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Maj. reiiumiui!, wiio uciended William Mevans. recently sentereed to Jackson ior life: for the morder of Bertha Duckwitz, in Detroit In December last, will move to have hls dient tried again. He claims to have discovered ncw ev'denee that will corrobórate Btevans' ev.dence about the dog :inl Bertha ?)uckwitz's attempts at sucide. The niurdt-rer's statements were dlscredited be cause they were UBSupported. A Polander UvinE near the scène of the tragedy ftftjs that a buil pup of bis disappeared a day or tWO before the Brander, and reappeated ou the day following Miss Duckwite'fl death with its cars cut. Tlie descrlptlon of llie pup is saiil to lally with that of the animal Stevans cialmcd tO have bad. Several witbeMFS have been found who will swear that they witntsse.t liertha's attempts to thiow herself into the river f roni the Bteamer Ariel and Stevans' reseue of her. . Mrs. Delos (oniwallof Liberty, Jaukson couuty, commltted suicide by drlnklnjg half u tcacupiu; of green dissolvd.1 in water. Slie was about :0 ycars of age, and leaves a hu.-baiid and four ehildren. Mrs. Cornwell had beeii of nnsoDnd mlnd ff tome time past, and applicatiüu was made some time ago for lur admUsiuu k the usylum at Kalamazoo, luit, on account of its erowded condition, it wa i necessary to treat her at home and an as_ tiiu pliysiiian had been treating Ler for BOme time. Whllethe family were absent she sccuri'd the poisou, drank it, and was found 16 convulsions by her husbasdf. Everythlng p.ssible was done to save her llie, but without avail. George II, Pennlmán will apply for a new trial for sirvan-, recently Bentenced to.Iai.-ksou for Ufe lor the murdircif Bertha Duokwltz in Detroit Dec. 10, on the groond of newly dlscoTered evidenee snpportlog Stevans' statement that he had cut a dog'B e:ir. with the same razor that cut Uertha's tbroat, and ihat the chloroform Iq hls possesslou was t qulet the dog: also that four new wituesses have been lound who will wear that Bertha atteiii]jtc'il to commlt suicide bv throwing .herself from the steatner Ariel. Kiirniturc men of (rand Rapids lost over il,(K)() worth of goods in the lire uf the Cmcinuati, Hamllton o; Daytou depot, Cinclnnati, reccutly, and, at a meeting of the furnlture ussoeiatlon iesolutlons were adopted that the claims irould Ie paid in tull or snit. lommenc1 by the assoclation against tbc c uipao} to recover. The lompanv have ulier d 50 cents ou the dollar, u in-r asBoclatlons in the county are ej ected to tal;e the tame aftion. Jackson I endeavorlng to get together before April 1, that i5ü,0üO bönu', also depot grpunds and a rigln of ivay, neceasary to secure the extensión to the city of the Cinclnnati, Van Wert & M.i-hiai railroad line. Uudson has asreed ;o subscribe Í4Ü,ÜOO, and bas promlscd the ïigbt of way for 15 miles. Such a road, it Is clanned wou d make Jack-on on ■ of the sjrouget railroad centers in the state. The Michigan merehants', manufacturéis' and eitbsens' mutual lire iusurance eornpany have taken the Initiator; 6tc;s to organlze an Insurance patrol system at urand Iiapids. The Bj'Stem planncd will start with four men, a horsé and wago.i and the ñecessáry sapply ol rubber tarpaulin to cover tbc iXtxi.ts In stores a:nl bousea as a proteetton agaiust water in case of lire. William Hitter's barn near Dowagiac was burned the other uight with tive borses, liw head of eattle, about forty sheep, 1,00 ) bugueu of wheat. 700 of oats, a largc ainount of Jiav, his fanninii to hts. caiTlages, sleigbs, name b etc. Nothing saved. The eaus of ti.e lire is a mysiery. l. ss, $(i,Ut;o or $7,000; luBurance, ;'Í,O(X) in the ï.errien ( ouuty Mutual. D. F. Wadsworth, Ishpeming'a ex-banker who was lound uuilty oí einbe.zleinent and Bentenced to pay a'flne of 1500, bas deeided to appeat the case to the Gti cilt loutL a ncw trial will not bc asked I. ir a.s Wadsworth mi. ht notfare BOeaslly. Hi ha niuety days i.i whieh to pay hls line of $i0J should he be e iinpelled to do so. ThewlfeofC. F. l'ruin, living in a Chica ;o BUburb, was, alter an attack of puerperal manía induced by e ihlbirth, pronouuced dead by two physic ans. Pruin, by a method he hail made a study of, substituted artili.