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IraËHÏlSWRIGHT, ÍEWJSLERS AND OPTIOIAN% IMPORTERSOF BHONZE3, MARBLE STATÜABY. iBT P01TERY, OPERA GLASSE3, FaN8, BMO-A-BRAO, ETC JOBBF.r.3 AND RETAILERS OF ELGÜl AND WALTHAM WATCHE8, STERLING SILVERWARB, TBIPLE PLATED SILVERWAUfl AMERICAN CLOCKS, F1NKCUT ULAS9, ETC, ET DMBRELLA8, L40 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT OPERA ÜOUSE BLOCK, DETROIT, - - MIOHI&AN. 6OLE STATE AGENTS FOR PATEK, PHILIPPE & CO'S tMl-"""1 ■ (VATOHEa I B& - - s I = 1=1 I-i m TUF -e W BEST TONiC. p i Th Ís medicine, combi nittg Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quiokly and comuletoly Curtía I)v.prnsl:i Indlffention, niinei, , Impuro ïilftod, Ualaiiu, hui untl lover, and NfiiraK'tii. Itis an umaiiinff remedy for Diseascs cf tn KMneys and lAver. It is imaluable for Diseases peculiar tO Women, and uil who load Bedent&ry lives. Itdoe nol ir: i ure tlieteeth,camo heariftClKMt produce noiifitipatiön - othrr Jrmt tni trines do. Xtenrtclies and inrrifies the ilood, stimulates theappotiïe.jüds the assinnlation of lleves Hwtburn and Belohing, and strength te s the must. les and nerves. For IntennUtent Fevers, Lassltnde, LackOI Energy, c it has do equal. The peiiuine bas above tri.1e mark and crossed ved lines oïi wrapper. 1ko ?ïo other. ■t-iiouljhy nilüHtï!K5IItAL CO-, BAF.TUHfflK. MiV RA DWAY'C J'he GREAT LTVER and btomacL Remedy. Tor the cnre of all disorders of the ffetomach, Lirer. Jïnwels. Kldoeys, lïiaddtr, Xerrofts Plseasca. Loss of Appetitc, Hefldnc-iic. Cotdrenesa, indipestion. Bili'HisiR'ss, Fevcr, Inflammatlon of ttie lto'-vols, PIlc?, and all de range HH'nts of the Intcrnal viscera. Pure 1 y (.KCtabJe, containfns nomercury, mlntrala, or deletenoas drugs. Prlce, 26 cents per box. Sold by all ilruggists. DYSPEPSIA! DR. RADWAT8 PILLS are a cure for this coraplalnr. They rcstoi-e strenjitli to the stumach and !t 10 nurfonn ita íuiK-tíüris, Títc symntoms of ryspe})?la díá, and wlrli theni the'ltaolllty of the MMi'in to contract dlseases. Take the med accojdiaEï ïo dlroctlon, and observe what we say In and Truc" respecting dlct. B37"Send a letter stamp 'to:Dlï. RAÜAVAY i OÜ.. Nu. 32 Warren wtreeL New Vork, for "Kalse and Tl-UL." % Be sure tu getKADVAVS. DR.RADWAY'S Sarsaparillian Resolvent lUillds up Mie brokon-down coutttttlfon. purlfli blood. n-btorlti;; luïuUh nd visor, olil by diuggltu; II bottle. RADWAY'S REAOY RELIEF i ■ r ttae relt rand cure of hu Palns, OongoeUon aud [ndaininatlon, DR. KADWAT & 00., 83 Warren Btret, ÏÏOW Vork. A ptíyilnlan in n r Mitheni rUy wi lr. ilit In1 Ii.ui trlcl som.' of ihc rootl hitfllly i ti sed In lbo medical journali for hls mvn Inftint : and. rtioogb Bome wcre bet ter thm uil e ■--, none were iliriit In ttwir setíon ujion tho bowelp, The ïttde one piucH. nná Ihes liad almoftt devpaired ol [wilfe, 'hfln Kfdge's Food wns li led, uní i he llutt' one at once fmpruvrd imd perfect