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Eastern Echos

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There is not au idle .r.ine along ihe Monongjhe'a riviT. Col. Henry L. Scott, l'. B. A. dip] m New YorU on tlir'Tlli. Ashtabula, Ohlo waa wanaed bj ■ $15,003 Bre Bunday the lOth. ' SGovernor olect Foraker of Ohio, was J erurated on the l ith lust. Newark, Oliio, suffend lv flre on tno 101'j lust., to the amoant of $115000. A iiaUonal nggoclation ot steel manufacturera waa formed at Plttsburg recontly . The tliinl Inauguration of (ov. Roblnson o.' Massaehusetta oecurred on thcTth inst. A colusión near Wilmington, Del., on Ule lOth Inst., resulted in the dcath of three men. Mrs. Ellzabeth Day of TIEu, O., flged T0, :is robbcd tbe otber nitfht ol tl,400 in silvcr, i tlie hoardlngs oí years. The rallroad blockade tliroughout the east ii without recedent. From tlirec to Hve pngincs are Deoded iu somc places. Berohelm iV; Kauer New York, who lost $öü,000 by a defaolting clerk, have sued the garnbier WUO gOt D108t of tbe money. The extensivo works known ;s Arnott's milis and Beatty's milis In Phlla.Ielpbla ven destrored bj Bro on the lOth inst.. mvolvlnc :i loss of OTcr 1,000,000. The forge shop and rolllne-mlll o( the F. I. Clapp & Co., In Auburn, N. Y., was totall; destroyed tv flre the othóï utgbtt The lo t-,0,000, Insared f or 116,000. Am Knde,the Hoboken, New Jersey,drugKlst who some months ago put up a urescrlptloa In whlch he Bubstltuted morphlne for quiniue, kllllDg two girls, lias bi-en acquitted. The Edgar Thomas steel ivorksof Braddock, Pa., bas closed down because the men refase to hanille the hot metal prepared bj the bands substituteJ for the dlscharged strlKors. It is proposed to unite the miues of Western IVnnsvlvania a ui the Stateá (jI Ohio, Iniliana and II li iiois into oue district ouder one oreanbsatlon. A cali is tp bu issned for a .-tate conreni on ii Ohio ïiili.ei-s. The North Chicago r,!üi!;; mili companv have purchased l.OUü acres ofthc mosl ralua ble coal lamí iu the Coimelsvilh: región near Unioutown. lt is the inteution to eivct 70ü oveus and make their owu coke. Tbe eold and storm [U general ail over the country. Even Texas is irozen up. Terrlflc storms have raged all over that state. The lois to stock-owners Is very great. At I'alestinc. Texas, the inercury was3be!ow, the coldest over known there, There wae a decrease of 10.0JU iu the nuinber of emigrant from Enjelaiid to tbe Ilni'ed States in is--"), as compared with 1S84, and a deereaéè of tij ik) in the number who emlgrated to Canaila in the saine time. There were Canada last year. The woman's sufferage committec of New York ata meeting the other night passed a resohitkni denotracjne the pendlug bill totake sufterage away froni tbc womeo oi l tah. culing on New Vork senators and rejiresentatlves tooppose tand dvularlng woman SDffrage tlie trut cure for polygamr. The requesl was tele.!r:iplj('il Senators Kvarts uinl MJUer at Wasbüjgtoo. A meeting of promlcent tobáceo growers ami dealers was held In liulfalo recently. Tbe conference agreed upoo threc proposittons: rr-;t, ni a-k eongross tu li'vya proper duty ay on a wbole balie of tobáceo, uot exeinpting My portion thert'ol'; Becond. to CttU&e the dmy on Dnstemmed tobáceo .to be fixed at 1 5u and stemmed at$2;thatthe standard of taxation shall I e uiiiin nrrappers. Mi-s Ina Norton, a pretty white glrl of Cleveland, Ohlo, has scftndallzed soi-iety by marrylng a colored l arber of thai city. Misa Norton was altending a party when shecoi:1.plaiued of f eeliim ill and lelt the room. Si.i1 went to the bouse oí a fonner s. riant in h ;■ father's tiiniil s where her (lusky lover was waitlng for her. They repalred to a clergyman's, were married, and left the city at onee.


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