-ial resp;ration for real ani within a few mlnüte3 brouffht bis wife to life again. She is uow in a fair way to recover. Héctor Wright and Cordella Gordon, of Lambertvllle, uonroe county have been ai rest ed upen a charge of adul:ery brought by the roman'a husband. Wilght and the womaa I avi' been away together, and recently return cdaul went In huusekeeping wiihin sight of the tiordon b.on.estead. Wright's wii'e died sim in ir. The salt Inspectlon for the year JSSfi com menced December l, and the inspeetion lor December w as ;.s lolows: Saginaw ountv, 108,110 barrel; at. Clalr county, 1:2,01; Ba y county, si.:;4Si lluron county, 11,887; Loscj county, 0,039; Hanlstee e-ounty, UÖ,Ml;Mid land county, tt,539. Total, 2.Vj"ül8. Within the past four years, Uiteen human skeletoiis have been found on John Lewis' farm at Kim Hall. Last week four were fouud under a stump. The absence of high cheek bones imlicates tliat. the Bkeletons must at oue tinifi have been the property of auother tlian the North American race. Lleut-CoL 0. M. Poe, stationod at Fort Wayne, bas been deslgnated by the secretary of war lo examine tne Hite ol the proposi'd bridge across tbc Mlsslssippl at Minueapolis, tlie millers claliniiig that a stone pier bridge will injurc the tovernment work at h; lalls ! _u-t bclow. Matthew MillarJ, who was trie 1 in the Kin' circuit i'ourt in Grand Ka i ids last. winter on lacharse of bavlng nmrderel lis wifc by ; poison at Pulo, Ionia cmntv, uitl acguitted, lias manie'! Mrs. Mltch 11, the woman fot H'bom he waa chareid with commitliig the crline, Alfred Bennctt, the chicf witüess agalnsl Kltner ■)O. convicted of inauslan!;hter at i Kolamazoo, has liecu arrestad for perjury, j while one of the jurors Is aecused ot haring expressed an opinión a?ainst the prisonei' peudl ag tor trial. The proposed reunión oí ex-memliera of the Michisau legtBlatui'e ibbj materUÜlze. Col. S Ucrglutssent out 8.0 postal cards to the surviving tatesmen anti favorable replies are ezpected from 1 eufiiclent nuinbcr to insuiv the reunión. Frank White, a voudc clerk in the l'ort [lurm postofDce, ploaded euilty before Judue Bmwii ol Detroit o( stealing moncy from u letter whlch paswd throueh bis hnds,aDd was senteoced to onc year in the Detroit house of correctlon. Tbe 6trike at the Star coal mines in Jacksou tiasended. The w:rtm aud oílictr of the mine had a conferenre and an agreemont was I entcred int Work n tho mine wiil te rom i menced at once Th trikp la-tel about six ; weeks. D. F, VVadsTVorth, the Ishpeming l.anker ! wlio-í mystorioiM laüiire ol two years ago j macl:f loo loCdly uf fraud, hl'" just been couvictcd of i iiiljc.zlemi-nt and l'mwl $500, witli the alteruatlve of a year In urison. Klder V. :. Wblti' aml wife, Eider Conradl und wifp, prominent advents ol Dattle ('reek WÜI BOOD ?ail for SHitzerlnnd, MOOmpaaied iiy Mi-s .ic.inir llcins, who will meet and marry K. II. ('oggshall while abroad. Tlu! Contral labor unión of (rand iïapiiN embraces nrarly 0T6T3 Iftbor unión and tra lea oriiamzaticm in" that city. A walkinfj delegatfi will liv appolnted toiook aller the intcn union loDOrers on all jobs. Ina Uiree-column letter t tbs Silnlng Jour'nal. (iov. I wineford, r.tes fio.n Sitka that Alaska oeedg an cflecttTO system of selfgove'nment, and t' e i capital to deve'opltsl urt-ut infneraJ w-jalth. .luim Fredrea, a mlner azetl 40, who was killed recent!)' iu the Champion mine, l'. 1'., left a wifi' and lour cblldren, who nül recelve i about $l,0C0 trom various fonds in whlch he ma Intcn sted. The boycott has lccn removed from (iae & Chatfleld flour. Thia Urm mili at Bay City, and the boycott grow out of a disajceement licnveen Mr. (iasce and hls employés in a s;nvmill. A delegat ion of ilowell citizens. aceoinpanied by the brass l)aud weutdown to eroitaiBg on aT., A. A. c N. M. car the other nlght aüd gave the boys on guard an oyster Slipper. The case of Uepresentatlve Harrv will bc taken to the snpreme court on a" writ of habeas corpus before the conclusión oí the trial now iu progress in Kast Baginaw. Mrs. Caroline