act ion of tbc bovela resul ted, IMPERIAL Egg FOOD And dJseftse run uur thrlve togetber In tlie same runs ïïill ülake Your Hens Lay. Sold by Drujxfflrts, Peed and Beodsmenjand, trocan Tftinnlled for HO centa and l. BfxlK Boxea r win. Boxea. ; 25 P. Kcyn, M.3S. By expr Krri:iir Co. wiiolksalk Aub.n rs: i:. w. Robtnwn & Bon. N. V.:.i. O I DK. -i'.. VY.; Ucnson. Maule tt Co., riuia.. Parker A Wond. Boston; C. N. C-lttenden, N. ,V.; ïllcbnrrismi iirugC., St. Loutü. Mo.: i. M. McUutlouffliV 8 mu, C:n., (.; Geo. A. Kelly A Co., l'ittsburph. P.: PI m Sci i i . Mo.; Jclin Angfuni a C .. Dein ïeo. ;. W i, k Co., S'n ['"nuicis o. Cal.; r.WWood, Ulchinond, Va. Fis rU KT UVAN r.rroprtctor. Hartford, Conn. Mauufacfuror of all Pouitiy bupplics. .ggBWk These Pisca ótSKÊ aBPSSfa represent SSm 'pffioppositeiiTyffi Sggpr ses of BffiB B. H. DOUCLASS & SONS' Eapicnm i'ouli Drops for Conghs, Colda anú Sore Throats, an Allevidtor of Consumption, and of great benefit in most casos of Dyspepsia. (lEWARt OF IMITATIOKS.) Th-jy aro the rosult r.fovep fovty years e-xperienoe lu rompoundtnff COUGH Ji'lEDli's. Helull prlt'0 1 '(--rit per n:irt!r puuud FOK SAI.K BV ALL DKALEUS. fii?Mluiït,uLilim APiö WPEl!ll.lTTH9FLMilE4W9 DBCAY. A. Life Exporienco. Eemarkable and ciuiok euro. Trial Packages. Senö Btarup for sealed particulare. Addross ; Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. Vínegae Bitters 1 tlio grent Blood Purlflerand Lifc-giving Principio; a Omitió I'urgutivn and Tonic; apurfec HfiHivatur mi liivifc'Dnitorof the ByBtcin. In VI negar Bitters there íb vltallty but noaleoboli'-i':' mineral poisou. DUeaaeii r llic Skin, of whatevr name or nature, are literally dug up and carnert out oï thesvsifminashortlïm.l.y Che use oí tbc Bitters, VÍntiirar Bitters nllays fuví-mhnesn. Itrelievca, and In Ume cure Boenmatlani, íenwaigia, Oom, n-.i.i shni'arpainfuldiseaaes. Vlnegar Bitter cures Constiparon na . Diarrhooft. Nevé befo re ha a medicine been componnded poaseaalDg tíus power oL Vixeoah Bittí na to lieal tlieRlck. Sen;) for either of our valuable reference hooka tor lodles, for farmera, formerebants, our Medical írcatise on Diseases, or our Catecbism 0:1 Intemperance ond Tobacco, which lastshould be roed by every cbikl and youih in the land. Any tivo of t-lieabove boks mailed free on roceipt oL íour cents for registratiou fces. R.U. McDonald Dnig Co., 632 Vn6)i!ngtoaSt.,N.Y. CREAM BALMUálñgWn Cleanses the Ho a d . R STtYjH Relieve, Pain at W Hcals Sores. Hto3rEVE:Rfj and Sniell .H t o'Hl POSITIVE CURE.g Hfv"l A pdrtlcle te appllcd IiiIutH r USA.i ■t cdruiisisM t.ur l.y muil.ll A V C P lSTD Send tur clrciuirfj# I ti tl% ELY UltOl'URUS, lnigg!sts,Owogo, N. Y DROPSY TREATED FREE. , DR, H. H. CREE?Y, A Rpeolaltst forl'lcvcnlcariï'mi, Hutreftted : ropiy ai-i Ira coinpileailn3 wíih tu inosc wuii ler fu! túcccH; useí víigí".?i1tlu ro:n;(!ifc rniírely harn le Komovcfl aii sym ; im of drapj in i-ig!t toivo itytíays. Cures di: lejitj'prunou'jcíd hopclcu by thelKBÍoJ plivil. a-is. rom ilra Crt 'oi thc lymplu'ns raí'tdly ti-.a? firar . r at lefcit two-ibdda oí ail y.. 01T18 are re no od Some may cry htttnbaa vlctaouc Jchoaít,' auytDlni iíj.íi tir. ítcmemttr, Itcloe not cot o-.i ainih n', tore L'.iethe mc:lt3 of mv (rratnicn for yourseif I ain constan ly turinc roses of i. nw 'andinp. caieí iliat hiv: beca T']tjel a mon-icr ; il-nes. enl tiii .: declarad n rabie to üg b -rck Ülvcful 1 fut iry oí ca'p. Xa ne et !i ■■ iomk atfilcted how Laiilv fcWnilen wlierc, Isb i!n o í'C ha'i icgí 1 n-8 ei anddiijpcd water, s-'ift fui :iepmi biet, í ona'ning tcs;;i.ioitlji!)í, quCStlCfl ' lOtayi tn Mttneat furnished froo by malí. Eplícpsy fltso ltlvelv cured. lí crücr trial, send 7 cents !n 'onav no t age h. ïf. ;:i.i:. M. b.. 55 Jones Avenue. Allanta, O. dC Gold & Jewelled tBÊÊ SV3EDAL lïBEiJöiS Was ii xv uv d cd by tbe idBHSIB PlÉr TO THi: AUTIIOR OF TtfB 5lilfcli6Ê Of LIFE iwho In Hu chic! 'citiji!ii!u )■■;. -''-on ui' tbe lBBbdy Medical íimtítute', It bettiglhe Lest tli i , tt, 8 Vltallty, XerYous and PbyBlcol Deb ire i'.-. ■„■■ i.i Maa.theEirorsof Yontb theuu rcsultliig f re liU-li autuor has irocu oui be alleviatMl and posltlvely cared. )t i. -i standard Medl MlWorkon Urn aliove, oml i :. ure iu evers vuung ;iinJ mlddle-aged man. il ,i or the monOT refundcd 111 0Ter5 .. - ■ .. i musllD, lull liiit'i Rl, bj, i ■ .f:1. pOStpalll. UlllStl'llUHpies, O cent. Senu now. Thfj .-rk is pn -rmonded iy tho pre.s, clcrffy, i i . au pvery ono nf it' more loaii llon remlcrii. Every man, tiiia book ;u'il evury Burferer nullior. "There ,"almlm In ülleail; thwo Is u i.iiv-i'-i:i!i tt, "■'. AAdrMB _- Dr.W.ll.l'.tKKEK, 4 BulflnchEt ..iioaton, ïloss. O"7ni BUYünsMiïJïóK u luued Sept. and Slnnï:, i-Hili yrar. .r 06 pago, %ytTLllÁ luehcs.witliovrr 3,SOO iUnstrntloii -a ivliolc Picture Galle .-y. GIVKS Wholesale Piict mirtct to consument on oll poott for personal or fumlly nae. Vcllsltew to order, and glvca exact cot of extrytlllng yon ue, eat, drink, wcar, or have fn wltli. These tSXAlXAZOJE HUOliS contain Information glcnnril fi-om the markets of the world. 1 e vHl muil a copy PRKK to any :iddresa upo rccclpt of 11) ets. to ilcfray expense of mailing. Let m iJcar dom yon. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 22T & 889 Wnbash Avenue, Chicago, 111. LEFAGES CLUES Jfgfi mechanica In tiie -woria. ; rp'Í.V.'Aísf Pulhiiíii Halace Car Uo.,Maont NO -HK A lli:nlin O7f:an & Piano Co.,g: Apin-!,fla At the New OrlJ;in Exposi-BggfTmmnMW on, ointa maJ-J yriüi it tn-JiaêiTw9G5lniï durc:l :: ti-U.i;; str.nn 01 over rïlUtilSilMIllS 8600 Pouncis ÍH TO A SOIAliE IXliH. ■lliWM I m IW Prono ' fjlue Ktuurn.M TWO GOLD MEDALS, i W llfffl London. 1SS3. .Veic Orlrnr.. 1&S5. TTll1lli' ImAMT irvuurik-alorM.nnotl;eepit "Ss-SísS!' Cena iii-4 riril r.nd IOc. postare for sample c.