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Take half n potuid of grape-vine - wiiu is we uesi - pui-it in one (juárt of water, boil it down to oue gill : tako four talilespoonfuls of the liquid of the grapc-vine, three teaspoonfals oi' line tnlilo-salt, three toaspoonltals of white vitriol; mix them in oue pint of soit water, then strain through lütering paier. f or application. drop oue drop in the eyes ?vi-ry moruing and evening. If ioo strong at first, weaken witli a little soft water. CüBI FOB Xkikaloic I'aix.- "Edna" semis the lollowiag to the ínter-Oda! Th is Biinple recipe, signod "K. )!. J.,'' which I clipped froiu au old paper, has proveo of nestiinal)le value to niany. "Some time Since, while gufieriug YW)m nenralgic pains in the face, it ocourred tome thatrgg liee might relieve. Mixing au -f:.!i with corn-nual. ov niy coaise flour, piwrëd not only in thiscuse when Bpplied.bnt in niany siuc-e, equftlly effect i ve. " My mother, alter : having snffered uvo or tliree dayé and : aights with severe toothache and faoe-ache, ! tried the nbove reincdv ind experienceJ "elief in a few momeu'.s. lejptnt noveltice in lUe wny of phpsphoreècènt flowr, which wil] plow with ; laiuluMit liplit in thodark, ina.v Ue easily nadn by coaling the pétala with tiu?parfintsizeand then dnsting witii a pliosphorescent substauce, smh na sulpliide of ealcittxn rt cneert'nl connteoance is oearly s goocl 'iraninyaJidaahealtby veather. Tomake : si( k man tliink lie is uviii, all that il aecessary is to look half dead yunrselt


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat