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Plow as ii)iu;h of tlio land intemled f...

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Plow as ii)iu;h of tlio land intemled for spv:n;r erop-: ;is possiblo. lf thu surfacc is voih loavo t so for tho trost to act apon. 'l'lio cii'amplon squash ai tho late Minuèsota Hutu l'.iir weighed 150 IxuiihIh; t.hat whicli was awardod secomt nn.L' woighed 125 ponnds. Iowa swino breodera are growing inore, sweel corn overy JF6OT, as its teüdency to laj on fat ia ixtter kuown. i Stouowall'a Evergreen ia largely used. Parker Bario, ilio wéü known fruit grower of Illiuoi?, has pumliased 20,000 aoros of land DOM NovvOrlcans, : wbich he v.-ül oonvert inlo n dairy furm lo supply uilk to the city. ííivo oomfortable shelter as rogards wind and ra a, together witli juilicious feüdiuif. nnd liorses, slicop and catlle will stand any amount of cold ■ tbat the comini winter may b'l'Ing. this country, èspecially Tot packing nuvsoiy prodaots, are made in Kussia, aiul about 1,500,000 sent away annualiy. The pcasauts mako thom from tlvu bark of the limo tree. At tho international potato show recently held in hondón thoro was a ; great display of new varieties having : clark skins bnt a soaroily of those ïearly round and having white skins. Tiie judgea stated that whito, all round poiatot's werc the most desirable. Indications point to tho general avcraa;o of twenty-six and a half bushels por acre of coi'n for the whole country. The small average of soft corn insures sound grain - an important 'commercial consiiioration when it is iï.ïaombered that tho averago of soft corn for a -s-eri-os of years is Qfth of tliO erop, and in bad wisons two-uilhs of the erop. Tho rosult of tho whoat hnrvost tS. 1885 is placed by tho Department of Agiiculluro at :SfiO,000,000 bushcls, possibly a trifle more. The average yiekl will bo quito as rood as that of 1881. Tho largest averages are Michigan, 20; and Colorado, Montana, Utah and Washington, 21 to 23 bushels per acre. Particular lields in Vermont gave as high as iifty bushels per acre. Dr. Nichols, of tho Boston Journal of Chemistry, found by repeated and careful experhuents that thecoolingof covvs' legs by standing in a pool of cold water in hot suuimer days sonsibly diminishes the milk secrotions, so sensitivo aro coks lo thu inüuence of cold. Yet many farmers subject their milch cows to frequent and severo ohilla during tho winter, botli indoors and uut, to Iho grofil Uotrhuoul oí tliuir own poekels as well as the henltn and comfort of the eows. The question that each man is to decide for himself is the expenso lo bo put in his barn, stable and lixtures. This is a matter of tasto, but theqnestion of warmth is one of cconoiny. The animal heat must lo kept up cilher by inureasod food or by cousorvation of heat iu tho slable. Much may bo accomplished by tight walls, if in connection with perfect ventilatiou. Tho bodies of animáis throw off constantly a larre amount of heat. Tho breath and the odor of tho oxcrement alone are objeotionable. O!d slieep may be turned off to very go-d advantage - even oíd owes. By euping thom away from the ram in nutunin they may be fattened and sold in early winter at small cost. Sheep usnally come up from tho pasture in nulunin in excellent condition. This start should not be lost. Commenco graining them lightly, even boforc they aro ontirelj removed from the grass. Commoucc eurly to keep theoi under cover of sheds or stables, and they will not fall away, as is too often the caso in carly winter. Tho Stalistlcian of tho Department 3f Agrioolturë points out tho fact that ivhile tho cxports of our implcments to Russia havo until receutly been iniignifloant, tlioy aro now becoming ;juito largo, having amouuted in 1884 to 208,723, of wuicli $18;J,0G3 wero Eor mowors and reapers. As that country is already our most formidable competitor in the wbeat markets of Europo, her ncreoslog use of our dïïü iinplements in tho production of this staplo is a point of considnrablo Interest to our farmers. Hens are in efl'cct more egg 1110diums, and to keep theso mediums in good running order we must keep up tho thrift and hoalth of the orgaus. Tho first thing to produce this is cleanlinoss of quartors, comforlablo lodging places anti nulritioua food. Fowls are illthy birda BS far as their appetites are coucerned, aud will consumo uncleanly food and drink frora dirty, stagnant water; but they aro cleanly about thoir bodies, and nice to a line point. The botter we keep onr heus tho rioher and largor are the eegs. Whon a ïiew milch cow hfis her calf taken froui hershe wi)i oflou hold up her mille, npparently for tho pulposo j of savinjr it ior lier offspring. H wili requiro Uindnoss and p:iüoneo to come this habit. Tho opcration of i milking is picasant for tho animal, and if sho is given a mess of warm slops whilo being milkpd hor attentlou will bc so diverted Üiat sho will yield without rcuiomlicring her calf. it is important lo miik. clean trom iho first, as retention of iuilk in tho udder injnres it and tends to doorease tho yield. The followiug is rocommended as an excellent method of ñpp'iying I thnim to tho cabbago, nuulo of oae part. of pyréthrum, and threo pnrt8 of piaster of air slaked Hiña H ts appliod ' with a woodon bollows by ïnserting j the nozlo nniong tho loayes. Wlicu blown out the powdcr is driven throutch tho plant. This romedy has boen fonnd generalij' cftective. The icc water rotnody, strongly recommecclcd spme months ago, iias beon thoroughly lested at the Mow York Experiment Station and proved of no valae. W. J. Sliefihurd, ol Mïller Countv, Mo., has tor three yoar experimente : In planting the tip, muidlo and butt kernols of an car o! corn. He has sr! lt:ctcil 100 grains f rom oach portion of tlie uar, glven Lliosamo care, cultivatioo nndsoil; and liuds that the corn frota the l!ps of the ears will ï'ipeu lirst, that from the midillo ncxt, and tliat from tho balt last From experimenta extending over lUIrty yeárs ho lias come to the conclusión that if it ia dosired to secure an oarJy maluring corn, it sliould bc flone by solecting tho tip grains for secd.


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Ann Arbor Democrat