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Around A Great State

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Dr. Martin White and his family, consistIne of bla wlfe and two dausbters, ace 1 4 and 12 reara, wers tound dead In tlieir home ia Batt!e Croekon the 8tb rist,, lhelr tbroatg baving been cut with a razor. The inning ui tbe tivn chlldren trere lo a room up stalrs, one lyiui; upon tbe bed and the o'iber on the Hoor. Joth wcre dresyod and i o elgna of Btrujrele were apparent thcre. The Lodies of Mr. ana Mis. VVnlte liv apon tbe kitchen Hoor. the former lvina1 paitlauj upOD thai of the latter. White was lu bto'snlrt eloeves, hileMrs. White had on her outdoor wraps. Her lint was on the floor near by and i a liviiiu i) ok was fonnd onder hor body. Ad ax lay near by upon the Hoor with hloou and a qaantity "i uofr apon the blade. A lare butcherknire alao lay near bj ndarazor broken In the Wade lay npon tbe body of .Irs, White. A qnantdty oí blood was found in front of a ralrror in the adjolulne room, and a mop standinx In the iroóashed ulfo had eonBidentble blood apon It. The family bad not been seen about slnce tbe Sundaj nihi prevlous. Whilethls tact had i'lictvd öome eomment from Ihc nelfhbors no I one thoujjht enoógh almut it to atcertain the j whereabonts of the familv, the belief beinit that they had" gone out of the city. On the aftornoon of the Slh a ladv ealled opon business and fniiiiil the door locked. Looking in ut the wlndow she dlscovered bluoil uoii tbe carpet, and hastily went to her husband, who wlth Beveral nelghbors ent o tbe house audentered iiy a window, wben the frightlul spectacle of four murderéd persons tnet thelr iraze. Dr. White ;i i'uiisin of Henry White, who ni murdered wlth the Crouch iamlly. It is raid tliat severa! times he has been vlslted lv (';iit Crouch and Judd Beparately. though each carne ander aa assumed Dame. " Whether this wil] account in ïny manner tor the terrible l utchery which has exterminated tl:e doetor's familv o :our nersons or not cannut be 10I.I. Although whispcrlngs about the connection of the trajrcdy with the Crouch murderare very common, the aeeepted theory seenu to be that early Sunday érenme, while Mr. White, who was a meniberof the rrcsbyteriau church and a very devout wornau, was attendlnjj; nervic e the doctor killed his two children. Au apron lay acro&s the thvoat of the eldcst, which is taken to Indícate that shc was killed fint and tbat the hlood upon her was thus concealed wliilc her younsrer sister was ealted in to be Blaughtered. The doctor, -It Is tmppotcd, then i.-.-! the mop to clean the blooO lrom his boots and lay In walt for hls wife to return. As she entercd the kitchen doiir truck her i;.,, il, tho uY, knoekiiiL; ut bat trom her hcad and iDnicting a gaan apon inr . .. ,k. The wounded woman, desplte thi terrible blow, made a struggle to save herself, and when an attempt was made to eut her throal held her.chln close opon ber breast so that it. took'several sweps oï the deadly razor to finish thefóul work. Havlng murdered hli eotlre tam il v the doctor then Belzed the bread knife and stood in front of the mlrror to end bispwn existencc. The knlfc fatled, and rushlng back to the kitehen lie seized tlie bruken razor, made the last fatal gash and feil upon the dead body of bis uile. The onlj foundation on which the morder theory n Ms. aaide from the dootor's relationship to Ilenrv White, his supposed knowledc of the Croueh mnrders, liis strange inauner and unaeeountable abseaee from hmne at times, and the minors ol elandestlue visite to hini bv Crouch, Is the fact that no light was seen "in the house Sunday evenlne. This leads to a Buspicion that the doctor aud children mav have been killed tirst and Mrs. White waylaid on her return trom ehureh. Notbins t:as ever happened which has eaused so inueh eJCcltefncnt in Jïnttle CreeX and all sorts of ruinors are afloat, but that ; ed ui out ieema to be the one most enerall.y j acceptei. The strange part of