-tn. "ïïE.o. BUSSIA CEMENT CO.,Glonccter, MasTlir POCiT 3tM' Drillstiie weiland pnmpsouttin Irlt ÜnLfll JiB, cutüin,-3 of the )'. nt oacIi tlA t REA3 Ptroke. DriV' sthe casin(f or ilrllb vnlw nSl hole niiiler it to let iu folio1. liiri i nn! I I Hl Tests the welt without rnu'-in iitLL UiilU. I VI toülül Kuns i'sivi' Uiaq u;iy otktl 4 r_j4_É I or.-i tïi-i .pa tb tcrli 3pTB J P"5r fRítíTWO als miJ.) ÍJLIÓOM1S & NYMAK, ' tifVin, ohioI CURE FÍT$! cul carp I have mAdo tho dl i6 of il. LPII.Ereï or t'.M.LINO SICKNKS3 lito louj I Tiirralil rej romedy !o euro th vrt cusos Bccauüs olhcr bai unco for ueU6 lul . Frou lJo-.tlo iC inj InrtUiUa tsmfKly. Clvo Kxpre un.1 Poot 0S1M. 11 co.I JOU ■■■■''ferife g a sasrafffci Bt,, bwT. you 5re aTïoweu a ƒ-(? iría! ( ttiirty ííai.i of h ua tof Dr. DyesCelebratedVoltAtoBolt wiih lüloctric ' Susiiensory Appltancoá,fortheGpic4íy relief andpvr cure of Xcrvctts Debility, tox&of I'ifclify, .tt-.d ', and all tin ïrwJ trouolé?. Also for nutoy othcrdlscaaes. CoiupJetoreatorailontoIievUh.Vr and ilauhoodKoaranteed. No iskis [ntMirred. üttspaiaplueE in scalcd enveiope iiiniled ';eo, by addreaaïng Voltalo Jïelt (Jo.t Mardiall, Mich. Plao'a Renu47 ffcr Cstigrb U Ib9 Hl I Btei,La1tto Use, wad Cbftspoi. I" 4 yn AiAo good for cia !n tu cad, n I Hcu4acn, Hay Fver, tc. Ucuu. I R. U. AWARB Lorillard' Plïg .1 iioarineo rl fin (au , tjut IierlUardt 1 Huso I.ftf Ho eut; ■;:aiLoHliarH I Vbvt Clipln. omt thnt Lorülartf 8nuC.t I to lxiet sua eïieupc. .iv.ftlfty oonJderou ? COÑSUMfíOÑ I bave poltiv remeiï for ; ■; !■■■ :t as thosunds cf casca oí th worét kind Ant ot 1 ií itaíioc hflivebecncurfH. Iodd. toltron? U my fiih !n Im ffi'M, thAt I wül bciii! TWO BOl l'LKd FRKE, tojo:!. f r v, th a UABLE THK.VTÍSK on thts any btuíerír. ölvo Kxprta nü 1' O. l.-e. BB. T. .1. SLOCUM, si Vatl SI., N. V. tilgs n 1 ' ' IL AS.L. $30 n week mi utepenseí paid. UI IK Ho t t worth 5 and pimlculnr tree. P. nUnflo il. KI 1!V. AugUlU, Mn'.iic. fl 98 11 5 toaoday. Noii.vilin;ureü. yiEVin ju j. SiiriiiiSi. leUr.oi, ublo. j 6rcw í i ca,d ! KV CAHD O1!K8. lvorytn,S C.'.iii. I onn ■ 'icïu -es anti '. m of O 'lUWMi',; e u lUi. Elcuill i Hart f oi r l VÜ1IPII' PAAK'onI'!'"lnK 'r' t;l:!i';' ' v"m ijAlHl lili WHR( ;1,,i5, for lr(. '" ;■ i N,'t,i;f. ■■;: r i: : ( F.S : ! UlilidOK c Alti) CO.. Center brouk, C 'itiij lt. l'OOTE. "f 130 U:X1SUTON AVE., NLVV yÖKB.Inrlteslrtlersnf H fi W i 1 M TfiTlflN fromslck f.:ksr al! sorts UUNÖUL I H I IUH t-M-rj whero; sentís yood ndvlce & valuablc booksfreo A Casket of Silvc Waro Freo SikI sena orrfírr. 'J ■' " v-'ur P".rt - '. AdaV CONN. MAKF5 C0..UAKTF011D,COSS. ' MUUKn O rflg i.lROiy mail. Slowf II t Co. nuifiii'.H . . thornuffhlv ::nii:l]F hv imifl. cil'MiIar free.. BRYASTSCOI.I KOK. llufflilo. N. V. W. N. U. I).- ! rt A A ft SÉt'"r f An i::. - 31u ■ r 'Ac:,.,!, , lS9 ÍS ïf 'er JlVl!,üüi;jpU i LnLW'9l. II ftcc. Ktn(!t.rl!!;ier.'!?Oo. BoiioeTBis.


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