neeotlatlug with a view to buying the üastcin dotnaln, ïnchuling the hot spfiugs and the Badesehloss hotel, the annual resKtence oi Emperor William ot (.ermany. IA llttle son of Arthur 3. Milla of Ilamilton, Out., dicd reeently from the elïetts of a dose uf pui-on given in mistuke fcr an emctle by Mark Mun'dy, a drugsist. Tbe ehild was suffering from'eroup aiid the druggist, instead of lpccac, put up ipccac and opium. It Í3 now kuown that a majority of the Liberal members of the new parliamcnt are opposed to glvlng to an Irish parliament the eontroi of the tarlfls and of the pólice, and are in favor of eonflniug the lcgisiative powers of sueh parllaraent to matters of local government, the same as in üreat Britaiu.


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