Westcott Ron:nev, formt'rly s Miilngan girl, daiighter of the late llon. J. N. Westcott of Calhoun eounty, is lbo editor of ! the El Paso. Tcxás Herald. The state prison lias 763 inmatcs, tut a large addition uiü soon be rece ved. scnlcnced I in the ilitTcrent cirenit courts aow be;Dg beid throughont the state. Charleo Uebard of Poqnomlng, baring reBlgned as a member oí tlie hrancli prlsoD boaad, C I.. Masou of IAnse, has been ap(JOinted lotlic place. During the last six months 200,000 tons oí eelery have lieca shipped froni Kalamazoo. The average yleld per acre netted the owner lrom $30Uto50ü. Cltizens of Howcll held a meeting the other iii'ht. and adupted resolutfons severely cen8Uilnit tLe ofHcials of the Detroit, Lansing & Northern road. UDper península lumbermen me happy In conseqiunee of the ïiberal fall of a snow, which enables them to get out their loga in line shape. ri-u. r _.; ..i , t-wtffi thnt he h:is ii i in'eüllon of .emovmgi.en. ( rooX .. . of tiie troops supposeu to Ie hgnting líe Apaches. Ferry & Co. of Detroit have rented the Detroit riuk. Kyau Bros.' late works and two ütlur buildings and wlll so.u regum ■ business. A eanítari1 convention will be held at Ilowcll March 3-{. The raliroad war will te concluded bsfore that date, and life will be s.ile ut HowelL The jury in the oase of Mis. Küzabeth j Knoeu of Sprlngwella say that deafh nu auseil by pneumonía and Inflammatlon oftbe brain. Andrew Schafller attenipted to walk irum East Jordán to IrontOD while d.unk, :uul was frozen to tliatli witliin sixty rods of his ho:ne. Judies Shiproan of Coldwater, b is settled down in Washington for the winterend wili enter upon the practiccof l:iw in that city. Indian Agent Mark V. Stevens i[ Fllnt, bus recelved Instnictíorn from the Interior departI ment lo proceed at once to L'Anse. Thecoro:ici'sjiirvin the WhttecaBe at. liattlc smjs the dcet was oommltted bv Dr. White who aitjrwara suitiiiiii. Henry Beau, aa;ed 90, an early settler of Kuyal Üal;. i deaÜL On the ilay oí liis funeral his nieee, aged 20, was burled. County Survoycir Ilodirman and Prof. BelIdiïs of the state" normal school, have prepari d a valuable buok on Burraylng. Clark it Co.'s earriage fnctory In I.ansing was burned Sunday the lOtli Inst. Loss $40,"000, partiaJly Intored. Dogs are warued to keep away fr ni St. Cl&ir. Over liíly caninos have been killed tbere sime ahrtatmas. W'm.Alford of ICast Saffinawlia tiot'ii arrested for the murder of Lrank Wheeler, Beven years ■gQ in Loulflvllle, Ky. Grand Rap'da jilastcivrs have organlzed and propose to 1 1 j) the taking of plastffring contraets by-buildei s. A. L. Williams, who with his brother,foundcd Owoaso in 1SÍ.', died in that place a few days .sincc. 1. I'. McKensle, a (,'adillac painter, couiïniitel suicide a lew days since by shooting himiclf. Tbc lst anniversary of the Andrew Jackson association of .lacSfon was cclctira c 1 .ai;. 8. All i-i i,u:ct in Ilowcii uow, the railrjad trouble having sitisid.d. Theodoie Vork oí ('bcboygan, i-hot, bimself through the beail in his room at the Exebange. About il. 5 .W worth o.' lish were burned lu i the Aipepa Bsh company's warerooms rece.itly. The Battle Creek school s?at factorv wil Close down lor threc! weeks for repairs. Farruu 1 & Smith's creamery in Lansliig bnrned recently, at a loss of $17,000 I.angford liiirdick, for 45 ycars a realdent of K alama.oo comitv, te dead. On the tth Inst tLcrj were 2 icet of snow In the etreets of ít. Iguacc Jaik.-on county agrieiilturists are already trying to get the state fair. The total amount of salt inspected in December as 239,018 barrels. Diphiherla is reported in 35 places in Michigan ani Bcarlét lever at 15. J'rank Tagart of Adrián has patented an automaflc car conpler. A grawyard insurance company has been orgftsled in Jackson. Nashvillc wlH soon have a 65 tarrelj roller pi o iL8 iiour mili. , Win. B. Vh ttemore, an old resident of East Tawas, is dead. lonfa merebants will organlze for mutual pro.tïi tion. A reunión of cx-MIchigan Icgislators is on tbc tapis. Grand Rapids real estáte fiealera will orgauize.


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