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Jan. 13The silver iucstion monopolizcd the entirc time of the Senato, tlie discussion belng ihuipally upon tlic fullowing rcsoUition ol Maainr Bcck: [{csolvca, Bv the Scnáte and Houec of Keprescntativos, etc.", tlüit tlic c . i, ; i: . of Ibc Tna-urv Iib and he is hereby dlreetéfl, on a!l payments hereaíter madeof interest on Uiíí iioiulsaml tlic notes of the United Síatej ■:u in thé purclfást! nr payment of oiic pW ce. utint dcljt of tlic Cnltecl status for tic s!nVlni5 fuu i, as qow requtred by l;iw, lo páy 'nf .uld airta Hver cin íicarlv as poS8léle in thfl íame rorüoii i ii which gola coln bdií certiñcal i afia eflver coln and ctTtilicíití'.s wertí rocDlvé durin the Ung liscal joar tor i'.ntlci "ii Importej goods. After a bïief otecütlvé sesfefñn !! the i'iiiihmation of uomiimtioas the S;nato adjourned. Mr. Kegan of Texas !cd the (kliata u the Houee In a catef uMv prepared saeecjti ou the Oaanclal qaesttop, ártroeatln? ihc dëüblé standard of mine, timl coádem(rin(t thC nitionp.l liankiii'.' eystem. Mr. liland 01 Mi.-uuri thought. tlie committ -o bn woiIits an I would have somethloa fci 'rep-irt oa ihis matter at an early öav, and he move 1 tnat the cortimlttee rise iii opíoY Ihmttui debate miiíht I posipoiic 1 ; ii i i-oni ■ up in recular order. Tliis mouon ivas cárrle I and (be iiousu adjoained.


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Ann Arbor Democrat