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HENBY MAITHEW8., Hasjíhe plearuro ff Infonn the pwibnc that Mr. ready to roceive them in liis uew briek MEAT MARKETÍ E DOOB EAST OF I.EOXAFO HOUSE. El i ; yüiing in Lia liin viil bo f"Li-class, an; At íRers: -lable Rates. He returr.í nis slncex'e ihant;-. to all his oíd csi tornera fortbeii tronare, Eid corai atlj;invi:c:-; theni, and all ntny oustomes to bl. néw.(iufirter3, wlii'rt 10 hopes by f air dealing gq enlarde his ulveadv srowinít busines' EBËRBAGH&SOI, Dealers in Drugs, Medicinas AnO afine lotof Freneh Hair Brushes ;. AND English Tooth Brushes, Wecall special attenlion to our stock of Ciiemicai Glass-vva e, Apparatus, - Pure Chemicus of our own Importation. A ful! Une of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prlces. STTTIDIEIsni1 Ö Are cordially ínvited to examine our stock ;; Mi juality and pnces. EBERBACH & SON. Imanuel Wagner, No. 33 South Main Street, At AMBROSE KEARNEY'SOld Stand, . Hasopened a New rörocery & Provisión Store. ALL KINDS OFCANNEDAND SHELF 600DS. TEAS, COFFLES AND SPICES OF ALL KINDS ATA VERYLOW FIGURE. AILES & CO'STTÁTENT FLOUP KEPT ON HAND. A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO, I . CIGARSAND SIÍOKER'S ARTICLES. Emanuei Wagner. JACKSUN FiRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND jld:eí_A-i:it tile i Allour! ram Tile are made oí Fire dy, are i ot unusual strenírtli and !i:;lit woiglit, which I terouyreducea tha breakag and expendo of j tranepoitíilion. The ditching of ttate das of tIngia I iheydo ot requlre to be lakt belov f.ost bu( only dccp enougu to : cape tlie plow. VLiJsthisls more eoonmnieal j It alio aida Ín obtaining c. beltcr fall or prade to ;"th druin. A fall nssortment of all sizcs, for ' sale n smiill iua!ititi?R. or car load lot:-., at tUo ; FBRDON LUIBER YARD,James Tolbert, Agent. 'Tilo, tho Croatest L?. bcr-Sav ng j Machine of the Age." To the Editor of Tht Chicado Tribune. Dwioht, 111., March 1G.- One of the strongoct [ -and most comincing factsihat I hav yet feen with recaní to tilo drajnaííe ia broufrht out in tha December report of ( ho Agricull ural Ccpar ment oí Illinois. Itifthie: ACREAGE. AdaKe 1 com n Livingston Cousty, .. im 2S3.597 Aareaeo u rom I.ogan County, 1881.. H0,!S9 Livingston over Loft.'.n 127,788 YÍEI.D. Yfeldof oorn in Livingston ('.,mty.iR81. .0,983.525 Yield of corn in i T, 18S8 r,O7O,!4 LtTingston over Logan 1,902,098 In otlier words, ï.ogan Coanty lioa raised near ly as miicli eorn on 140,850 acres as Livin(tsto cqunlynas on 268,597 acres. Put H n auuther ' RM olÜieffflh - 'ÏWlA of In; i ai:d liave raised but ft veivsniail percent ;iLt; of ii:cr ose oí corn OTer thefr brethern ín 1-ogau County. who oiily had to plow 140.839 acres. Letus givo it anotner twist! A . A farmer .vho bas hia tand vréü tillftd nee tl only workei2.' iid and grow jiwt about asniucncom Uic man who plows 160 and I all the risksof Urouth and mucb Ii(ie9. :' H ïsnot fair, Uien, to conolude tfeattbe rat8t labor of the ftjgets tho tila (Irain? l-'ror.j thet -.niesource of üifonnalon I 1 pathcTtlii foUowing os regarde the progress of tile-draiuase in these twocuunties: FecU Total number of feet !aïd in Livingston County up to IS 1 1 ,140,793 Total nuiuuer of f eet lnid in Logan Cobnty upto iSSl 3,W89,4y 'Ibis tol. '.o provea beyond all theory that owing to tb% free use of tite that ohe county has been abieto produ.' nearlvas rauoh corn on 110,000 licres ot Iniid anotlier countj lias produced apon 26S.0OÜ KCixP.v.'hich is nearly doublé, and Ibe beauty of (l;e whole is that it was done with fcají ilie work : Mr. Editor, suppase a kind Pioritfeoce sfaotiid lencrthen out the spin of or dayi until wO naw Illinois tnorougulj tiio-draiaed, where would be pnt the corn that thÍ3 Stat would proiUice. and what would we do wilii our .: "ailvfir doll&ra?' Samusl T. K. )'kiuk. j RINSËY & SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a complete stock of 8Y6iy thing in tho GrocOry Line. Toas, Coflces jihcI ujritr, In largo amounts. and at Caslb. Prices And cnn géll at Low Fleares. The lajgp Involce of teas thoy Buy and Sol!, In irou;! proof tliat in Qualüy and Price ihey Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees evcry week, and none hut pri;ne articlcs ar uaed. Thcir Bokery turns out excellent Brrad, Cakes i ■'■ i cae! re. Cali and se thein PricesGone Down A large Btock ..f Wall Paper A CREAT REDUCTION!' I claim. to bnv.' tfae largest nnd BEST SELEGTED STOCK Of Wall i üeii'irations in the' "County, and cnn give perfect MitififnotioD in Goods or Woi b Faipts and Painter i ftsplies : specitilty. A-llDeic-b Sorg, Buccessor to F. & A . Sor,', M & 28, Wulisiiiüton st. - Ana Albor


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