this most I natural occorrence is the tact tbat the famUy could have laid in thcir house dead in this manner and not sooner attracted the attcution of tlu1 iH'iirhbors. Dr. White was a man who was usuaiTy afound in siht a good deal and his cbildreu were members o the schooi, but wbile they uere misseil from their usual places, no one for a moment, thought tliey were clscwLere than on a visit, while the twb gentlemen who visitcd the house had uianv eoui])iinctious of eonaeieuee about the propricty of entering the house iu the manner they did LATEB. All doul ; ::s to the manner in which the fainily of Dr. White of Battlc Creek carne to thelrdcathts removed. The evidence seems to show couclusively that. taite butchered the family anrf then suieided. A correspondent Of a Detroit paper savs; It ís eomJusive from the evidsnee that lie eut the throats of the children in the morulng while the mólber was absent at churcb, and upon her return :issau':ted her with the ax, knocked her down and !hen eut her throut. There are partíes irho decían posttlvely that they saw ' and talked with White Wednesday nifrht, and the evidenee is aecuinulatinu that suc'u is the fact. If so, the brute actually slept in the house on Sundny, öav, TuusJuvand Wednesday niiht, and com i mil tod suicide on Thursday.' The first deed ' was pei'iielr.ited .Sunlav. Mrs. White was not at churcb tfnnday iiigbt; the clüldren were not at Sunday Bchool, as was thelr custom; ueit her were they at the public school sime Frldjy. White drew &J out of the Citv bank Baturilay, und it :s thought that sibly he Intended to le.ive the country after perpetratine the crime, but that after tbe j etui urn he becamc alarmed, and ihinkins; that i it trould be imcosstble for hTni to escapu finally detrmlniu uihjii suicide. .tr. White's maiiieu name was Francés A. Reevc, üiid she as bom upon ll:i old faim ici Webster, wliieh is livo railes from Aun Arbor, ( in iMt, where she reelded untll her inarriage with white iu UJT1. Mie became acqualnted with White while be was eludying medicine at Anti Arbor. White raduated from the Detroit medical college June JW. 1870. After his marriage be pructiced for awhlle in .Uavison, e COUnty, Ihcn went to Ann Arbor. lle remaiued a short tune, aud removed to Ducde. He practlced there three years or more, aud then cainc to Battlc Creek in July, 1875. Since Mrs. Wl-.ite's inarriage she bas had I rlven her by her father, before and siuce hls I !-■■! t . about $8,000. White alwas lived upon ! his wlfe's monev. lle was moróse and unsociable and had but few friends and no associatet. His wife never went out in society nor bardly ever even called upon the Delghbors. She duly went to ehureh. This is tbc rea8(m { why the deod wás not dlscovered sooner from i the tact tliat netehbon ever called upon theni. When she did g out, it was alwavs notieed that she seeincd cast down iu spirit ; and was never eheerful. The rejmrts that this murder had some counection with t!ie Crouch altair have all been exploded. those who were acquaint kJ wlth White say that he hated hls fainilv. es;ij-clally his el lesl girl. She was a very haudsome, lady-llke girl and a fayorite wtth her schoolmate. Tbe genera] lmpressloo among people Who eaine in contact wlth btan was that be was either a fooi or insane. With the exception that White wasbornand ralsc 1 in Canada, uotblng else was know n of Jiiui. 1 ther he luis uny relatives or where they live k onknown. He once stated thathe i always c'erfced in a drug store untll he ; menced tu sttuly medicine. Ilis past personal i histnry unknown. Thebodleaol Mrs. White aud the cbildreu were turned over to Mis. White's bcotber by ! thecoroner. They ere taken to their old home in W'ashtcnaw county. No one claimed i thu body of White and it was taken to the plckUni; vat at Ann Ari.'or. White's trunk was found packed as if readv for Hlght Tbc house is lockej and there is au objtct of druad of the 'hole uelghborhood.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat